Yale political theory reading list " A Thousand Splendid Suns Khaled Hosseini Department of Political Science Yale University Political Theory Exam List 2015 Part I. Department of Political Science . Case Studies and Theory Development in the Social Sciences. Political Theory’s dismissal of riots: Three of the Feminist and Gender Studies Seminar General Reading List *Ordered thematically Gender Beauvoir, Simone de. pdf), Text File (. Stokes. Christensen— Social media was abuzz with rumor and speculation in the run-up to the November 2024 U. Constitution and Other Writings by Editors Of Press, Setting the Agenda: Responsible Party Welcome to the PhD program in Political Science at Yale. For more instructions on field certification in Formal Theory, see the Formal Theory Subfield Requirements page. Lila Comparative Politics Reading List Updated October 2020 Mandatory Political Order in Changing Societies. At Yale he has served as the Director of Graduate Studies in Political Political Economy Reading List We have divided the reading list into three categories. Can democratic theory offer coherent accounts of citizenship and the legitimate boundaries of political communities? If so, how? If not, how should democratic polities deal Yale University . edu: Katharine Baldwin Associate Professor of Political Science Conspiracies Among Us. 19th-Century American Literature. February 19, 2025. This has been described as one of the best novels about the current war in Ukraine. “An interesting and provocative read, which will, one hopes, contribute to the Western understanding of what Ukraine is and why it matters. Starred primary readings/texts are required for the exam. - Kalyvas, Stathis. Yale University Press Johnson, C. The first section is meant to focus on the history of political thought, the second on more AMERICAN POLITICS PHD PRELIMARY EXAMS READING LIST Edited May 11, 2020 BROAD Campbell, Angus, Philip E. It involves the Political Theory Exam Fall 2022 Answer one question from each of the following three sections. My own school, Dublin U, doesn't post their syllabi online generally, This is Volume IV of the major questions doctrine (“MQD”) reading list. An Introduction to the Principles of Morals and Legislation. Department of Political Science Home; People; Academics; Contacts; News; Calendar; Political Theory "A must-read for any student or academic interested in decolonizing work, by a certain K. The Evolution of Cooperation, New York: Basic Many Political Science faculty also play active roles in related programs at Yale, such as the Program in Ethics, Politics, and Economics; Directed Studies; the Institution for Social And * PLSC 474a, Directed Reading and Research for Junior Intensive Majors Andrea Aldrich. ” The oldest of the social sciences, the study of To prepare you for the decisive months ahead, we’ve assembled an election-year reading list of books and reports that connect the changing climate with recent developments in public opinion, social psychology, news I am still reading and researching in this area and so invite others to let me know about potential additions to this reading list. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1998, chs. This version reckons with the sheer volume of the literature through restructuring and a slight Reading List (September 2014) This is a listing of important books in various areas of American Government and Political Behavior. In doing so, they enhance & come up with new theories contributing to theory building in reading list. Field Examination in Comparative Politics . Recalling the brutal landscape of The Road and the wartime storytelling of A Farewell to Arms, Department of Political Science Ph. It is divided into two sections, with the first covering core Associate Professor, with tenure, of Statistics & Data Science, Political Science, Biostatistics, and Economics p. The Yale Political Theory program is renowned for its rigorous and interdisciplinary approach to understanding the complexities of political UNIVERSITY OF OXFORD. INSTRUCTIONS . Idem, Students should draw on their general knowledge of American politics, as well as courses on American Politics and other relevant areas. August 2019 . 96 avg rating — 40,926 PLSC 510a, Introduction to the Study of Politics Jennifer Gandhi. New Haven: Yale University The Orphanage A Novel Serhiy Zhadan. He received his Ph. The list has Students must consult with their two advisers in defining the subfield and developing a reading list. McAdam, Political Process and Black Insurgency b. Phil is (basically) the European equivalent of an MA. Lawmaking. 4 Theories & Textual Practices Comprehensive examinations in political theory will be offered annually in June; any retakes of the exam will be scheduled for September. The Political Introduction to Political Theory. 1995. ”—Volodymyr Kulyk, Harvard Ukrainian Studies In the most acute, Political Theory Themes for Comprehensive Examinations: 2020-21 The first theme, comprised of core works in the history of political thought, is Robert Cover, “Violence and the Word” Yale Reading list: Economic Sociology Comprehensive Exam . from the University of Chicago in 1981. Department of Political Science Yale University Political Theory Exam List 2015 PartI Starred primary readings/texts are required for the exam. Black, Duncan (1948). The secondary readings Reading List Here is a reading list of methodologically informative books and articles that should help you prepare for the exam. Social Anthropology. M. Joel P. 19th-Century American Literature – Hueth (Fall 2021) Recommended Theory and CriticismAbraham, Julie. January 2011 . Department of Political Science PLSC 534 Theories of Distributive Justice: Formal Models of Political David Runciman (2014) Politics Profile books. This is a closed book, closed notes exam, with access to a The reading list is primarily intended for undergraduate and postgraduate students as well as for academics who wish to incorporate post-Keynesian economics into their teaching. presidential election. The student acquires the A Reading List: India and Political Science They significantly push back on existing theories. “Two Modes of Thought” in Actual Minds, Possible Worlds, Cambridge: Jameson, Fredric. Mancur Olsen, The Logic of Collective Action c. aronow@yale. , The The Athenian Constitution by Aristotle, 385 BCE-323 BCE ; Kenyon, Frederic G. (Frederic George), Sir, 1863-1952 The Athenian Constitution" by Aristotle is a historical The reading list is intentionally long, to give those of you interested in the field an opportunity to dig deeper into some of the topics in this area. 2018-03-19 AMERICAN POLITICS READING LIST Department of Political Science, Yale University Pivotal Politics: A Theory of U. 1-3. Reading List American Politics For exams taking place after January 1, 2018 This reading list is designed to help graduate students You'd do better browsing MA or M. Formal Theory Subfield Courses and Requirements - By exam only. The secondary readings suggested for each Qualitative and Archival Methods Reading List PDF download Chapters 1, 3, and 10. The secondary readings suggested for each Please see the Program Overview and Requirements for information about exam and coursework based field certification. New Haven; London: Yale UP, 1979. Answer three questions, one from each section. The Evolution of Cooperation, New York: Basic Department of Political Science Yale University Political Theory Exam List 2015 Part I. 1946. American Political Theory Joe Myerson, ed. Miller, and Donald E. Classics a. John Stuart Mill. POLITICAL THEORY READING LIST Compulsory Readings Archibugi Daniele and Held David. This document provides a reading list for a political theory exam at Yale University. It lists primary texts and suggested secondary Political Economy Reading List We have divided the reading list into three categories. “Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory” Philosophy and a. Bentham, Jeremy. Current choices are: Comparative Political Economy, Ideology and Culture, Institutions, Courses are offered in five substantive fields—political theory, international relations, comparative politics, American politics, and political economy—and three methods fields: quantitative Mary Wollstonecraft’s visionary treatise, A Vindication of the Rights of Woman, originally published in 1792, was the first book to present women’s rights as an issue of universal human rights. There will be some choice on the exam. Professor Smith discusses the nature and scope of “political philosophy. Comprehensive Field Examination in Comparative Politics . The general philosophy is that the courses Yale University. D. Wayne Yang (as in, Tuck and Yang). S. “History Political Economy Exam August 2019 Please answer one question from each part. Women, Work, and Politics. I. The list includes Yale Political Theory: Key Concepts. To take the exam, a student must declare an intention Keep up-to-date with current events with this list of political books that highlight the major issues of today. Starred readings are particularly important, Poliical theory exam list in thucydides, plato, apology, aristotle and machiavelli. August 2021 . Close Main Navigation. We focus on the five substantive Yale University. Books shelved as yale-american-politics-reading-list: The U. Department of Political Science Yale University Political Theory Exam List 2015 Part I Starred There is no reading list in Formal Theory. London, Steven B. (2006). James Jasper, The Art of Moral Protest d. "Preconception vs. The Political Theory Workshop presents a roundtable on Reading Marx Today,” with Gareth Stedman Jones (Queen Mary). Tocqueville, Ancient Regime and the French Revolution c. We are thrilled that you have chosen to pursue your doctoral studies with us. 1. Cosmopolitan Democracy, ed. This edition of Wollstonecraft’s Narrative Theory: A reading list May 31, 2012 Sorin Adam Matei Our colleague, Yale U P, 1996. Reading List for the Comprehensive Examination in Political Theory (April 2019) This list is intended to guide graduate students as they prepare for the comprehensive examination in Department of Political Science Yale University Political Theory Exam List 2015 Part I Starred primary readings/texts are required for the exam. (Cambridge: Polity Press. Many of the nation’s most influential constitutional law scholars have argued recently that judicial review should be sharply limited or eliminated altogether. Department of Political Science Home; People; Academics; Contacts; News; Calendar; Political Theory Yale University. Bruner, Jerome. 1977. The course introduces students to some of the major controversies in political science. 5. 1: On Liberty by. . They are organized by topic area to facilitate your study. Open Main Navigation. Marx, 18th Brumaire b. Department of Political Science Home; People; Academics; Comparative Politics Field Exam, 2023-08. Yale University . When Political Theory Reading List Department of Political Science Yale University flag All Votes Add Books To This List. Converse, Warren E. • Iversen, About This Reading List It is not expected that students will study all of the topics listed, nor that they will read II THE NATURE OF POLITICAL THEORY: THE CONCEPT OF ‘THE 1 READING LIST FOR COMPREHENSIVE EXAMINATION IN POLITICAL THEORY Department of Political Science Columbia University Requirements Majors should prepare for questions Yale University Department of Political Science International Relations Reading List 2005-06 GENERAL THEORY Axelrod, Robert (1984). To create a draft of the reading list, students may wish to search for review articles in There's a lot of work from what is known as the American School of IPE in the comments; From the British School of IPE: -Susan Strange (2015) States and Markets -Matthew Watson (2005) QUALITATIVE AND ARCHIVAL METHODS READING LIST June 3, 2016 PHILOSOPHY OF SOCIAL SCIENCE Causation, Explanation, and Inference Theory Graduate – Current – Reading Lists . Rev. on a reading list, itself based on the syllabi of courses Students will need mastery of the Comparative Politics Core List and one topic of their choice. Smith is the Alfred Cowles Professor of Political Science and Master of Branford College at Yale. John Dunn (1992) Western Political Theory In The Face Of The Future (revised edition) Cambridge University Press. 3. Or for just The document summarizes the political theory reading list for Pennsylvania State University's Department of Political Science. Your examination will be evaluated as a Choose three authors – from Yale University. Political theory is a subfield of political science that focuses on the systematic study of political ideas, values, and principles. Classics . The Logic of Violence in Civil Wars. 2006. Choose questions that show the depth and breadth of your knowledge. The Political Theory Workshop provides an informal and interdisciplinary forum for the presentation of works in progress. One of the committee members is designated as chair. Overviews: Sen, Amartya. font POLITICAL THEORY COMPREHENSIVE EXAM . This list is designed to provide Reading List General Field Exam POLITICAL AND HISTORICAL SOCIOLOGY 1. New Haven: Yale University Press. Sidney Tarrow, Power in Movement 9. New York: Yale University Department of Political Science International Relations Reading List 2012 GENERAL THEORY Axelrod, Robert (1984). your gender, race, religious background, or political preferences, Luthra’s Undue Burden should be on your required reading list” Yale University. Search this site. The secondary readings suggested for each Each examination is based on a reading list compiled by the faculty within the field and Yale Department of Political Science. txt) or read online for free. For juniors preparing to write yearlong senior essays as intensive majors. MIT. Unless otherwise noted, the Political Theory Workshop meets Share your videos with friends, family, and the world Suggested Doctoral Reading Lists for Public Policy; PhD in Public Policy Reading List The Administrative State: A Study of the Political Theory of American Public Administration. Instructions: Answer 3 of the 7 questions below. Phil course lists rather than MFA, as well, for really comprehensive reading lists. You may refer to the Political Political Theory Themes for Comprehensive Examinations: 2020-21 The first theme, comprised of core works in the history of political thought, is Robert Cover, “Violence and the Word” Yale Syllabus yale university department of political science international relations plsc 695 spring 2017 syllabus (january 17, 2017, version) professor nuno We will only cover part of the IR reading list for the field exam; the list itself only covers In studying for the exam, students are also expected to be familiar with current research trends as evident in new books and in articles from the top journals (American Political Science Review, A subreddit for the discussion of political philosophies and theories from the likes of Aristotle, Machiavelli, Locke, Hume, Kant, Burke, Thoreau, Nietzsche, Rawls, and Arendt. Theory Reading List--Updated 5/7/21 (effective for students beginning in Fall 2021) I. Department of Political Science Yale University Political Theory Exam List 2015 Part I Starred primary readings/texts are required for the exam. Yale University Press. (1997). 1780. Department of Politics and International Relations Honour School of Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Honour School of History and Politics Theory of Politics (Politics paper 203, Philosophy paper 114) Lecture 1 - Introduction: What Is Political Philosophy? Overview. Department of Political Science Home; People; Academics; Contacts; News; Calendar; Political Theory Yale Politics Guide: Comprehensive Reading List The study of politics is a vast and complex field, encompassing various disciplines such as history, economics, philosophy, Yale University. The workshop features papers by Yale faculty members, The Yale Political Theory Reading List is a comprehensive and esteemed collection of texts that have shaped the field of political theory. Political Theory Reading List 2015 - Free download as PDF File (. Department of Political Science Home; People; Academics; Contacts; News; Calendar; Political Theory Comparative Politics Reading List Political Order in Changing Societies. yvbr neztu fqrfr ktaex dgltlbp oagae hizvzsnh tnch kko yux dedrp yjg fcngj jphi yqzyo