Xp deus news Sie können Ihr Deus Une nouvelle révolution ! XP repousse encore une fois les limites en créant le DEUS II, le premier détecteur de métaux sans fil, multifréquences, aux caractéristiques et performances uniques. It took XP less than a year to announce a complete list of what's new in the V4. Select the "DEUS II" tab at the top of the updater page. xpmetaldetectors. 9k views; Chase Goldman; Tuesday at 12:59 AM; Separation TestingArtificial vs Realistic Conditions By ColonelDan, Friday at 11:47 AM. Both feature wireless tech, multiple frequencies, and long battery life. Super enjoyable and fun. 2 can sometimes place the headphones into an unwanted standby Explore the latest improvements of the DEUS II in this article. News; DEUS V4. Understanding your target preferences helps in choosing a coil that enhances detection accuracy and efficiency. Optimierte Einstellungen und Töne für die Tiefensuche von (kleinen) Münzen und Relikten. This means that the target signals generated by the Swinging the DEUS II with the current setup for long hours appears very good. The MI-6 is the first pinpointer on the market to offer wireless connectivity to your XP DEUS II, DEUS or ORX detector. I had stopped finding anything with the Equinox 800 & XP ORX. Share Gear In Use: XP Deus 2, Minelab Manticore, Garrett Pro pointer AT, XP MI-6, Predator Barracuda and Ranger, CooB Shark V10 sand scoop, As we all know the XP DEUS metal detector has a wide range of user adjustments allowing the operator to reach the far corners of the machines capabilities. ↳ Detecting News; ↳ Introduce yourself here; ↳ Identification of Detecting Finds; ↳ Detecting Finds and Stories; ↳ Foreign Coin Stories; 3 - The Biggest Market for XP Deus; 4 - Two Obvious Reasons Behind 1-Year Delay in V4. XP Deus WS6 - Become the master ! 05/09/2023. A search coil, a remote control and headphones (+ optional pinpointer). De XP Deus 2 Detector, onthuld op 2 november 2021 FMF-technologie (Fast Multi Frequency) Waterbestendig tot 20 meter 3 schijven The long-awaited new XP Deus V5 Update is available for free! The software is available for installation on all XP Deus metal detectors, but the manufacturer claims that you will fully experience the benefits of the new update only with The XP DEUS marks a technological breakthrough and is an innovation in metal detector design. For the past few months, the DEUS II comes standard with a carbon fiber lower stem that is twice as rigid and lighter. detecteur-deus-detection. Top. Its pate By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use of cookies to provide you with adapted services and offers. Read more + 21 0 By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use of cookies to provide you with adapted services and offers. Discover ORX innovation Subscribe and receive all our news regularly by email The target signals generated by the coil are transmitted to the headphones without any delay thanks to XP radio protocol (10 times faster than any Bluetooth low latency headphones). Interests: RVing, Guitars, Photography, and now metal detecting. 0 mitbringt. Dzięki Today, XP is once more pushing the limits by creating, the first wireless, multi-frequency metal detector with unique features and performance. Diese Gerüchte irritierten einige Deus User, darum habe ich hier einmal die drei größten Irrtümer und Gerüchte aufgelistet und richtig gestellt: Falschaussage [NEWS] Mise à jour DEUS 3. #جـهاز_كشف_الذهب_والكنوز والدفع عند الاسـتلام في سوريا XP Deus II – ديوس تو 🎯 #نقـطة 🔴 لتصلـكم الاسعار والتفـاصيل فوراً 🔺 أفضـل جهـاز للكشف عن الكنـوز والعمـلات الذهبية في سوريا بمواصـفات استثنائية وتصميم مبتكر يصل الي DEUS DEUS stworzony przez firmę XP wyznaczył nową jakość na rynku wykrywaczy metali. XP Metal Detectors ; Who we are ; Blog News; DEUS V5 now available; News . 171 0 Version 5: FREE Update To keep up to date with all the latest XP news, subscribe to the XP newsletter. This handbook by Andy Sabish contains the information that will help you quickly master XP's flagship detector - the Deus - and includes input provided by experienced detectorists from around the world as well as the XP team itself. Choose the version you wish to install from the drop-down menu on the left. Serve principalmente per chi ha il nuovo piastrone di profondità ma serve anche per aggiornare la migliorata sensibilità del programma Oro Nativo; c’erano state lamentele su Who is the XP Deus Best Suited to? The XP Deus is undoubtedly for the intermediate and expert detectorist. 5 lbs, or about 1,145 grams. Sep 4, 2024. com. It is ergonomic, lightweight at 800g, and waterproof to 20m. There's a HUGE list of improvements and also a few people struggling to update. Read this article to find out more! To keep up to date with all the latest XP news, subscribe to the XP newsletter. Mein Highlight sind der neue Audiofilter und die Lautstärke-Einstellung der einzelnen Töne. To know more . ca ULC | 40 King Street W 47th Floor, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, M5H 3Y2 |1-877-586-3230 XP DEUS II - UPDATE Version 1. Share Thanks for shipping my XP Deus II Complete Carbon-Fiber S-Shaft System and two lower rods out quickly. Had the setup out a couple times and they are working great. If you are a detectorist keen to learn sometimes it’s worth thinking out of the Металлоискатель XP Deus. XP Metal Detector Deus II - Waterproof and Multi Frequency, Ideal for Treasure and relic Hunting - with 9" FMF Coil, Remote Control, WS6 Wireless Headphones & S-Telescopic stem (DEUS2-22FMFRCWS6EA) Visit the XP METAL DETECTORS Store. Fast Multi-Frequency technology uses frequencies from 5 to 45 kHz. 0 update. Gary explains why the version 4 features take the Deus to another level. Why is this such a big deal? Read on, fellow metal detectorists! It is the hottest metal detector in Europe and NOW the XP DEUS is available in North America. 07 update has been released today (14th April 2022). Discover the DEUS innovation The ultimate high performance all-terrain wireless metal detector. This new coil will be for extremely trashy areas with high amounts of aluminum and iron trash, high iron mineralization/gold prospecting and for specific targets like tiny chains and open earrings which are two targets types he mentioned. By F350Platinum December 27, 2023 in XP Deus II Forum. XP Deus XP Metal Detector Deus II - Waterproof and Multi Frequency, Ideal for Treasure and relic Hunting - with 9" FMF Coil, Remote Control, WS6 Wireless Headphones & S-Telescopic stem (DEUS2-22FMFRCWS6EA) 7 $1,949. Compare features and find your perfect detector! After the windstorm!! The DEUS Update allows you to update the remote control, headphones and coil software of your DEUS enabling you to benefit from the latest new version and functions. The Deus II comes loaded with tons of features and configuration options. Many people like to keep their metal detecting simple and just use a factory pre-set program which is a very safe and capable choice. Deus II Discussions for Deus II Detectors. Daher möchten wir im Folgenden. 1 available. XP Deus II Price. Der Deus 2 ist bis zu einer Tiefe von 20m unter Wasser wasserdicht und hat unzählige Einstellmöglichkeiten. XP DEUS is the World’s First Wireless Metal Detector. De XP DEUS met 22cm of 28cm X35 zoekschijf + WS-4 of WS-5 hoofdtelefoon ook wel XP DEUS Lite genoemd is een high-end metaaldetector. 3 0 XP DEUS. $2,099. However, the XP Deus II WS6 is certainly a high-end metal detector that is packed with advanced features and boasts impressive performance. The Deus II can adapt to just about any land or water condition. Dit is de LITE versie van de XP Deus serie. product gemaakt in Frankrijk XP Deus II Forum ; Interesting Deus 2 News Interesting Deus 2 News. Free shipping, arrives by Tue, Oct 31 to . Multifrequenz trifft Hochfrequenz. GO TERRAIN: Check out the New Version and Enjoy it for Read more + XP Deus II - Deus Mono program my thoughts. Kein anderer Hersteller hat den Markt die letzten 15 Artemis ist das neue Basis-Programm für die Suche mit dem XP Deus. Share Gear In Use: XP Deus 2, Minelab Manticore, Garrett Pro pointer AT, XP MI-6, Predator Barracuda and Ranger, CooB Shark V10 sand scoop, Dune Titanium scoop, Today, XP is once more pushing the limits by creating, the first wireless, multi-frequency metal detector with unique features and performance. News . http://www. This means that the target signals generated by the Der XP Deus 2 ist ein innovativer Leichtgewicht-Metalldetektor mit FMF (Fast Multi Frequency), der zur absoluten Spitze gehört. Product details. Btw, there is a chance my Deus 2 remote may hold the world recorded for actual numbers of times buttons have been XP DEUS Metal Detector Review. tnsharpshooter; Aug 15, 2024; 2. 4. This metal detector can see depths of up to 66 feet De nieuwe XP Deus 2 met FMF (Fast Multi Frequentie) en waterdicht tot 20 meter onderwater. Good luck XP you have my attention. The site we were hunting was about three acres. 5 Gary’s Expert Guide to XP DEUS II Tones By IBMe, March 6. As we all know the XP DEUS metal detector has a wide range of user adjustments allowing the operator to reach the far corners of the machine’s capabilities. 0 danken. They are calling it the DEUS II and it comes packed with a bunch of new features and enhancements. 20. Pinpointer MI-4 The MI-4 is a traditional pin pointer, designed to be used by all detectorists at an attractive price, the MI-4 has the same specifications as the MI-6, without the DEUS / ORX radio connection. So the DEUS II is a tad lighter. Compatibility with MI-6 Pinpointer. Posiada szereg innowacyjnych funkcji, które czynią z niego sprzęt z najwyższej półki. 00 (UK). The WSAII is a sophisticated wireless headset. Отзывы, тесты, инструкции, полезные советы. Looking forward to the big reveal. 2010 Дорогие пользователи XP!. By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use of cookies to provide you with adapted services and offers. Yes, if you have been detecting for just a couple of years and decided to switch to the Deus from an entry-level metal detector, then a very good option may be the choice of an incomplete set, and now I will give a couple of facts based on my own experience based on when I took the XP Deus for the first time: XP Deus 9″ or 11″ coil 8 Packages to choose from! XP DEUS wireless metal detector with fully telescopic S-shaped improved stem, better handling and handgrip, new larger and improved armrest A technological breakthrough! DEUS wireless metal detector marks a technological breakthrough and is a real innovation in metal detector design. About this item. Die neue HF2 Spule für den XP Deus 2 kommt 2025 auf den Markt und bringt viele Vorteile für die Schatzsuche mit: elliptisch ⚜️ höhere Frequenzen ⚜️ bessere Materialunterscheidung company news; 90 replies; 18. Next Last Videos I have done showing how which channel used per max freq used can affect Deus 2 ops. There are SO MANY features that make the XP DEUS Wireless Metal Detector the most exceptional XP Metal Detectors announced November 2nd 2021 their latest update to their popular metal detector the XP DEUS. 5 HF Round and XP Amazon. Will be interesting to see how Xp lays out the new options and what they say about them. XP claims that beginners can use the factory search modes and head out the door, but we all know that fine-tuning Comparing XP DEUS vs. The WS6 module, also known to many as “the puck” the WS6 mudule is basically an XP Deus II RC in miniature, it offers most of the RC functions, but they are accessed in a slightly different way XP Deus 2: A Cutting-Edge Metal Detector that Offers Wireless and Waterproof Performance. The price for Both 9″ and 11″ coil options with remote and WS6 headphones will be £1399. 1; 2; 3 Go to page. The DEUS 5. 2. View seller information. Viel interessanter sind allerdings die Fülle an neuen Einstellungen, die das Update V1. Click the Image Below to Check out Deals on the Deus II Terry G. 11 0 This short article covers the WS6 master and how to navigate the menu for the first time. Po raz pierwszy wykorzystano w detektorze łączność bezprzewodową i teleskopową nóżkę w kształcie litery S. 1 améliore la connectivité entre le DEUS et le Pinpointer MI-6 ainsi que la rapidité de connexion. Récupérez les dernières mises à jour pour vos équipements XP Metal Detectors. Breaking News; Garrett ACE 200 Metal Detector; Garrett ACE 300 Metal Detector; Garrett ACE XP Metal Detectors . New Stylish, Black XP T-Shirt with Deus II logo on the front. Use the 3 output USB cable supplied with your DEUS II and connect it. tnsharpshooter. L5V 2N6. . 0 update for XP Deus and what changes should be expected. Customer reviews. XP Metal Detectors ; Notre ADN ; Blog vous pouvez mettre à jour gratuitement votre DEUS et tester cette nouvelle version. frogeye Posts: 1715 Joined: Thu Dec 15, 2011 4:20 pm Has thanked: 1 time Been thanked: 44 times. 16/09/2020. The Deus 2 update V1. Sold and shipped by Canadian Treasure Seekers. 2023) XP möchte allen DEUS II Nutzern für ihr wertvolles Feedback nach der Veröffentlichung von Version 1. Follow the instructions to set your remote control to update mode (Option > Config > Update > Confirm). XP Metal Detectors ; Notre ADN ; Blog ; Forum ; Newsletter ; Où acheter ? La mise à jour de votre DEUS II vous permet de mettre à jour la télécommande, les casques et le programme disque de votre DEUS, ce qui vous permet de bénéficier de la dernière Direct Listing here - XP Deus 11" Coil + Cover. 5 star 4 star 3 star 2 star 1 star 5 star. 15/05/2023. Weight The DEUS II as seen in the video has the 11″ coil, stock stem and main remote which weigh in at about 2. Go. 00 $ 1,949 . More Info About XP Metal Detectors PM sent to OP offering a spare Deus lower stem which has been sitting around for years and will never be used - can be cut down to size and as you say Liam, put some sort of reinforcement inside the 'tube' (maybe a cut off from a redundant fibre glass or carbon fibre fishing rod?) with a good epoxy glue, smooth off the exterior of the extension joint to make it slide News . XP Metal Detectors ; Notre ADN ; Blog ; Forum ; Newsletter - 02/08/2018 - La version 5. Hier findet ihr alle Neuigkeiten & Informationen rund um den DEUS II sowie Programme, Zubehör und Update. Its still one of the best relic machines you can purchase. Pickup by Tue, Oct 31 at HEARTLAND, MISSISSAUGA,ON. Compare to my Equinox 600 which weighs in at about 2. 05. XP ORX Metal Detectors: XP DEUS provides advanced customization and control for expert users, while the XP ORX offers easy, pre-configured settings for beginners. I was looking for some stuff for the D2 today and came across this news on the machine: https://www. XP Deus Pitch 101 program. Return policy Details. ). 1 (26. Compatibility with the 2 new optional high frequency search coils 15, 30 or 55 kHz – XP 22. UPD (November, 2): XP Metal Detectors Been a treat to help Xp with this update. Cheers mrix. In the first photo is a buckle loop , i could not believe it picked up such a small thing with a good signal on Sensitve FT , no changes , it was an absolute nightmare to find in the mud , it was on the surface somewhere the other photo is two Tudor glass inlay buttons. Did XP deliver what Deus owners have been asking XP Announces New HF2 Coil For Deus 2. Its patented architecture is based on 3 key elements:. XP should consider providing a selectable single/mono-frequency Gold Mode factory program in a Videos I have done showing how which channel used per max freq used can affect Deus 2 ops. 21 corrige un défaut de consommation du casque DEUS en veille. It pairs with fully wireless and bone-conduction headphones. 00 To keep up to date with all the latest XP news, subscribe to the XP newsletter. Lightweight and compact: extend or fold away in seconds. Replies 27 Views 2K. 7; Next. 1 available; News . I accept To know more Die Informationsseite für den neuen XP DEUS 2 Metalldetektor. 2 corrige quelques bugs et fiabilise la connectivité entre les disques, la télécommande et le casque. 99 $ 2,099. 8 replies; 587 views; Geologyhound; March 9; Thousands of DEUS II leaving the factory this week! Despite the massive supply shortage this year we managed to be on time with our deliveries. He talks about the latest Even if it moves to 2022 it will be worth the wait. DEUS V5 now available. XP Deus Coil selection should be guided by the types of targets you aim to find during your metal detecting adventures. XP Announces New HF2 Coil For Deus 2. 2 out of 5 stars 20 ratings. The XP Deus 2 is a fully wireless, multifunction metal detector. As a result, XP quickly addressed Deus 2 Micro/Sub-gram gold performance of D2 in gold field mode still significantly lags Deus/Orx Gold Field performance. Une fois le disque, la télécommande, le casque, et le pinpointer appairés, ces éléments communiquent entre eux sans fil et sans aucune latence grâce à notre protocole radio propriétaire. 9 lbs or ~1,332 grams. Door de jaren heen is de XP DEUS blijven evolueren, vooral de gratis software-updates stellen de gebruiker in staat om te profiteren van Xp's geavanceerde technologie zonder dat er een nieuwe machine hoeft te worden gekocht. I will likely do some videos when it releases. We'd l XP Deus version 4 product news and the latest information. com/en/ba/the-blog/latest After a very long wait, XP finally released the update to their XP Deus II Metal Detector. – 13/09/2018 – La version 5. XP geht mit einer neuen PC und MAC kompatiblen Update-Plattform für den DEUS II an den Start. Wir bieten verschiedene XP-Deus Varianten an: XP Deus Light Variante 1 (mit RC) - mit Wahlspulen XP Deus Light Variante 2 (mit WS4) - mit Wahlspulen XP Deus (mit RC+WS4) - mit Wahlspulen Das dabei die Qual-der-Wahl im Vergleich zu einem anderen Metallfetektor schwieriger sein kann, liegt auf der Hand. I accept To know more ↳ XP Detectors Forum; ↳ XP DEUS Forum; ↳ XP Deus 2 Forum; ↳ XP ORX Forum; ↳ XP GMAXX Forum; ↳ XP ADX150 / 250 / Adventis Forum; ↳ XP Goldmaxx Power Forum; ↳ XP MI-6 & MI4 Pinpointer Forum; ↳ Garrett Detectors Forum; ↳ Garrett Euro Ace Forum; ↳ Garrett ACE 250 Forum; ↳ Garrett ACE 150 Forum; ↳ Garrett AT Pro Forum The XP Deus II is the latest metal detector released by XP metal detectors. -27/03/2019 – La mise à jour 5. The XP DEUS is the result of years of research and development by the XP engineering team. 2 4. DEUS UPDATE V4 We would also like to announce the release of the new 22. Coins and Currency If your primary goal is to find coins, whether modern or historical, a medium-sized concentric coil offers the right What new features will appear in the XP Deus metal detector, with the new V4. 2 disponible en téléchargement. 0 was made available May 15th 2023 but it quickly became an issue for some users. company news; By F350Platinum November 28, 2024 in XP Deus II Forum. 1 vorstellen zu können: Hi as i new DEUS 2 WS6 owner , thought i would post a few thoughts. XP Deus 2 is a metal detector that was released in October 2021 by XP Metal Detectors, a French company that has been producing innovative and high-quality detectors since 1998. And stay tuned. Watch all these videos. Deze metaaldetector biedt je veel instelmogelijkheden voor precisiedetectie (discriminatie, modus, gevoeligheid, enz. If you’re in the market for a high-performance metal detector, you’ve likely heard about the XP Deus and the XP Deus II. You can also acquire this accessory now from Gear In Use: XP Deus II, 9"/11"/13x11" coils, SteveG CF Shaft for Deus, Minelab Manticore with M8, M9, M11 coils, Garrett Axiom How to simply update your XP DEUS II | Update Procedur By continuing to browse this site, you accept the use of cookies to provide you with adapted services and offers. We welcome DEUS users to test this new version and discover the innovative features it has to offer. Вот изображение новой катушки для DEUS, которая будет доступна с начала января 2011: News, reviews, programs, settings, chat about the XP Deus II. 5cm (9'') High Frequency coil, this will be available to XP Deus 2 Metal Detector with 9" Coil and Remote. 12. XP seht für Langlebigkeit, Innovation und vor allem echte Suchpower. The XP Deus 2 is the successor of the XP Deus, which was the first fully wireless metal As Phillipe clearly stated early on in the live stream, the current XP Deus 2 coils are not optimized for heavy iron mineralization. DEUS V4. 0 te veranderen? Begrijp alsjeblieft, dat de DEUS II onderdeel is van een fonkelnieuw elektronisch After a very long wait, XP finally released the update to their XP Deus II Metal Detector. XP are proud to announce the release the new DEUS version 4 update, which is now available to download free from our web site. I also cover my go to settings on the Deus 2!----- XP Metal Detectors Deus II - 11" FMF Coil (28cm) with Remote Control and Wireless WS6 Headphones, S-Telescopic stem, English Manual and US Charger (DEUS2-28FMFRCWS6EA) Visit the XP METAL DETECTORS Store. 0 C’è questo aggiornamento per il Deus 2. Multiple Frequency Application; 8 - Minelab Equinox 800, Fisher F75+ and Similar Detectors of Nokta | Makro vs. The XP Deus 2 v0. Deze I'm finally back on decent land with the XP Deus 2, plus exciting news about upcoming rallies in 2024. com/mise-jour-deus-v3-2/ #XPDEUS #DEUSV3 The XP Deus. 5. Der neue innovative Metalldetektor aus Frankreich. XP Metal Detectors have hinted that a new detector will be released, supposedly by the end of 2021 – a nice Christmas and New Year gift for all the Deus fans, and all the community in general!. Pour être au courant de toutes les nouveautés XP, abonnez-vous à la newsletter XP. At 2 pounds, the XP DEUS (pronounced day-uhs) offers exceptional comfort, speed and performance. Share Gear In Use: XP Deus II, 9"/11"/13x11" coils, SteveG CF Shaft for Deus, Minelab Manticore with M8, M9, M11 coils, Garrett Axiom; Popular Post; Share; Posted February 17. XP Metal Detectors has built a reputation for delivering cutting-edge technology that keeps detectorists coming back for more. Cheers. Manufactured in France by XP especially for our detectors, it works with the DEUS II remote control or DEUS II WS6 Bekijk de XP Deus 2 RC 20m waterdicht dop rood Bekijk de XP Deus 2 RC 1m waterdicht Dop Zwart Zijn er plannen om de DEUS II 1. Once the coil, remote control, headset and pinpointer are paired, they communicate with each other wirelessly and without latency using the XP patented radio protocol system. All three components communicate with each other over lightning fast digital radio signal. Plus, here are the manufacturer's answers about their plans for the future. This detector sets new benchmarks in metal detection design and performance. Suivez nous sur les réseaux sociaux et découvrez XP ! Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter en cliquant ici ! Commentaires. 0 Release; 5 - Firmware Bug Fixing; 6 - Feature Creep of XP Deus; 7 - Multi-Frequency Operation vs. Seite 1 von 3 - XP Deus News - geschrieben in Forum XP-Detectors: Liebe Freude, immer wieder werden in den letzten Wochen Gerüchte und falsche Informationen von sogenannten „Insidern“ über die Sucherforen verbreitet. Wir freuen uns über Eure Beiträge und freuen uns, Dir auf der Grundlage des Feedbacks die Version 1. This update 5. NOTE : – 02/08/2018 – La version 5. 1 of 7 Go to page. from Kansas City shares his finds with us. XP Deus and XP ORX; 9 - XP Deus Learning Curve Wszyscy wymieniają jednym tchem programy XP DEUSA II, recytują jak mantrę ich nazwy i funkcje, ale nikt nie wspomina o prawdziwych możliwościach i właściwościach! To kompletnie nowy i zbudowany od podstaw wykrywacz metalu, oczywiście jak zwykle bezprzewodowy i ultralekki, ale tym razem także wodoodporny, aż do 20 metrów! Przy okazji News . As a result, XP quickly addressed Wykrywacz metali Deus XP renomowanej francuskiej firmy XP Metal Detectors jest pierwszym bezprzewodowym wykrywaczem metali na rynku. Links. XP Metal Detectors invents and develops powerful, selective and first of all ergonomic metal detectors. Wersja z cewką 11 cali X35, panelem LCD oraz słuchawkami WSAudio. 99 现在随着Deus的诞生,XP为探测器用户提供了一款品质优异的金属探测器。它会将你带入一个全新的探宝维度,一款更深,更快,更轻的 无线金属探测器! 如果您在使用xp机器时有任何问题,请访问我们的FAQ,它会给您非常详细的指导。 新闻中心/News. 35 0 It is difficult to definitively say whether the XP Deus II WS6 is the best metal detector on the market, as different metal detectors excel at different tasks and are better suited to different types of treasure hunters. 21 corrects sleep power issues with the DEUS headphones on version 5. Its also still one of he lightest and advanced machines on the market. XP is renowned for producing superb, high-quality machines and the new Deus II is bound to raise the bar even further. But the machine in my opinion is The XP DEUS has been around a long time and XP has done a great job of keeping the DEUS relevant for many years. Thanks to our foresight strategy and manufacturing being made in Toulouse, Die Informationsseite für den neuen XP DEUS 2 Metalldetektor. Terry says: "Hey Travis here are pictures of my first 6hr hunt with the Deus 2 on a hunted out civil war site here in Columbia, Tn. About us Dragon Detecting stocks all major brands, products and accessories to cater for all your detecting needs. ksngrj awtzebj xhzz zng urv ntsu owyib olhrn dolempt xhrkk gnxg mmf hsfbjzw oqu rjcytv