
Vue i18n structure. The default locale is set to English(en).

Vue i18n structure One common approach is to use a key-value pair structure, where the keys represent the original text in the default language, and the values contain the translations in different languages. Install dependencies $ yarn install Compiles and hot-reloads for Let's move on to the actual localization of our Vue app. From Nuxt, Laravel, and Vue SPA; 🔥 The boilerplate of Vue 3, Typescript, Vite, Vue Router, Pinia, Axios, Tailwind CSS, and Vue i18n for buildings efficient, faster, maintainable for enterprise applications 🚀🚀 - Erkinov97/vue3-boilerplate Internationalization (i18n) is a crucial aspect of building multilingual Vue 3 applications. src/App. It easily integrates some localization features to your Vue. Project Setup. We have been using vue-i18n extensively. With the basic app setup, I'll now add the most important component of our localization setup: the vue i18n plugin. js。完成后,我们必须包括以下内容: 对于 vue-loader v15 或更高版本: From 2017 to the moment of writing this post, I've been working on Vue applications for years from medium to large, established apps migrating to Vue to projects at the start of the process. js 3 中实现网页的国际化多语言,最常用的包是 vue-i18n。 第一步,安装一个 Vite 下使用 <i18n> 标签的插件:unplugin-vue-i18n. Array structure Vue I18n 是 Vue. But there are still a few breaking changes that you might encounter while migrating your application. At the moment i have the languages englisch and german. Vue A progressive JavaScript framework for building user interfaces. 如果你希望在组件语言环境中进行本地化,可以在 i18n 选项中用 sync: false 和 locale。 # 组件的共享语言环境消息 有时您可能想为某些组件导入共享的语言环境消息,而不是从全局语言 Internationalization plugin for Vue. Instead of using a dot based key to fetch a translated string, it just uses the default string itself as the key. options. Sign in Vue I18n and related intlify packages has a lifecycle. 0. Vue2 版本,请访问 这篇文章。. For better structure i want to split the file in multiple files per language. :wave: ----- To answer your question about switching from vue-i18n to @nuxtjs/i18n while maintaining your folder structure and dynamic imports, I'll provide some guidance based on the available information in the knowledge sources. I use also vuetify and the vue cli. Details. The gender details are stored in the Vue state, so in the i18n. vue In the [category]. The array with the objects (one per component) containing the strings to be passed as props to Most common way of using vue-i18n outside of Vue components is by importing the singleton instance of VueI18n class and using it directly: @/i18n/index. sign up for Localazy,; create an app. NOTE. js 应用程序中。 Vue Starter. Since we haven’t set any preference, it takes the fallback language. 为此,我们必须在项目的根目录下创建一个 vue. You switched accounts on another tab or window. If you don't have English in your supporting locales, you may need to config it through command Vue i18n Ally: Change source language; Directory structure please read the next section I’m facing an issue while setting up the @nuxtjs/i18n module in my Nuxt 3 project. js file in the root directory to the plugins directory for better structure. 前言. js应用中广泛使用的国际化解决方案,它帮助开发者管理多语言环境下的文本翻译。本文首先回顾了Vue-i18n的基础知识,然后分析了在使用过程中可能遇到的常见报错类型 Vue i18n If you perform a quick search on the internet you will find some solutions to implement i18n to your website or application built using VueJS. Probably, the most famous (and easy-to-use) one is Vue i18n, an open source plugin for VueJS that provides a very friendly API to implement translation to different target languages in your website. js applications that makes the process of handling multilingual content seamless. nuxt/i18n. ts to If you're curious about the <i18n> component, you don't have to explicitly enable it — it gets registered when you initialize vue-i18n. We’ll also discuss Vue I18n is a powerful internationalization plugin for Vue. Vite Next-generation frontend build tooling for fast and efficient development. config. router. js folder structure. 0 with vue v2. Follow the official installation guide and npm install vue-i18n --save Project Environment. github. js supports multiple Languages. This template aims to provide a solid foundation for building modern web applications with a clean and maintainable codebase. The This project contains a framework for adding multi-language support using vue-i18n and Vite. Code: Vue. — Locales files, I use Vue-i18n, and it works Step 2: Configuring vue-i18n 🛠️. json" from ". Vue I18n v8 has reached EOL and is no longer actively maintained. If prompted, select vue-i18n (vue files). /i18n/locales/en. ts files holding the JS objects: import { LocaleMessages } from 'vue-i18n' const translations: LocaleMessages = { #Vue CLI 3. messages with a hierarchical structure such as objects can be resolved. g. Most of the examples in this guide will be written in that style, but Vue I18n itself Vue I18n manages resources to offer i18n features, including locale switching, each language messages called locales messages, and named format for datetime and numbers. vue includes a locale selector. We’re good; our HelloI18n component uses the English translations in the locales/en. {key} so you can override the default messages directly in vue-i18n translations with config structure like this: { en: { language: 'English' , 使用. 2. json male he. It should be either @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n@5 and vue-i18n@10, or @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n@4 and vue-i18n@9, then it becomes workable. Msty leverages Nuxt i18n and Vue i18n for internationalization. In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of setting up i18n using the vue-i18n library and utilizing JSON files to translate your Vue Goto to the settings of VSCode and set vue-i18n-ally. 文章浏览阅读189次。 # 摘要 Vue-i18n是Vue. First, let's install the vue-i18n package by running the following command in your project: npm install vue-i18n Next, we need to configure the vue-i18n plugin. json files to translate text. json file. js 通过以上步骤,可以在Vue项目中实现国际化(i18n)的高级支持,包括多语言切换、动态翻译、本地化资源管理等。同时,可以在TypeScript项目中定义语言包的类型,确保翻译内容的完整性和正确性。在国际化过程中,不仅要考虑语言的翻译,还要注意文化差异。例如,日期和数字的格式在不同国家和 Finally, move the i18n. // e. json, es-MX. Some parts of the app are then exemplary localized to illustrate how Most of the APIs offered in Vue I18n v9 (for Vue 3) strive to maintain compatibility, to ease the pain of migration from v8 (for Vue 2). js 应用程序中。 让我们开始吧 # 赞助商 # 🥇 金 # 🥈 白银赞助商 # 🥉 青铜 # 成为一名 Patreon 赞助商 贵公司是否使用 vue-i18n 或 vue-cli-plugin-i18n 来构建出色的应用程序? 被插入了语言环境信息 term。. You signed in with another tab or window. Using JSON structure in Vue I18n: In your components, access translations by referencing the appropriate keys in your JSON file. Vue-i18n provides a Translate the strings in the new file while maintaining the same structure as en_US. 3. 1w次,点赞4次,收藏21次。本文介绍了如何在Vue. 25. will be removed at vue-i18n v12. But I believe you’re wondering how to Vue I18n is internationalization plugin for Vue. 14 and above: 国际化(i18n)是指在软件开发过程中,设计和开发应用程序时考虑到不同地区、不同语言和文化的需求,使得应用能够适应各种本地化需求。国际化的核心目标是让应用程序能够轻松支持多种语言,而无需对核心代码进行大量修改。Vue 3提供了官方支持的国际化插件——vue-i18n,它集成了Vue的响应式 A robust starter template utilizing Vue 3, TypeScript, Vite, Vue Router, Pinia, Axios, Tailwind CSS, Vue Query, and Vue i18n, designed for building highly efficient, fast, maintainable, and scalable enterprise applications. The default locale is set to English(en). Vue I18n. 元件中先引入 useI18n instance並調用之中的`t`方法 // Vue script <script setup> import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'; const { t } = useI18n() // call `useI18n`, and spread `t` function from `useI18n` returning </script>. Does the file exist? Project Structure: The JSON files are located in the locales folder, at the root of the project. The application should automatically detect the project type. ai, your friendly support bot. js project using Vuetify, TypeScript, Pinia, Vue Router, and Tailwind CSS. mjs". Go to Get Started # Sponsors # 🏅 Platinum # Special # 🥇 Gold # 🥈 Silver # 🥉 Bronze # Become a Sponsor. Two core dependencies to get translations to work are i18next, and @panter/vue-i18next. mainwindow are like I am starting to use the Vue i18n plugin and everything was going smoothly until I had to iterate over an array to render Vue components with a v-for directive. Arguably the most approachable among the big three UI frameworks, Evan You’s Vue seems an unlikely contender among the giant Meta’s React and Google’s Subsequently, the Vue I18n (v9. js and plugins vue-electron, electron-window-manager. When I run the application, I get the following error: Failed to resolve import ". js + vue. And I implemented internationalization using https://kazupon. When you run the app, you’ll see Hello i18n in English. 安装完成后,调整 vite. Any ideas what i'm missing? javascript; vue. 0 (opens new window) 隐藏了 webpack 配置,因此,如果我们想在单文件组件中添加对 <i18n> 标记的支持,我们需要修改现有配置。. js; internationalization; vue-i18n; vue-i18n-jest should be supported for Vue 2 / Vue 3 and jest 26 / jest 27 like vue-jest. js 的国际化插件,它提供了一套完整的解决方案,用于处理应用中的多语言文本。通过 Vue I18n,开发者可以将应用中的文本信息分离到不同的语言文件中,根据用户的语言设置动态切换显示内容。它支持插值、格式化、复数等多种功能,能够满足 Vue I18n. Easy, powerful, and component-oriented for Vue. Update: as of version 8. Official Tooling Vue CLI Plugin (opens new window) Based on the above syntax, You can configure the following Locale Messages structure: {"en": {// 'en' Locale "key1": 国际化(i18n)是指在软件开发过程中,设计和开发应用程序时考虑到不同地区、不同语言和文化的需求,使得应用能够适应各种本地化需求。国际化的核心目标是让应用程序能够轻松支持多种语言,而无需对核心代码进行大量修改。Vue 3提供了官方支持的国际化插件——vue-i18n,它集成了Vue的响应式 Here is my directory structure-locales female he. There are situations however, where you really need We recommended using the component interpolation feature. [vue-i18n] Cannot translate the value of keypath 'DASHBOARD_SETTINGS'. x版本的默认行为是对空字符串本地化文本进行回退到根级别本地化。 如果为 false ,则空的本地化文本将不会回退到根目录,并将保留为空字符串。 在Vue中使用i18n进行国际化介绍安装初始配置 介绍 vue-i18n是一个适用于Vue项目的国际化库,借助这个库可以方便地在一个项目中支持多国语言。在现成的项目中添加vue-i18n是非常方便的,本文假设你已经有了自己的Vue项目,如果你想新建一个,我推荐使用Vue的官方命令行工具Vue CLI,关于如何使用Vue CLI Vue I18n is internationalization plugin of Vue. Signature: typescript legacy?: boolean; DEPRECATED. js; components Dashboard. 将src目录下的loaders拷贝到vue的src目录下 3. vue files). Vuestic integrates with vue-i18n and looks for translations under the key vuestic. 在 vue3 项目开发中,详细实现使用 vue-i18n 中英文多语言切换功能,中文英文语言切换后整个项目所有页面文字实时自动更改,vue3项目国际化语言更换方案全流程,支持语言配置文件JSON放到服务端,由前端调用api接口获取语言json配置文件(前端调用API接口获取 added examples/multiple-pages-i18n: I need to add more vue routes. 在上面的示例中,组件插值遵循列表格式。i18n 函数式组件的子项按其出现顺序进行插值。 # 高级用法:::危险提示!! 在下一个主要版本中,place 和 places 属性将被弃用。 请切换到插槽语法。 In this tutorial, with the help of the Vue internationalization example, we will learn about Vue I18n and explore how to implement internationalization and translation in our Move the i18n. json en. js, but thats more just to show how date formatting can be configured. js, Vue-i18n for SPA, PWA, Electron and And Vue I18n is internationalization plugin for Vue. js Despite that this doesn't seem to be mentioned in the documentation, and major versions of @intlify/unplugin-vue-i18n and vue-i18n aren't synchronized, the timeline of new version releases is similar. js. /locales' Vue. To link to another locale messages key, all you have to do is to prefix its contents with an @:keysign followed by the full name of the locale messages key including the namespace you want to link See more Vue I18n is most commonly used in applications built using a bundler (e. 国际化(i18n)是指在软件开发过程中,设计和开发应用程序时考虑到不同地区、不同语言和文化的需求,使得应用能够适应各种本地化需求。国际化的核心目标是让应用程序能够轻松支持多种语言,而无需对核心代码进行大量 vue-i18n A small package for implementing translations in Vue. npm install unplugin-vue-i18n # 或 yarn add unplugin-vue-i18n. Below is a sample code that merges translation files in different languages and vue-i18n recommends using the string base on list or named format as locale messages when translating messages. json Now, I want that for female users the locale file should be selected from the female folder, and in the case of male users, it should be selected from the male folder. Contribute to pfzhengd/vue-i18n-aux development by creating an account on GitHub. Once your translation is complete: Fork this repository. Run npm install and npm run serve to start this application. A boilerplate for HTML5, Vue, Vue Router, i18n, Tailwind, Windi, Netlify, and Vite. e. js 的国际化插件。它可以轻松地将一些本地化功能集成到你的 Vue. import Vue from 'vue' import VueI18n from 'vue-i18n' import locales from '. use(i18n) and mounted the app on the Vue I18n 是 Vue. js file is updated to :globe_with_meridians: @ intlify / vite-plugin-vue-i18n Vue I18n的Vite插件 :handshake: 支持新项目 Intlify Project是一个开源项目,其中包括Vue I18n和i18n工具和自由软件,其持续的开发完全依靠赞助商的支持。如果您想成为赞助商,请考虑: :1st_place_medal: 金牌赞助商 :2nd_place_medal: 银牌赞助商 :3rd_place_medal: 青铜赞助商 The accepted solution is already a good solution, but if you assist to use . Vite) and SFCs (i. Here is the content of the src folder. Before delving into the practical Vue 3 internationalization example. I recommend you to kick-start the project with Vue CLI. Use the value of keypath as default. Submit Your Translation. If there’s a locale messages key that will always have the same concrete text as another one you can just link to it. I will try to answer your question by searching through the knowledge base. Nuxt i18n and Vue i18n. Vue I18n 是 Vue. The main. json ar. js 的国际化插件 After building international Vue applications, I've learned a crucial lesson: the true complexity of NuxtJS i18n lies not in its configuration, but in gracefully handling the nuances of each language. This guide is how to adapt your application to make it work with Vue I18n v9. Here is my project structure and code. json. localesPath manually. vue; i18n_setup. vue file I fetch articles from apis and I want then to update routing in order for the language switcher to switch to the correct slug. The source / displaying locale. A sample project containing a nested vue-i18n usage implementation - M3psipax/vue-i18n-nested-structure This project was created using the Vue CLI tool. Vue I18n v9 and Vue I18n v10 is in maintenance mode after 2025 July. added vue-i18n as peer and dev dependency and the scripts for the new example. io/vue-i18n. use(VueI18n); export default new VueI18n({ locale: 'en', messages: locales, }); @/constants/rules Goto to the settings of VSCode and set vue-i18n-ally. js; app. Internationalization plugin for Vue. Here is my solution. At the moment I have one json file per language. The below code will load locale files from whatever path you specify in the loadPath option and uses the new i18next-http-backend since the i18next-xhr-backend was deprecated. Notes app using Vue, Quasar, Dexie. Is your company using vue-i18n, vue-cli-plugin-i18n and other tools to build awesome apps? Join the We then created an instance of Vue I18n using createI18n and passed in the locale, fallback locale, and messages. I'm kapa. Use vue-cli to add i18n dependency, it would generate all the requirement files that we need. 为避免以上警告 (同时保留那些完全没有翻译给定关键字的警告) 需初始化 VueI18n 实例时设置 silentFallbackWarn:true。. The other dependency is moment. If you would like to know more about the maintenance status of each version of Vue I18n, please see here. Resolves messages. 0) plugins are described in a few sentences and installed in order to internationalize the app. If you don't have English in your supporting locales, you may need to config it through command Vue i18n Ally: Change source language; Directory structure please read the next section Toggle navigation. . Now I'm building an app in Vue. You can use previous articles — Part1, Part2, Part3 to create a Reusable and Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand; OverflowAI GenAI features for Teams; OverflowAPI Train & fine-tune LLMs; Labs The future of collective knowledge sharing; About the company Whether vue-i18n Legacy API mode use on your Vue App. And this code will auto detect the language and switch to the correct language if you locale file names have a structure like this: en-US. This resolver is used in VueI18n as default. You signed out in another tab or window. adjust context on src/client/single-page. Although English is recommended, you may use any language as source; select Vue. see the detail warnHtmlInMessage constructor option and property For this tutorial, we will be using Vue I18n, a great package from the core Vue devs, to show you how to build a multi-language app with a locale switcher. Typescript A superset of JavaScript that enhances the development experience with static typing. js; i18n_setup. Vue CLI 3. js Application. I personally used the default Webpack template. 14), until now I had all my translations in . vuetify-starter-template/ ├── public/ # 文章浏览阅读953次,点赞32次,收藏5次。在 Vue 项目中实现国际化的高级支持,涉及到多个方面:多语言切换、动态翻译、本地化资源管理等。通过使用vue-i18n插件,我们能够轻松实现语言切换和动态翻译加载,同时借助IntlAPI 管理日期、货币、数字等本地化格式。 Installation. js . Finally, we installed the i18n instance on the Vue app using app. 安装vue-i18n,并按照vue-i18n的操作指引配置好 npm install -S vue-i18n 2. 在template中即可使用語系包中對應的key值,渲染出來即為該屬性的value About the Vue i18n auxiliary tool with VSCode. Edit this page on GitHub. The default is to use the Legacy API mode. 11. Here's an updated example for 8. 文章浏览阅读432次,点赞4次,收藏11次。Vue I18n 是 Vue. Reload to refresh your session. js file, I am 文章浏览阅读1. BabelEdit usually auto-populates this I finally got it. 国际化(i18n)是指在软件开发过程中,设计和开发应用程序时考虑到不同地区、不同语言和文化的需求,使得应用能够适应各种本地化需求。国际化的核心目标是让应用程序能够轻松支持多种语言,而无需对核心代码进行大量修改。Vue 3提供了官方支持的国际化插件——vue-i18n,它集成了Vue的响应式 如果要使用vue3,则需要使用vue-i18n v9以上的版本。因为vue3支持组合式api(Composition API),因此vue-i18n从v9开始也增加了相应的支持 Ready translated locale messages // The structure of the locale message is the hierarchical object structure with each locale as the top property const messages = vue-i18n-trans-loader 一个配合vue-i18n自动翻译并生成语言包的库 使用说明 1. js 的国际化插件,它提供了一套完整的解决方案,用于处理应用中的多语言文本。通过 Vue I18n,开发者可以将应用中的文本信息分离到不同的语言文件中,根据用户的语言设置动态切换显示内容。它支持插值、格式化、复数等多种功能,能够满足各种复杂的国 To be clear my scenario is with this simple pages structure: articles --- [category]. They are managed with the VueI18n instance. - idimetrix/vue3-enterprise-boilerplate Reporting a bug? I'm migrating a Vue2 project from Webpack to Vite. js file in the root folder to the plugins I building a app for Desktop using electron. 14, place is deprecated in favor of the new slots syntax. Guide API Ecosystem Ecosystem. In this short guide, I'll This is a starter template for a Vue. 2) and unplugin-vue-i18n (v0. 6. While users don't need to know these specifics to contribute, the links are Using vue-i18n (v8. It started up a simple prototyping application. The following is the maintenance status for each version: IMPORTANT. js: i try to use vue-i18n to translate my application. js项目中实现国际化(i18n)功能,包括安装vue-i18n插件,配置中文和英文语言包,根据浏览器系统语言自动设置默认语言,切换语言的方法,以及在组件中获取和使用翻译文本。同时,还展示了动态添加语言内容 vue-i18n; single json translation file (per language) i18n Ally vscode extension (inline translation editing for developers) external i18n tool Phrase, with automatic synchronisation and onpage editing integration (for non developers) I would recommend to use single json translation file (per language), to be able to integrate more easily with To ensure a smooth internationalization process, it is essential to structure your translations in a logical and organized manner. json, en-PH. . I want to change getting message part in i18n from s This is my file structure. We have a special folder structure, so after importing all translation files as modules with Vite's 在 Vue. Confirm your project's languages when asked. For example: The boilerplate of Vue 3, Typescript, Vite, Vue Router, Pinia, Axios, Tailwind CSS, and Vue i18n for buildings efficient, faster, maintainable, and scalable for enterprise applications 🚀 - xb18/template-vue3-vite 请注意,vue-i18n 9. Follow steps to execute this boilerplate. localesPaths manually. Now I need put vue-i18n and it's structure work non default way ex. You can control the use of HTML formatting. Originally posted by @kazupon in #38 (comment) Hi @konsav. Installing the vue-i18n plugin with basic configuration. json, etc. js integration option and install Localazy CLI,; Retrieve your writeKey and readKey from the integration guide page and In this video we are going to see the folder structure of a Quasar application. Since I use nuxtjs and i18n to build a static website with multiple languages. 一、实现国际 首先,我开发是以 vue 为技术栈,所以如题用的国际化插件是 vue-i18n,附上 github 传送门。1、我们得先有开发环境,先有项目跑起来,我推荐如果是喜欢用 vue 的小伙伴,可以尝试 vue-cli 官方脚手架。这边有我整理的一个脚手架 demo ,有助于你快速的进行 vue 模块化开发。 组件插值基本用法高级用法 Vue I18n 是 Vue. lqgffo rehrh cnqjgb uvf fhyfi eqm rdzyap apbsr szade bijr lqtuc bomnl hahcvq nlfccs jlw