Usps rural route bidding. Good test run for senior bidder.
Usps rural route bidding Is there anything in the new contract about allowing regular rural carriers to cash out annual leave? 46. Some other employees are saying she is actually disqualified from bidding due to her being on her detail. Rural Regular is the best carrier position in the post office, and you'll be earning senority to be able to win a bid on a better route down the road. 3 ® Always use the leading zero in the 8 digit Employee Identification 4 ® Access eJob Bidding from www. You'll earn milage on this route which for me at least works out to about half fuel/upkeep and half towards the cost of purchasing the vehicle. Route bid district wide, no takers. It's the only rural route in an office with 19 city routes so I'm not sure how/when the last count was done but it seems vastly underevaluated because it is 43 miles long and has 619 boxes with a mail volume of something like 2. Specif ically, section 521 is revised to state that route surveys are not necessary in each contract year if the supplier, contracting officer, and administrative official agree that a survey is not necessary. Then you just select the routes you'd like to bid on. The USPS has more than 17,000 highway contract groups, and it is the largest contract section in the whole organization. Question? Help would like the answer for a RCA Route is vacant goes up for bid in office. because I get nothingwhich pretty much sums up my working for usps. -- Rural Carrier Posting. When a rural route becomes vacant, it shall be posted within thirty (30) days from the time it becomes vacant, except: a. In addition, they don't do Amazon Sunday's so that's an issue for certain. They are posted without route listings as mgmt may change the String as needed. 2. Route goes district. Good test run for senior bidder. Postal Service will cut workforce by 10,000 after signing deal with Elon Musk’s DOGE Since there was a lack of actually answering the question, let me do that for you. Do you have someone on the rolls that perhaps was a CCA and was converted after they left for a military assignment? There is also a situation called withholding that happens when there is some planned reorganization going on in your district. The revised edition is dated January 2023. 5. They have 2 rural routes both of which are pov. There is a rural route up for bid in my district but not much purposes of establishing evaluations of rural routes for pay purposes. -- If it is a District Posting, the time frame is somewhat different WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. Now, Human resources claimed there How long does it take for a route to be posted for bid? The regular retired almost a month ago and the route still isn't up for bidding internally. Postal unions respond to USPS/DOGE agreement; Updated Rural Carrier Salary Charts – Effective March 9th, 2024; U. . 2: "When an auxiliary route is to be filled, the route will be offered to qualified substitutes, rural carrier associates, and rural carrier relief employees in the order of the longest continuous period of service at that office, without regard to classification. That said, there's also no chain bidding in the rural contract - IE management MUST award the residual route to the most senior PTF or eligible RCA that bid or it goes to district, it can't stick around for another round of bidding in the office. 5 days after the closing of bids, carriers were told by supervisors “unofficially” who won the bid and what route they got. You should have a string of primary routes. After that it goes district wide, if no one bids, then back to the office for those under 1year employment, if none take it then bids taken from those under 90 days. It’ll tell you under comments what route you get and its color. gov • Review Position Information • Enter Bids • Change Bids • Withdraw Bids • Confirm submitted Bids • Review complete Bid History • Available Anytime • Available Anywhere. -- When an auxiliary route is to be filled, the route WILL be offered to qualified substitutes, rural carrier associates, and rural carrier relief employees in the order of longest continuous service in that office, without regard to classification. All contractor opportunities will be listed Call 1-877-477-3273, Option 2. Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers eJob Bidding on www. All of these options are listed on the front page of the Bid Vacancy Rural route bidding . So if your zip code is 10101, and the route up for bid is route 1, it will say 01001. IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. Don't work for less, if working that route before being made regular rural. 3, or Article 30. This is based on your hire date. (7 rural routes and 19 highway). Rural Carrier Discussion Lets say a bid opens in an office for a very desirable route. Which management can assign. You also have to consider transfers into the equation. Basically it’s they say how much they are willing to be paid for This is amazing news for suburban routes with a denser concentration of housing. You can however opt onto routes that are vacant for whatever reason. Recently had a route go up for bid in our office. Special instructions apply for anyone on OWCP as to Dr note stating the carrier will be able to take the route by the time limit required. Eligible carriers did their bidding and now posting/bidding is closed after the 10 days. -- Just tell the senior sub to be patient and to study the e-bidding process because if he/she makes a mistake in bidding -- sorry, the route will go to someone who did bid properly. All requirements provided in Article 12, Article In an effort to improve, standardize and automate the bidding process for regular rural routes and part-time flexible positions, the NRLCA and the USPS entered in to an MOU that brought Route is posted for 15 days. The USPS came out openly before the 2002 Count with its "Managing the Opportunity" to declare the change of standards would result in an average loss of 174+ minutes for a rural route. If you do not have one year of service, you are ineligible to bid on a route. -- Maybe the regulars in the office could start combing the local area and the internet for a route-capable vehicle for whom ever does get the route, since in a sense, the overly good Contact your union rep ASAP. BID ALL. In no 1 year of service to bid on routes; a route can be awarded if there's no qualified people, it goes to district and comes back with no bidders. Route posted externally, then you could apply for it. Now 14 days after closing IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. It will typically say Eligible or Successful Bidder. b. 5 ® Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers Read message and click continue . Ultra_Common. This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. As an RCA/CCA/PSE you wait until you are the next one in line for a vacant route, then if the stars align correctly you will be promoted to that route as the regular (or in the case of PSEs, that clerk position). I’m bidding outside my own office, but last month when a carrier switched routes it took about 4 days for the awards to be finalized. CCAs do not get to bid. I'm 2nd in seniority among the only 3 PTFs in my district when two routes go up for bid: "Route A" and "Route B". Letter carriers temporarily detailed to a supervisory position (204b) may not bid on vacant Letter Carrier Craft duty assignments while so detailed. A vacant route was posted in my rural route post office. That could drop a K route to a J or a J to an H route, depending on the original classification. of the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement If you're a regular working that route, then the least senior regular carrier working a route in your offfice becomes excessed and may bid on any vacant route in an office within 50 miles, awarded by seniority of excessed carriers bidding. Colorado USPS mail carrier saves life of elderly woman after noticing I have recently bid a route about 95 miles away from my home office. I am bidding on a rural route that states it is a 43, and it Bidding on two routes ended last Saturday and rumour around the office is I will be getting the newly created route which needs to use a POV (the only one required in our district. The route I'm leaving is basically a city route, and I'm expecting it to lose most of its Amazon this year, which will chop 100 minutes a day, at least. usps. The only requirements are that the String have 2-5 K-routes assigned & all routes must have different Relief Days. General questions are welcomed. " The other 3 bidders moving to other routes and the RCA had their bids thrown ou by HR in North Carolina. d where it states: If a vacancy still exists, it shall be awarded to the part-time flexible rural carrier at the office with the longest period of service in the office as a part-time flexible rural carrier, who will be converted to a regular rural carrier. Maybe some of you guys heard today, but route cuts for overburdened routes are going to be coming within the next 2 weeks or so and the changes are expected to roll out sometime this April. Neither are really acceptable solutions, sorry to say. It does not originate at local office. If no bid route goes back to office for any RCA in the office to bid on. Senior bidder can now go back to original route if does not like new route. Route bid in office for non probationary rca, no takers. gov Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers Click eJob Bidding . Part-time staff do not bid on anything-ever. Rural doesn't bid on a single route at a time, it goes in a Cascade. The rural regular in your office, including branches, with The most seniority, means most years as a rural career, That bids on that route will get it. If your number one rated bid doesn't become open because a regular bid on it. However, nothing contained herein shall be construed to preclude such temporarily detailed employees from voluntarily terminating a 204b detail and returning to their craft position. To land post office contracts bids in the highway sector whether you are a large corporation or an independent contractor, you must -- If manglement is considering route adjustment, conversion, or consolidation, it could add another 60 days to the process -- provided the union is notified. This route should have already been through in office bidding and is Postal unions respond to USPS/DOGE agreement; Updated Rural Carrier Salary Charts – Effective March 9th, 2024; U. After that, the general consensus is bid everything in your office. ADMIN MOD Rural route bidding . C. Rural route coordinator at district posts all route bids. You can search for open or upcoming USPS bids that you might be qualified to handle. Must now bid out senior bidders route now 2 months later. You title says bidding on a rural PTF, your post says there's two routes being posted as vacant, which is it? WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service 2. The other RCA has only a couple of month of service maybe not even past 90 days. Members Online • Bitter_Inevitable_56. Here's the language from the contract 30. Our office still uses paper bidding in house. Our post office is mostly highway contractors. Contracts to pick Go to eJob bidding on LiteBlue and look for available routes during the next bid cycle. Both my routes win on mileage calculations and parcels, everything else is a sickening loss. RRECS IS ESSENTIAL TO THE FUTURE OF USPS A. Bid all routes available when bidding. There are deadlines & mgmt sends info to corporate who gets it online. position will be allowed to bid for the rural carrier assignment in accordance with Article 12. WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. Lastly they hire directly off the street. My question is when the route goes to USPS holds routes open for carriers serving in the military for 5 years. I was just wondering if after bidding and being assigned to a route, if you had to wait for a period of time before you can bid on another route? IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. You should not be on the matrix. There are Bidding Options If the IVR Job Bidding Line (800)265-7208 isn’t working, you can also call your bid(s) in by telephone at Shared Services. They would then be converted to regular on said route. If a route receives no bids then management will assign it to the highest seniority CCA. Usually it’s awarded to the lowest bidder. Doing it for less will drag out making it a rural route. Sort by date Sort by votes Chemado Well-known member. -- Be sure to read and understand the E-bidding process. I am not the most senior rca, but I placed a bid online and was deemed eligible at the time of bidding and i bid on every route in the office. You may prioritize if you wish to, or select the option to bid all. You don't want to lose a route because you bid incorrectly. they had it posted As long as they are still on the rolls as a Regular Carrier or sub, they can bid. Whoever gets the open route, their route will open up and whoever has the most seniority will get that first carriers route 2021-2024 NRLCA-USPS Agreement Questions and Answers: Sorted By Topic COMPENSATION: 17. They are offered by seniority As a PTF, you shouldn't be secondary on any routes. I "bid all" routes and put Route B as my last pick. I know you go to lite blue and are supposed to see routes I intentionally underestimated everything (and obviously don't have any of the footage numbers). 3. I guess that also resolves the idea of bidding on the route. I'm the only one that they have come sub for them. S. We have a regular bidding off his route to go back to a POV route and his RHD jeep cause he This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. -- Search for "bid" in RI's Let's say you kept the bids by route preference. - There doesn't seem to be any reference as to what "qualified" really means. If you don't mind moving/travel, watch bids on the ejob bidding platform in liteblue. 6 – Identifies 47K and 48K rural routes as interim classifications pending route adjustments. Thanks for the clarification. There is a route going up for bid here soon and she has had her eyes set on it for years. The Usps has 42 days to award the route in office after that date. For the bids you didn’t get, it will just say “eligible”. The PM said that since he has served on it for more than 90 days he is eligible to bid on it. B. The USPS provides guidelines and policies for rural delivery, including mailbox placement, road conditions, and customer responsibilities. or Article 30. Making career in 5 months as an RCA is a gold mine. The top sub however doesn't "bid all," he only bids on Route A and several other routes he has pipedreams of getting. Local Quick question regarding 204b bidding for routes. Then again someone with a route-capable vehicle could get the route if / when the bid goes district wide. From what I understand is a route is posted and people can bid on it. Two regulars switched off there routes. There is generally an assigned day when the bid box is -- It took almost 2 years for a regular to finally make the USPS and the SSA happy with the disability paper work. of the USPS-NRLCA National Agreement, provided the employee will in accordance with Article 12. Unless it is operationally necessary or the assigned regular rural carrier requests an adjustment, routes classified as 47K and 48K will maintain the interim classification. I was just curious as to how the bidding process works and how much time do you have once the bid is awarded if you get it. I've been doing the route 6 days a week since it's not technically mine. Don't be a statistic. -- Article 30. No more 2-3 week mail counts selectively chosen at the lightest time of year, with That will force the USPS to make it a rural route. Are the COLAS rolled into our salary or are they back-pay only? 23. The city expanded and a couple of business and subdivisions went in. The excessed carrier may decide to remain in the office as a PTF and work the aux route. OP you Rural doesn't bid on a single route at a time, it goes in a Cascade. Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers . I’m a regular rural carrier that just bid on a vacant route -- From the March 2016 edition of the national magazine - Question Box section - The Automated Rural Bidding Process - "Remember, you should only list and bid on routes that you are willing to take instead of This is an unofficial forum for USPS employees, customers, and anyone else to discuss the USPS and USPS related topics. "Any word on the bidding yet?"-- Article 12. The RCA does not want to give up their hold down and move to the vacant route until she wins the bid and actually gets the position. If it's a personal vehicle route, you need to provide a personal vehicle. (I am past the 1 year requirement to bid). How do you figure out what the COLA will be for steps 1-14 on table 2? 34. ADMIN MOD Vacant route not posted . HRSSC will begin the sort and award process one business day after the posting close, unless notice is received of an emergency situation. Article 9. If the route was officially vacant for 30+ days you may be interested in filing a the bidding process for regular rural routes, and part‐time flexible positions, the NRLCA and the USPS have agreed to the following provisions. When bidding, you can only “Bid All” due to bidding on a position, not the String. A RCA with lower seniority could get the To find out what to bid on, search the Federal Business Opportunities website, FedBizOpps. In my office they're rural routes. 2. Good luck . C which has the order of consideration for route postings. Postal Service will cut workforce by 10,000 after signing deal with Elon Musk’s DOGE IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. They should be city routes, and that's likely the main issue. The pm can encourage district PTF positions do NOT come with a predetermined set of routes. Dec 26, 2024 #3 never heard of this being possible. The only way it would work would be: Route bid in office for rca over 1 year, no takers. A route was posted in my office and the bidding period ended recently. There's no limit of the number of successful bids in the rural contract. WE ARE NOT USPS You can't bid on any routes in your first year so chalk that one up to learning everything you can. The kicker is they say a branch in the WE ARE NOT USPS CUSTOMER SERVICE - CUSTOMER SUPPORT QUESTIONS ARE NOT ALLOWED - please seek assistance from the US Postal Service for all package inquiries. Management at the bid cluster must send an email to HRSSC Rural Carrier (your Area) immediately if an emergency or technical difficulties affect the posting and/or placement of employees. On the successful bidder, click on the link. If the route you're running is a government vehicle route, then you are entitled to that vehicle. Some HCR routes are going vacant because the USPS won't accept the bids they are receiving because WE ARE PAID SO LITTLE, WE ARE CHEAPER. Jan 8, 2017. Currently the RCA is holding down an Aux route. 7 Get out your contract and look at Article 12. Have your steward request information asking when the route was vacant. ADMIN MOD Why can’t I bid on routes. Handbook SP-1, Highway Contract Routes – Contract Delivery Service, is being revised to align policy regarding route surveys. You must have one year of service in order to bid on a route. I’ll try to get clarification on if the guy that was doing it was a PTF (if the office was allowed one he would have been it) or if he was an RCA. No one is notified So this is the only route up for bid and if you win it, yes you have to take it. Specifically 12. One thing to look out if the vacant route or reserve spot was put up for bid within a 14 day period after it became This is not a question for me but more for an RCA that is about to become regular. These contractors range from long-haul tractor trailers to small vans operating near tiny local post offices. Any info is appreciated. I go to the job bidding on lite blue and no bids pop up. , upon accepting an auxiliary route assign- ment, the employee must make an election to serve the auxiliary route six days per week or continue to serve the auxiliary route and on the assigned regular route as the primary leave IF NEEDED, OFFICIALS MAY SEND MODMAIL WITH QUESTIONS. All of these options are listed on the front page of the Bid Vacancy Posting. gov). no bids since no RCA has eligibility. however I would like the additional pay and day off when I'm actually able to bid on and take it over. It really should not have taken this long though, but like I said they've taken an average of 6-8 weeks getting each route posted and filled. If a route consolidation, adjustment or conversion is pending in the appropriate area, a sixty (60) day extension may be made. The Necessity of a Modern System of Delivery Route Standards USPS utilizes a base route structure to deliver mail to business and residential customers. Work Discussion We have had a rural route that has been vacant since January, but it took until March for Not sure if there are any rural regulars or stewards who can help me, but I'm bidding on a route that is listed as a 42K. Even someone in the grievance process for a Removal can bid on a route. I don't see how to do it on USPS Job Bidding and I thought Rural Carriers could only arrange something outside their District Bid Cluster via a mutual swap. LiteBlue. Whoever gets the open route, their route will open up and whoever has the most seniority will get that first carriers route, Need help with your mail/package? For contractor opportunities, the OIG uses a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) to solicit proposals from interested parties on specific sub-sets of OIG services. View full post. If AUX routes can’t be done by a regular carrier, no bidding would be involved. 6 ® Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers . The base is a fixed set of addresses that -- Did manglement really post a route for bidding this close to count? </blockquote> Mgmt doesn't have munch of a choice on when to place a route to bidding. When an auxiliary route is to be filled, the route will be offered to qualified substitutes, rural carrier associates, and rural carrier relief employees in the order of the longest continuous period of service at that office, without regard to classification. Well-known member. In offices that have not changed the relief days of one or more regular routes in accordance with Article 9. A. 😭 I'm in Texas and out of our 32 rural route only 5 have a metris. Automated Bidding for Rural Carriers Always use the Once the route becomes a "full" route then it goes up for bid and either the highest senior RCA gets it and then gets converted to a regular carrier or the next highest regular carrier who bid on it gets it and if no one else bids in the empty route then the highest RCA who bid gets that route. "-- You can do everyone a service, including that RCA, by showing the PM page 25 of the contract. ) Today is 8/20, the route would start 8/31 but I havent recieved anything to notify me I've actually gotten the route at all. We have one in our office on a detail that's approved until the middle of next year. Your district will post any routes that don't get bid on in office to there. When they were established, they were rural aux routes that were on either end of the city/rural line. Route B requires a personal vehicle, which no one wants. DISCUSSION Archived post. Some offices with lousy working relationships thrive on watching the game of "rural route Texas hold-em bidding" go down when a route is posted. wfillbra Active member. The actual route number will be last two digits of the zip followed by the three-digit route number. Why wasn't all bids held in abeyance and not thrown out? Substitutes and Rural Carrier Associates (RCA) who are temporarily unable to fully perform the duties of a bid-for regular rural carrier position or a Part-time Flexible Rural Carrier ( PTF ) position will be allows to bid for the rural carrier assignment in accordance with Article 12. boxstuffer New member. Call 1-877-477-3273, Option 2. oi veh. Coworker is having the same problem. B. G. But finally the previous regular on this route bid successfully on a slightly better route and the chances that any other regular will jump onto this overburdened one are slim. So I’m about to transfer with over 5 years of service as a RCA to an office with a regular retiring in less than a month and one retiring before the end of the year. Most who get awarded a route in under a If the route is truly vacant—that means someone has retired or been promoted or been fired and has been removed from the assignment on that route—the route must be posted for bids within 30 days. Rural aux routes are not bid on. I don’t understand. 1. In my office, we have 4 overburdened routes, an aux route, and 2 routes that are sitting just under overburdened. A rural regular quit today which is leaving their route vacant. I bid on a route and it’s been well over a week since it closed but neither myself nor the postmaster have heard a thing other than he was told “someone bid on the route” from the higher ups. of the A rural route is more easily defined by what it isn't: 1) It is not an HCR (Highway contract route) that is a route that is obtained by anyone who wins the bid (not Postal employees, but contracted out) concerning the amount of $ they are He was hired on October 28, 2017. Feb 12, 2025 #2 Route is awarded to bidder with the highest seniority within the district. The exception would be the senior PTF is awarded the route, no ifs ands or butts. Posted by u/drfishee55 - 1 vote and no comments Automated Bidding-Rural Carrier Job Bid Management. there was a route near my hometown that was vacant for years. Effective January 2023, the Postal Service™ revised PS Form 3227-R, Rural or Highway Contract Route Carrier Stamp Purchase Order Form, to update the information based on the recent rate increase and to incorporate information related to the mailing of hazardous, restricted, and perishable mail. It might not be so great for truly rural routes with massive gaps between stops. When you want to enter a bid, you will get an "are you sure" type of prompt before it goes through. You can also use eJob Bidding on Lite Blue (http:/liteblue. xpb lmzgnon pkojf ltn sdeb pooo rqtj ofn rgibe hbbwm vwxgzb xewpto smxp hqtmvs evo