Te atiawa descendants. You have 0 items in your cart.

Te atiawa descendants Te Āti Awa tupua rau, he auripo i te manga nui, he kaitiaki ki te whenua (Te Āti Awa of many phenomenon, a swirl in the water, a guardian to the land) Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa ki te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui (Te Rūnanga) is based in Waiwhetu, Lower Hutt. The main tangata whenua groups around the northern side of the harbour today are from various hapū of Te Atiawa. They whakapapa back to one or more of our 94 Ngāti Rārua tupuna and 15 Te Ᾱtiawa tupuna. Reception hours are : Monday – Friday, 9 a. They whakapapa back to one or more of our 94 Ngati Rarua tupuna and 15 Te Atiawa tupuna. The time is now to act on the proposed This site is a connector for nga uri, and a mechanism to communicate and share information for those of descendants of Ngati Tawhirikura O Taranaki. Secondly, the family of Te Ihupango and Te Amongaariki II, who had two daughters - Tihe and Kohine. Our Pākewa, also known as Paekawa, signed Te Tiriti at Port Nicholson on 29 April 1840. Piopio, a prominant tupuna wahine from Te Tini-o-Pohokura, married a descendant of the famous Toi Kairākau named Atakore in order to bring warfare between the tribes to an end. The Crown profoundly regrets its unjust treatment of those Te Atiawa people it imprisoned for taking part in campaigns of peaceful resistance. Te Atiawa Manawhenua Ki Motueka? Register Now. In 1845, Land Commissioner William Spain recorded 94 Ngāti Rārua and 15 Te Ᾱtiawa people as manawhenua ki Motueka. Free Phone : 0800 284 292 Office Phone : 03 573 5170. First, in 2011, a Waiwhetu-based Atiawa group led by former secretary of Maori Affairs Dr Kara Puketapu sparked court action when they refused to return the Wellington City Council ratepayer-funded waka Te Raukura. In 1907 The historical claims are every claim that Te Atiawa or a representative entity had on or before the settlement date, or may have after the settlement date, and that— Wai 576 (Rawiri Te Ngaere Descendants and Jesse Kingi whānau Trust claim): (iv) Wai 771 (Nga Motu Lands, Fisheries, Foreshore and Seabed claim): (v) Their family were originally known as Ngāti Te Awa (the descendants of Te Awa). Many Māori from the area trace their whakapapa (ancestry) back to several of these iwi and hapü groups. Approximately 17,000 people registered their affiliation to Te Āti Awa in 2001, with about 10,000 in Taranaki, 2,000 in tracking the lives of Barrett / Honeyfield decedents over six generations in Aotearoa / New Zealand. Previously the area where the building is located was harbour frontage to Te Aro Pā, one of the largest Māori communities in Wellington up until the 1880s. Kōtore’s grandson Tapuwae, his wife Ruataumata and their descendants became known as Ngā Tukemata nui o Kahungunu. For people affiliating with Te Atiawa and living in New Zealand on 5 March 2013: Te Raukura is of special significance to descendants from Taranaki iwi of Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Tama and Ngati Mutunga. These ancestors are the original landowners of our Motueka homelands. Descendants say that Pākewa and Rāwiri had eight children, E te Iwi o Ngāti Awa, ngā uri whakatipu o ngā tīpuna kua wehe atu, whakarongo mai rā! The call has come for us to stand united, to protect our Ngāti Awatanga and defend our tino rangatiratanga. Paraparaumu Aerodrome with signatures of descendants of Puketapu Hapū of Te AtiAwa . However, ahi kaa – was maintained during this time by people who remained in the rohe, and by the intermittent return of migrants and their descendants to Taranaki. TE ATIAWA (Taranaki) Descendants of Te Atiawa, Taranaki TE KOTAHITANGA O TE ATIAWA TRUST (7 elected trustees) Post Settlement Governance Entity/Mandated Iwi Organisation/ Iwi Aquaculture Organisation/ Private Trust/Māori Authority Limited Partner General Partner TE ATIAWA (TARANAKI) HOLDINGS LIMITED The descendants of our tipuna and exist to protect our rohe and to sustain our beneficiaries through robust and honest governance. According to James Belich, it is most likely that the restoration of the inter-tribal balance of The Te Atiawa (Taranaki) population includes all people of Māori descent who gave Te Atiawa (Taranaki) as their iwi or as one of several iwi. In 1845, Land Commissioner William Spain recorded 94 Ngāti Rārua and 15 Te Ᾱtiawa people as manawhenua ki Shared through the eyes of Te Atiawa descendants including Dr Ruakere Hond with insights from acclaimed historian Dr Vincent O'Malley this digital documentary project focuses on the beginning of the Taranaki wars which started in Waitara and raged across the region for over two decades. As more material becomes available and with ongoing research, the various Ngāti Awa are the descendants of Te Tini o Toi, the original inhabitants of the region, and the people of Mataatua waka, which made landfall at Whakatāne after voyaging from Hawaiki around 1300 CE. Ngāti Rārua were participants in the series of war party or tauā that came to Te Tauihu, and were involved in the resulting battles against the resident Kurahaupō people. Morrie Love (Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngāti Ruanui and Ngāti Tama iwi of Taranaki), began Te Atiawa Manawhenua Ki Motueka? Register Now. They whakapapa back to one or more of our 94 Ngāti Rārua tūpuna and 15 Te Ātiawa tūpuna. Te Ātiawa is sometimes referred to as the Awa tribes or Ngātiawa. This whakapapa (genealogical chart) shows Rangitihi’s seven sons and one daughter, who were collectively called Ngā Pūmanawa e Waru o te Arawa – the Eight Beating Hearts of Te Arawa. Ngāti Hauā is a Māori iwi of the eastern Waikato of New Zealand. Their central organisation is Te Rūnanga ā-Iwi o Ngāpuhi. To shine as Te Ātiawa, the few, the many, all of us. 16 May 1995 Letter from George Jenkins to Ministry of Transport (J Bradbury) re Sale of Paraparaumu Aerodrome . 0. Successive generations of Honeyfield descendants were told by their parents that Wakaiwa was a ‘Māori princess’ by dint of her being Te Kahui Mangai(TKM) is a directory of iwi (tribes) and Maori organisations for purposes of consultation and research. Ngāti Awa in the Bay Of Plenty are also descendants of these ancestors. Prior to colonisation, there were some ninety-six distinct Te Atiawa hapu, each with their own defined whenua and rohe. 19 April 1995 Letter from Ministry of Transport (J Bradbury) to George Jenkins . Key Documents; Shop. 9 Okupe Lagoon . The website of Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa. Registration. Rangitihi's two descendants, - To shine as Te Ātiawa, the few, the many, all of us. Kahungunu’s many descendants – The History of Te Ātiawa and the Migration to Te Tau Ihu Toi-kai-rakau, the wood eater In the years following, descendants of Toi moved further afield and different familial branches arose including: Te Tini o Awa, Te Marangaranga, Te Tini o Tuio, Te Tini o Taunga and Ngā Turanga. Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka-a-Māui is the prow of the demigod Māui’s canoe – the top of the South Island. Hine Raumati Collection; Te Parawai o Rongo Collection; Contact Us; 0. Ko Te Āti Awa nō runga i te rangi We are the uri (descendants) of Tamarau and Rongoueroa, the Kāhui Maunga people and people of the Tokomaru waka. 15,273 people, or 2. Date: Oct 1906. Cowan wrote that this was the burial place of many of those who fell in the battle of Waiorua. The trust The earliest accounts associated with Te Atiawa iwi ancestors precede the coming of Taranaki to the western seaboard. Pairoke had 4 siblings: Rangi Nukaiahu and 3 Compare DNA and explore genealogy for Ringahuri Te Atiawa born abt. Waiwhetu Marae is the centre of a vibrant and long established urban papakāinga housing 120 whānau of Te Atiawa descendants near the banks of the Waiwhetu stream in Lower Hutt. Non-adult this group is for all who wish to share thoughts and memories on maori historic events. During his life he married nine women, and his courtship of the beautiful Rongomaiwahine at Māhia Peninsula is legendary. Mother of Riripeti Jenkins, Hena (Jenkins) Te Atiawa, Taranaki, New Zealand. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua is the mandated iwi authority of the iwi Ngāti Rārua who are from Te Tau Ihu o te Waka o Maui and of Tainui waka. kaupapa for your whanau, hapu, iwidebates and issues on government policies that affect our maori The Te Atiawa Whaling Station: An Essay on Whaling In and Around Cook Straight. This whakapapa (genealogy) of the descendants of the chief Rangitihi shows how strategic marriages and the outcome of sexual unions created strong links between tribal groups that might otherwise have been in conflict. The area of the Ngāti Mutunga rohe described above is approximately 63,200 hectares (156,000 acres) according to a digital map calculation done in 2003. The stronghold of Ngāti Maru has been the Thames area. Pakewa was born in 1797, in Puketapu, Te Atiawa, Taranaki, New Zealand. Location. NM-6 . The Crown sincerely apologises to those tupuna it exiled hundreds of kilometres from their homes, to the whanau who grieved in their absence, to their descendants, and to Te Atiawa. Its traditional area includes Matamata, Cambridge, Maungakawa, the Horotiu district along the Waikato River and the Maungatautari district, and its eastern boundary is the Kaimai Range. 4 Hapu is the basis of social organisation for Te Atiawa. Te Whānau-ā-Apanui, Whakatōhea, Tūhoe, Ngāti Awa, Ngāti Manawa, Ngāti Whare, Ngāi te Rangi and Ngā Puhi. In 1977 the Wellington Tenths Trust was established. Physical Address: (Personal or Courier delivery only) Biography . Renowned descendants include Dame Whina Cooper, who led a land march Mr Moeahu says over the past 30 years because there were fewer native speakers of his dialect, Te Atiawa descendants living in Wellington had to be taught by speakers from other areas. Taranaki Maunga negotiations; Our Documents. 2. These beneficiaries are the descendants of Te Āti Awa and other Taranaki people who were living in the Wellington Harbour area at the time of the disputed New Zealand Company purchase in 1839. From Sydney, they arrived at Ngamotu (New Plymouth), Taranaki, 1828, where they developed a good relationship with local Maori, Nau mai, haere mai e te whānau, welcome to Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Rārua. The Treaty Minister says the settlement signals a new beginning for its descendants. descendants to Taranaki. Leaders of the tribe have included Te Waharoa (1820s and 1830s), his son The beneficiaries of this Trust shall be those Maori people comprising members of the Ngati Rarua and Te Atiawa manawhenua ki Motueka tribes who can establish a direct lineal descent (by birth or adoption including either formal legal adoption or customary Maori adoption) from the persons listed in the Second Schedule hereto being the original owners of the lands Te Atiawa. Most affiliate to hapū who settled Korotiwha led Te Atiawa in the eventual defeat of the Nga-Potiki-taua of the Taranaki iwi some 20 years after Nga-Potiki-taua’s conquest of Te Atiawa. The Taranaki pa site of Pukerangiora holds a significant (h) there is no power in terms of the Anglican Church Trusts Act 1981 for a scheme of arrangement to provide for a transfer of the other significant assets as distinct from the land only of the Whakarewa School Trust Board to a trust to be known as the Ngati Rarua-Atiawa Iwi Trust as set forth in Schedule 3 for the benefit of the descendants of the original Maori owners: Ngāti Te Whiti traces descent from our eponymous ancestor – Te Whiti o Rongomai – who lived in the late 1700s. The trust pursued claims with the Waitangi Tribunal to gain compensation for the losses suffered since 1839. As a Trust, we manage and nurture these land holdings on behalf of and for the benefit of all Nau mai ki te paetukutuku o Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa. Throughout the 1870s, the Crown continued in its efforts to make the previously-confiscated Taranaki lands available for European settlement. Early Te Ātiawa Te Āti Awa of Wellington today. There are nine chapters in the document. It provides a basis for engagement with Te Atiawa and its hapū on a broad range of environmental and resource management issues. For Māori, sexual relationships provided opportunities to develop social connections between different groups. We also acknowledging our whanau who reside in Poneke and Larnee was born and bred in Waitara and has whakapapa connections to Ngāti Mutunga, Ngāti Tama, Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngāruahine iwi in Taranaki and Ngāti Maniapoto in Waikato. Today the descendants affiliate to Waiwhetu Marae and Te Tatau o Te Po Marae. Whāngai on their own behalf or by their legal guardian. She married Rāwiri Nukaiahu and they migrated from Taranaki to Waikanae around the 1830s. Through Pakanga, he was an influential rangatira in the Ngati Te Whiti hapū of Te Atiawa. We invite Ngāti Rāhiri o Te Atiawa descendants to register by completing an enrolment form and sending to The Ngāti Rārua Ātiawa Iwi Trust represents a unique group of descendants from two iwi. 3 percent of the total population of Māori descent, affiliated with Te Atiawa. Today, eight tribes form the region’s tangata whenua Te Atiawa has occupied this rohe for well over a millennium. We descend from rangatira who defended their lands from Crown aggression and suffered Te Atiawa to deliver positive opportunity for Te Atiawa whānau. The descendants of Īhenga and Hatupatu married into other major lines of the Te Arawa tribe, and in time they were led by Rangitihi, Tamatekapua’s great-great-grandson. The descendants of customary Māori landowners in Nelson are celebrating a hard won victory in the High Court, after an interim ruling found they are entitled to thousands of hectares of Crown land and millions of dollars in compensation. descendants of its rightful Ngati Rarua and Te Atiawa owners, and the Ngati Rarua Atiawa Iwi Trust is established. Previously the area where the building is located was harbour frontage to Te Aro Pā, one of The Crown profoundly regrets its unjust treatment of those Te Atiawa people it imprisoned for taking part in campaigns of peaceful resistance. [1]It is one of five tribes of the Marutūāhu confederation, the others being Ngāti Paoa, Ngāti Rongoū, Ngāti Tamaterā and Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Trust is committed to assisting our members to realise their educational aspirations and realise academic success. 19 May 1995 Notes of meeting held 19 May 1995 Ngāti Maru is a Māori iwi (tribe) of the Hauraki region of New Zealand. Other. Te Amongaariki II is especially important to Te It represents an embrace of all Te Atiawa descendants, wrapping us in the warmth and protection of our ancestral legacy. | Te Ātiawa, Te Kotahitanga o Te Ātiawa Trust, | Iwi | Te Ātiawa Handsome and hard-working, the influential leader Kahungunu supervised building, irrigation, carving and canoe-making. From 1836 a whaling station was established here and was the most productive of Her descendants continue to occupy this area. Iwi, hapu, marae, rohe, RMA, MFA, Treaty of Waitangi, regional and local councils, iwi contact, iwi contacts, iwi contact details, contact details. If you can establish a direct lineal descent, be it by birth or adoption, from the named 109 original owners of our land, you can register as an owner of this Trust. This settlement package includes a financial and commercial redress of $87million for Te Ātiawa. Describes important ancestors and the arrival of Mataatua Waka including Awanuiārangi I. Above the canoe is Te Hoe-o-Tainui, a famous paddle, the kete (basket) given to Whakaotirangi by a tohunga of Hawaiki, the bird Parakaraka (front) who was able to see in the dark, and another Te Whiti O Rongomai of Parihaka is a direct descendant of Te Whiti O Rongomai I the progenitor of the Ngati Te Whiti Hapu of Te Atiawa Iwi in Taranaki. 1. Her parents may have been Ngākoro and Te Hurupoki (of Ngāti Ruanui). 1790 Mohua, Golden Bay, South Island, New ZealandMohua, Golden Bay, South Island, New Zealand including research + descendants + DNA connections + more in the free family tree community. Te Atiawa There are 624 related items to this topic See all related items. Our right of occupation is based on continuous occupation by generations of connected ancestors from the earliest kinship groups such as Moturoa, Ngāmotu, Ngāti Tuparikino, Ngāti Hamua, and Ngāti Tawhirikura. [1] Ngāti Maru are descendants of Te Ngako, also known as Te Ngakohua, the son of Marutūāhu, after whom the tribe is named. Morrie Love and his daughter Honiana are descendants of Te Atiawa rangatira who have signed Te Tiriti/ the Treaty of Waitangi. Te Atiawa and concluding with their settlement of the northern South Island. One of Toi’s son’s, Ruarangi, married a woman named 'Te Raukura' is of special significance to descendants from Taranaki iwi of Te Atiawa, Taranaki, Ngati Ruanui, Ngati Tama and Ngati Mutunga. Te Ātiawa connects with the three hapū, Te Kahui Tu, Te Kahui Rangi and Te Kahui Tawake. The permanent population of Parihaka consisted of Maori from throughout Taranaki and beyond, including Te Atiawa. Later the name was given to all the descendants of Kahungunu. Retrieved from https His descendants are of the Rangitāne tribe, eventually including their relations, Ngāi Tara, then occupying Wairarapa, Wellington and the Manawatu areas. Te Atiawa. Te Iho Tū — Te Atiawa In 2013 there were more than 125,000 Ngāpuhi people, and more than 50,000 lived in Auckland. She was a wahine rangatira of Te Āti Awa. Furthermore, Te Parawai o Rongo acknowledges the sacred whare tangata, the womb Descendants . An Adult Member of Te Ātiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika a Māui Pōtiki means a member of Te Ātiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika a Māui Pōtiki who is 18 years of age or over. Furthermore, Te Parawai o Rongo acknowledges the sacred whare tangata, the womb Ngāti Rārua tūpuna came to Te Tauihu o te Waka a Māui in the 1820s and 1830s, are part of the great southwards migration of the Kawhia and Taranaki tribes. Like many of us, he has affiliations to Taranaki Iwi but it is wrong to say that he does not belong to Te Atiawa. Reference: qMS-1928. This tribe migrated south with Te Rauparaha and settled in Waikanae Te Kotahitanga o Te Atiawa Chairperson Liana Poutu says that the launch of Tai Whenua, Tai Tangata, Tai Ao marked an expression of rangatiratanga (right to exercise authority) and kaitiakitanga (guardianship) from ngā uri o Te Atiawa (descendants of Te Atiawa) over the environmental and cultural resources within our Te Atiawa iwi rohe. According to Percy Smith the small remnants of Te Atiawa who survived the earlier Nga-Potiki-taua conquest were scattered in small groups in the bush where they hid to evade capture (page 218). - - - - Kerei Pukekohatu - Te Tau Ihu o Te Waka: A History - - of Maori of Nelson and Marlborough, Volume I Te Atiawa (Whakapapa to Te Tau Ihu) Ngati Koata Ngāti Kōata TRUST 94 15 Ngati Tama (Whakapapa to Te Tau Ihu) – Ngati Despite cleverly sidestepping appropriation issues, the building has still been controversial. You have 0 items in your cart. m. E rere māhorahora ana te awa o Waiwhetu, o Awamutu ki ōna pūaha. Captain John Agar Love, usually known as Jacky, and to the Te Atiawa as Hakirau, was master of the trading ship Adventure, his first mate was Richard ("Dicky") Barrett. The union of Tamarau (celestial being) and Rongoueroa (terrestrial being) cemented the source of life, giving us our inherited strength and mana. The southern boundary between Ngati Raukawa and Te Atiawa, in the vicinity of the Kukutauaki stream was disputed, between different factions of Ngāti Toa – those associated with Te Atiawa (Wi Parata) and those associated with Ngāti Raukawa (Tamihana Te Rauparaha, Matene Te Whiwhi). Contact Us Phone / 06 758 4685 | Email / tari@teatiawa. It is part of the Tainui confederation. iwi. In 1878, Parihaka and south Taranaki Māori leaders allowed the Crown to survey lands in Ngāti Awa are the descendants of Te Tini o Toi, the original inhabitants of the region, and the people of Mataatua waka, which made landfall at Whakatāne after voyaging from Hawaiki around 1300 CE. He Kupu Whakatairanga - Vision, Values and Mission 8 . However, while Ngāti Awa trace their ancestry to the Mataatua canoe, some Te Āti Awa trace their origins to the Tai Whenua, Tai Tangata, Tai Ao is our iwi environmental management planning document which sets out the views and expectations of Te Atiawa regarding environmental resource management within the tribal rohe (tribal area). Te Tohu o Te Ora o Ngāti Awa delivers The old settlement in the district of Te Rau o te Huia was bounded by the Waiau River and its remains mark the area of Ngāti Mutunga’s traditional southern boundary. They originate largely from Ngā Motu (New Plymouth) in Taranaki. Now, the settlement will look towards becoming law, and post-treaty settlement entity Te Kotahi o Te Ātiawa will manage the settlement assets. However Te Ātiawa are not the only descendants of Awanuiārangi. Many Te Atiawa were also taken captive by neighbouring tribes, while others relocated to areas around Kapiti, Wellington and the top of the south. Two main iwi, Ngāti Rarua and Te Atiawa, and their respective hapü Ranga ranga te muri, ka tutū te ngaru o te moana ko au tenei ko Tūtāmure. Amidst powerful economic and societal change it has supported generations of its whānau in a lifestyle that values whakapapa , whanaungatanga and manaakitanga as normal parts of Te Atiawa lands (Te Ara: Encyclopedia of New Zealand) As recorded in the New Plymouth District Council’s Mana Whenua, Mana Moana policy, the Ātiawa coastline collectively constitute ‘ one of the most extensive traditional fishing reefs and are referred to in song and legends as a source of pride and prestige as well as food’ (2014, p23). The purpose of the Te Awanuiarangi is recognised as the founding ancestor of Te Āti Awa. It represents the descendants of Te Āti Awa and other Taranaki people who lived in the Wellington area before European settlement. Te Āti Awa of Wellington shared in the Updated 3 January 2025. nz. Stowell, Henry Matthew 1859-1944 :Notes on the Haukaretu Block Purchase, Upper Hutt. Te Māhurehure, Te Atiawa Taranaki) said the decision was a win for those in Te Tauihu. "Those kaiako (teachers) that came Te Whare Wānanga o Awanuiārangi descendants of Mataatua Waka story. Te Tini-o-Pohokura spread throughout Taranaki, and sections of this community occupied areas in the upper reaches of the Mokau Valley. 3 In May 1839, the New Zealand Company was formed in London to promote the Who can apply for Registration:<br /> <br /> Adult members of the iwi who are descendants of a Te Ātiawa ki te Upoko o te Ika a Māui Pōtiki tupuna. Go To Shopping. Awanuiarangi is also an ancestor of Ngāti Awa in the Bay of Plenty. Te Rūnanga o Ngāti Mutunga accepts registrations Descendants of Te Atiawa, Taranaki TE KOTAHITANGA O TE ATIAWA TRUST (7 elected trustees) Post Settlement Governance Entity/Mandated Iwi Organisation/ Iwi Aquaculture Organisation/ Private Trust/Māori Authority Limited Partner General Partner TE ATIAWA (TARANAKI) HOLDINGS (Charitable Trust) LIMITED According to Bremner, ‘Te Atiawa, pressing for a trading post permanently occupied by Pakeha to ensure prosperity and preservation, presented high born Te Atiawa women to Barrett and Love. These peoples’ descendants are beneficial owners in the Wellington Tenths Trust and most The korupe (carving over the window frame) at Mahina-a-Rangi meeting house at Turangawaewae Marae, Ngāruawāhia showing the Tainui canoe with its captain Hoturoa. According to Te Āti Awa traditions, he was the product of a union between Rongoueroa and Tamarau, a spirit ancestor. Ngāti Rāhiri Hapū o Te Atiawa (Taranaki) Soc Inc is responsible for maintaining the registration of our hapū members. When the north wind blows, up rise the waves of the ocean. Contact Us. On 29 April 1840, Ngatata i te rangi (1794–1854) signed the Henry Williams version of Te Tiriti o Waitangi (Treaty of Waitangi, the founding document of Aotearoa/New Zealand) on the schooner, the Ariel, at Port Nicholson (Wellington), which was witnessed by Henry Williams "The Claimants being descendants from and rightful successors to the Chiefs and people of Te Ātiawa/Ngātiawa Ki Te Tau Ihu here under specified besides the name of the claimants make this claim for and on behalf of the Te Ātiawa/Ngātiawa Ki Te Tau Ihu Iwi as follows:" 'Nga Hekenga o Te Atiawa' is one such submission. Many different iwi (tribes) have migrated to these fertile, mineral-rich lands: the elusive ‘fairy folk’ of ancient times; the descendants of the navigator Kupe; and powerful Ngāti Tūmatakōkiri, who ruled for 200 years. Phone: 06 758 4685. These include the iwi, Ngāti Rarua and Te Atiawa, and Ngāti Tama, Ngāti Kuia, Ngāti Koata and the very old iwi, Ngāti Tu-Mata-Kokiri with very few descendants left. The building sees the re-establishment of a Tautoko Ratu, a Maori radio announcer on local iwi station Atiawa-Toa FM in Lower Hutt, said because Taranaki descendants are outnumbered by Ngati Porou and Tuhoe in Wellington, it's easy for the Taranaki mita to be drowned out. The role of the Rūnanga is to care, uphold and enhance the mana, the assets and the whānau whanui of Ngāti Rārua. Introduction ‘E Titia’ is the Strategic Plan for Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a-Māui Trust 2018 – 2023. Our success lies within the collective potential of the Whānau, Hapū and Iwi. The descendants of Awanuiarangi, the Awa people, occupied Taranaki for many generations. Te Atiawa Puanga Kaumātua Ball; Ka Whawhai Tonu; 2024 AGM; 2023 Taranaki Tū Mai; 2024 Mid-year Update; Key Kaupapa. The Ngāti Rārua Ᾱtiawa Iwi Trust represents a unique group of descendants from two iwi. By: Stowell, Henry Matthew, 1859-1944. NM-4 . . It is I, Tūtāmure. to 3:30 p. Most affiliate to hapū who settled areas around the Whakatāne, Rangitāiki, and Tarawera Rivers. Time is running out for Te Atiawa descendants to vote on their tribe's Treaty of Waitangi settlement. Postal Address: PO Box 340, Picton, 7250. Tū mai rā te tīpuna whare o Arohanui ki te Tangata, te marae o Waiwhetu e noho hei whare whakaruruhau ki te iwi o Te Āti Āwa, otirā te ao katoa. MA thesis, RD Caygill, University of New Zealand, 1948 Kua Hiri Mai Te Rā – A journey of self-identification for the descendants of Ngāti Rāhiri ki Taranaki, M Marsh, Thesis, Master of Arts, University of Waikato, Hamilton, New Zealand. John was born in 1794, on the Isle of Skye, Scotland. This site commenced in 2015 as a collaboration between those who shared a common interest to develop an online repository of information and analysis around our tūpuna/ancestors, Richard (Dicky) Barrett and his wife Wakaiwa Rāwinia (Te Āti Awa) and their children; the numerous Honeyfield siblings who emigrated from North Dorset, England in the The Ngāti Rārua Ᾱtiawa Iwi Trust represents a unique group of descendants from two iwi. The first examines the origins of Te Atiawa where a number of their descendants remain to this day. Whakatane, Te Tini‐o‐Awa (an early tribe of the Hawke’s Bay region) and finally Te Atiawa of North Taranaki. The history is detailed in the Kukutauaki no 1 hearing in 1874. These hapū originated from the ancestor Rua Taranaki, See more Te Ātiawa trace their origins to their founder Awanuiarangi who was conceived from the union of an earthly mother, Rongoueroa, and Tamarau-te-Heketanga-a-Rangi, a spirit descended from the sky. Te Rūnanganui o Te Āti Awa ki te Upoko o Te Ika a Māui. They were known as the Kāhui people, some of which were known as Te Āti Awa or Te Ātiawa is a Māori iwi with traditional bases in the Taranaki and Wellington regions of New Zealand. It is also important to note that their koorero Awanuiarangi, Rongoueroa and Tamarau I Te Rangi, It represents an embrace of all Te Atiawa descendants, wrapping us in the warmth and protection of our ancestral legacy. Te Ātiawa o Te Waka-a Te Atiawa Manawhenua Ki Motueka? Register Now. Ko Pukeatua te mounga kei runga, ko te paepae tapu o Te Upoko o Te Ika kei raro. NM-5 . xouv vbtdrh jqfizow qqmv lid vaieu wtvw ltenge ahul nlsafkfw gkbnpm twhuga zvzt cmdwz gscb