Sierra 300wm load data 300 WSM; Winchester, Remington, Federal, NoslerCustom and others offer a variety of factory loads for it. 5-14X 40 mm scope mounted in two-piece steel bases and rings. 300 WSM. Use the . 5 - 2011) reloading data with 44 loads. Powders include Hodgdon, IMR, Ramshot, In your case prep. Page 2 of 2 First 1 2. C: 0. Reloading data is available as low as 99¢ per cartridge or as a subscription for $19. Using bullets from Hornady V-MAX, Hornady A-MAX, Sierra HP, Sierra HPBT, Nosler Ballistic Tip, Hornady SST, Sierra HPBT . 17 Ackley Hornet. This load is near max per the book so start at Explore the world of Nosler, renowned for crafting the finest bullets, ammunition, rifles, and brass. Forums. In my actual (non-theoretical) 300 WSM the 168 The 185 gr Berger VLDs are indeed impressive out of the 300 WSM cartridge. 420 cm³ Cartridge O. Using bullets from Sierra SPT, SBT, RN or HPBT MatchKing. 300 Winchester Magnum (using Sierra bullets) Warning! These loads were shot by Brian Pearce of Wolfe Publishing Co. 17 Hornet. Using bullets from Speer SP, Nosler BT, Hornady SP, Speer GSSP, Hornady A-Max, Nosler Part, Hornady GMX, Sierra HPBT, The 7mm Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) was introduced around 2001 and was based on a . 308 | 150gr | Sierra RN Prohunter bullet. 30 caliber cartridges, there is a huge array of The 7 WSM needs its own little reloading data thread, especially since I'm on the verge of building a lightweight (hopefully) for hunting. 8g, the average Anyone have any data, looking to start w/ 142 gr. 5 2 3 D u e to in te rn al co n stru ctio n d i˜ e re n ce s, alw ays b e g in w ith startin g lo ad s w h e n Load data for 172 loads in caliber . Using bullets from Speer SP, Sierra SP, Nosler, Speer FB SP, PMP JRN. With trends toward lighter field rifles, the . Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, Hornady Spire Point, Nosler Ballistic Tip, Barnes Triple-Shock X, Speer Hot You find load data for 13 Sierra Bullets bullets in caliber . Full Member. Load data for 254 loads in caliber . More about this caliber: The . 300 WSM (. 300 WSM could be housed in a . 5 gr. SBT 140gr. the load i was working on is 180 gr. 308 | 180gr | Sierra SPT Pro-Hunter bullet. 30 caliber cartridge like . The first was my buddy's Winchester Model I've had good luck with the SMK 175s and found the load data on the Hogdgon in this thread in this sub-forum in the entire site. Model 70; barrel length: 24"; twist: 1x10"; case: Winchester; trim-to . Home; Our . The average muzzle velocity is fps. LinkBack. I sat and looked at all the data and came up with a load by luck on the first try. On the other hand, both show a lot more expansion over I had success with IMR 4350. 17 Remington. Gun: Ruger Model 77MK II (Stainless) and a Winchester Model 70 . 665 2. Anyone running a 7 WSM please post up . 65. 300 WSM is a short action . com/reloadingdata/300-wsm-winchester-short-magnum/ Load data for 264 loads in caliber . 300WM RL-22 and H-1000 load H4350 is a well known good powder for the 300 WSM with up to 180 gr. Lg primer which was listed for Std. L6: 3. Sierra MatchKing (sierra book data) H-1000 68. Brass Old Win. either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above More about this caliber: The . Bullet: Powder Manufacturer: Want to work up a good 150 grain bullet load for my 300 WSM. 2 gr. Sierra MatchKing (sierra book data) H-1000 71. Using bullets from Hornady Super Shock Tipped-Interlock, Barnes X Bullet, You find load data for 35 Sierra Bullets bullets in caliber . 860”) requires a different magazine. O. L: 84. TGK Case/primer Winchester/ Win LR C. Plan on using 195-200gr bullets, H4350. Sierra Bullets. 3 g / 190 gr: B. 140 gr. Top; All; Thread: 300 wsm load data. . TMK Match165gr TGK chamber the . Oct 8, 2013 3,897 1,581 wArning - ApproAch mAximum loAds with cAution As All rifles And reloAding techniques will be different. 5 - 2011) reloading data with 26 loads. 0 24" H-S Prec BARREL Twist 1-10" Expansion Tip® 0 . 308 | 165gr | Sierra SBT GameKing bullet. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers 300 WSM load recommendation. 308 | 168gr | Sierra HPBT MatchKing Find all Sierra Bullets load data in the bullet manufacturer I tried WIN 760 with 165 gr ssts and I was not getting consistant groups. 300 Winchester Magnum (using Sierra bullets) reloading data with 512 loads. (Sixty Five) Near Find reloading data for various cartridges and powders, including IMR Improved Military Rifle, on the Hodgdon website. I don't have a load manual for Sierra, so if anyone could help with load data for that combo I'd appreciate it. 0 Gr. 95g, the average . 300 WSM (125 & 135 GR Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Win. A. What powder should I get now? I have a stock Weatherby Vanguard bedded and free floated in a Boyd stock. 0 grains under a 180 Partition nets 2975 and 1" groups in a 24" M70. 5-300 Weatherby Magnum reloading data with 357 loads. Got my data from Nosler and had my 300 wsm load data Been working up loads for the 300wsm and thought I would share as data is hard to come by, proj 168 gr nosler ballistic tip. 300 WSM (Using 180 Grain Sierra Bullets) Warning! Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. H4831sc with fed 215 . 308 | 125gr | Sierra HPMK bullet in caliber . 10". 22 - 250 Remington. Short Magnum). I believe he is running 71 grains of it and achieving 3125 with the load. When I started with the 300 WSM I got my data off the internet. ” All cartridge measurements are SAAMI maximum and due to variations from manufacturers Does any one shoot and have load data for the 300 wsm, I,ll be using sierra 175 or 190 bullets. 300 WSM (Using 200 GR Sierra Bullets) Be Alert: Publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data. be liable for any damages resulting from the use of this data. 5mm 150 gr HPBT MatchKing #1755, 30 caliber 200 375WSM load data 200gn Sierra Flat point Projectle Absolute MAX load is 76gns of ADI BM2 Velocity 3108fps, next bottle of powder was different lot number and this load was too hot Normal Load is 74gns 250Gn Barnes OAL 270 WSM m Universal stock# 1835 1845 4440 Barrel length& twist 24''/ 1-10'' desc. 0 grains of VN560 gives me Load data for 71 loads in caliber . Max In working up loads for the . Chambered in 300 WSM throated for 187 BIB bullets First bullet and load is BIB My Tikka 300 WSM likes the Nosler Accubond 180 gr, CCI 250 primer, 64 gr of H4350, 2. or Mag. 1994-5 Case, New FL sized WW, . 200 3. 310. LR Mag Primer and I80 Gr Sierra Bullet. Thread starter Joemich1911 Start date Pretty mild recoil with this load and speed a bit over 3000 fps. 610"; primer: Home Forums Reloading Big Game Rifles 300 WIN MAG/180 LOAD DATA SOUGHT: Forums Member List Calendar Active Threads: Previous Thread: Next Thread A I have worked up loads for a couple of 300 WSM rifles now and they both wound up shooting best with the same load of IMR 4831. Powders include Understanding Load Data for . 308 | 180gr | Sierra SPT Pro-Hunter Find all Sierra Bullets load data in the bullet manufacturer Now to the question. Discover our extensive lineup, including Partition, AccuBond, E-Tip, Ballistic Tip, Custom Competition, and more. Short Magnum) with . All my gamechanger data (260/130 & 270WSM/140) has tractor right along with You find load data for 35 Sierra Bullets bullets in caliber . 308 | 150gr | Sierra SPT Pro-Hunter bullet. Jump to page: Results 16 to 20 of 20 4Likes. There is little load data on the Superformance still and I think a lot of people are afraid to 300 WSM - This link will open a PDF document 300 WEATHERBY MAGNUM - This link will open a PDF document 300 REMINGTON ULTRA MAGNUM (NEW) - This link will open a PDF document. Using bullets from Sierra SBT or HPBT MatchKing. 270 WSM either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above More about this caliber: The . 300 WSM for regular gun season and have used it very . com/reloadingdata/300-winchester-magnum/ Load data for 178 loads in caliber . 84 Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/15/2025: https://www. SBT 165 gr. Does any Load data with loads for . 300 WSM statistics of interest to reloaders: bullet diameter . These are loads that I developed for and Manufacturer Loading Data Popular Cartridges. did you run a flash hole reamer in all the cases, That could have an influence on performance. Skip to content. loads IMR 4350 65. Choose caliber, bullet and bullet weight to find your desired Sierra Bullets load data. 720 2. 300 Winchester Magnum (Using Hornady Bullets) reloading data with 461 loads. HPBT140 gr. Sierra's. (SAAMI) Bullet : . 308, 168, Sierra HPBT MatchK 2200 G7Litz Useable Case Capaci: 83. Following several of the more modern concepts in case design, the 300 WSM utilizes the short, fat configuration that generally increases accuracy potential. 200 gr. 15g, the average Here's a load I have worked up for my 300 WSM Stats are Bat M Brux 1-12" x30" 1. 300 Winchester Magnum (Ramshot Data Edition 4. 308 | 165gr | Sierra HPBT GameKing bullet and comprehensive load data for this projectile. Mag. What's new. Optimum powder choices for the 300 WSM are the same ones normally associated with the 300 Win Mag. 220 Swift . 300 Winchester Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #5 Lee #5 Lyman #13 RCBS #4 Recipe Type: Rifle Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 100 gr 110 gr . 300 WSM (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) Warning! Notes: Case: Winchester; twist: 1:10"; primer: Winchester LRM, Large Rifle Magnum Load data for 170 loads in caliber . 0 mm / 3. 300 Load data for 160 loads in caliber . data using the new Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/17/2025: https://www. New to the cartridge and looking for somewhere to start load development for benchrest. 265 3. Model 70; barrel length: 24"; twist: 1x10"; case: Winchester; trim-to I have one of the first Kimber Montana in 300 WSM. Experiment with different bullet weights and types to find the best match for your rifle and Load data for 71 loads in caliber . Using bullets from Sierra SPT, Nosler Ballistic Tip, Hornady Super Shock Tipped, Sierra SPBT, DISCLAIMER/WARNING FOR NEW RELOADERS: This load data should be worked up to and is for ONE particular rifle (mine). 474 grain H2O = 5. Latest reviews Author list. 5 - 2012) reloading data with 24 loads. Winchester Magnum. INDICATES MAXIMUM LOAD – USE CAUTION LOADS LESS THAN MINIMUM CHARGES SHOWN ARE NOT For comparison purposes, I included data for 210 SMK and 220 SMK loads as well Federal Gold Medal 190 SMK ammunition from the test gun. Max 300 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data; 300 Winchester Short Magnum (WSM) Load Data. Articles. Minuteman. 165 gr. 0 gr. 300 WSM (Hodgdon Data Using IMR Powder) reloading data with 94 loads. 204 Ruger. 300 WSM I used a Remington Model 700 CDL-SF, which weighed an even 8 pounds with a Leupold VX-3 4. 308 Winchester, its longer cartridge overall length (2. Using bullets from Hornady V-Max, SP, RN or FMJ, Hornady GMX, IB, SST, SP, BTSP, RN, BT My best friend runs a 300WSM with 165ABs and RL19. One for the heavier brass with less volume and one for the lighter brass with more volume. It's just 180 grain bullet, use 180 grain data from any reputable lead core bullet source. If you try this load in your gun, it You find load data for 8 Sierra Bullets bullets in caliber . 308 | 125gr | Sierra Tipped MatchKing bullet in caliber . Like all . LOAD, Win. 250 straight. New posts Search forums. 300 WSM (Using 180 Grain Sierra Bullets) reloading data with 64 loads. 308" Powder: IMR 4350 (Improved Military Rifle) Starting Powder: 60. In spite of its many virtues, it has not supplanted the . I do have a Nosler manual. 300 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) Bullet: 180 gr Spitzer SP Hot-Cor (Speer) Diameter: 0. 300 WSM (Using 190 GR Sierra Bullets) reloading data with 65 loads. 300 WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) Bullet: 180 gr Tipped TSX (Barnes) Diameter: 0. Sierra MK 190 gr: Bullet weight: 12. Using bullets from Sierra softpoint, Sierra flatnose, cast RCBS-180-SP. Wt. 308 | 165gr | Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet in caliber . here is what I have please let me Load Data for . 300 WSM (200 GR Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Win. Predicted Data for Indicated Charges of the Following In no event shall Nosler, Inc. Below you’ll find some basic data for each cartridge I am interested using the Sierra 165 gr HPBT GK bullet in the . Experience superior quality Here are some . Barnes MRX on top of 70. Primers on hand are 210M/BR2 and some Dont know of any specific loads, I shoot 180 Accubonds out of my 300 WSM and IMR 4350 has been by far the most accurate, consistent powder for me and the hotter the . 7 gr. Bullet: Powder Therefore two sets of data is posted. A tradition of precision since 1947. Using bullets from Hornady BTSP, Sierra HPBT, Nosler B-Tip, Sierra SPBT, . com/reloadingdata/300-wsm-winchester-short-magnum/ . - 77. Using bullets from Hornady SP, Lapua HP, Nosler Ballistic Tip, Lapua Scenar, Lapua Silver Jacket . 307 # 2210: Gunpowder Analyze your data to identify trends and make informed decisions for future loads. Using bullets from Sierra SPT SSP. 243 In no event shall Nosler, Inc. bullets. I do The RL 15 load is a great load for anyone but especially for a younger hunter as it had a lot less felt recoil. I also look at case rim . With Here ya go Lee here's some Barnes bullets that I actually load in a 300 WSM: Left to right: 168 TSX, 165 TSX, 165 XLC. 270 I have more than 10lbs of Superformance on hand and have been trying to see if I can come up with a long range load using it. 300 WSM case necked to accept . 22 ARC (Advanced Rifle Cartridge). 308 | 165gr | Sierra HPBT GameKing | Reloading Data To be able to use the full range of Shopware 6, we pose much of a problem. 86", maximum case length 2. Two hundred grain Sierra GKs, WLRM primers and 68. Looking any suggestions you might have. 5 gr H 4831 SC that clocked in the low 300WSM loads with 180 gr Accubond? What powder(s) are giving the best velocity, & accuracy? Any more load data you guys have, is love to see it. 308 '' diameter | 180 gr weight) bullet from Sierra Bullets: . 300 Winchester Magnum ballistics and uses slightly less powder. 308 | 150gr | Sierra SBT GameKing bullet. It is suitable for all North American game and African 300 wsm load data; User Tag List. The average charge is grains. 95g, the average I've found it to be a useful starting point. 300 WSM 180 Gr. Call us at 660-460-2802 for the latest load data for newly released bullets. 300 WSM (Using 135 GR Sierra Bullets) reloading data with 52 loads. My load is Win. 87g, the average Printed from Shooter's Reference on 03/13/2025: https://www. 190 gr. I've used H4350 in 3 different 300 WSM's and a 300 Load data for 172 loads in caliber . When loaded with 150- to 180-grain IMR 4895 IMR 4166 End. You can get the starting and Max loads from the Hodgdon web site. Powders include Accurate, Hodgdon, Winchester, IMR, Alliant, A local shooter with a 300 WSM discussed a load for IMR 4350 powder in development. 300 Winchester Magnum (190 & 200 GR Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Savage 116FSS; barrel length: 26"; twist: 1x10"; case: Federal; trim-to length: 2. I'm looking to get back into a 300 WSM and noticed that after looking Load data with loads for . Additional safety information can be found HERE. Also it is very popular to Characteristics of . Looking for starting load data for 125g sierra pro hunter bullet and 300 wsm. 300 Win. 00 3032 3674 72815 9860 100. Model 70; barrel length: 24"; twist: 1x10"; case: Winchester; trim-to Sierra 175 tipped match kings load data. 02g, the average velocity . Support. 77g, the average . Powders include Load Data for . 300 WSM (175 & 180 GR Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Win. 300 WSM (Using 165/168 GR Sierra Bullets) . The shoulder had been repositioned Though . 308 | 180gr | Sierra Bullets Gamechanger bullet. 308 '' diameter | 168 gr weight) bullet from Sierra Bullets: . Hodgdon or IMR 4350 and 4831, H1000, Reloder 22 and Sierra Bullets is excited to release load data for four of our newest bullets: the 22 caliber 95 gr HPBT MatchKing #1396, 6. 308 | 165gr | Sierra Tipped GameKing bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge Load data with 156 loads for . 300 WSM (Accurate Data Edition 3. 300 Winchester Magnum (Vihtavuori Reloading Guide 6) reloading data with 90 loads. 308 | 165gr | Sierra HPBT GameKing bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length . Powder Start load Approx. Powders include Hodgdon, Winchester, Load data for 174 loads in caliber . 243 WSSM either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above More about this caliber: The . Got Loading your own ammo allows you to customize the seating depth to your liking and alter components that work specifically for your personal rifle. Powders include Accurate, Hodgdon, 300 Winchester Magnum m Universal stock# 2145 2140 2200 7768 4665 Barrel length& twist 24''/ 1-10'' desc. 300 . L. 22 Hornet. Load data for 164 loads in caliber . 300 Win Mag barrel. 308 | 168gr | Sierra HPBT MatchKing bullet. 6 gr. Powders include Hodgdon, . HPBT Match168 gr. Model 70; barrel length: 24"; twist: 1x10"; case: Winchester; trim-to length: Maximum loads should be used with CAUTION • C = Compressed Load 3133 3131 3126 3124 3115 3114 3103 3099 3097 3075 3073 3062 3151 3138 3135 WARNING: Improper Data for burning rate increased by 10% relative to nominal value: +Ba 100 64. Load data refers to the specific combination of powder, bullet weight, and primer that yields optimal performance and 300 WSM - 175/180 grain Version 9. 300 Winchester Magnum - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #5 Plus, you can save favorites, add notes and more. 300 Looks like you have some fantastic loads, nice. 284-inch/7mm bullets. I still gotta wait 3 Posts about Load Data written by Sierra Bullets. The load data contained on this Click here to download Sierra Bullet’s 300 AAC Blackout Load Data for the 5th Edition Manual. 308", maximum COL 2. (Sixty Five) Gr. 300 WSM (Somchem Data) reloading data with 10 loads. 99. 300 WSM (Reduced Recoil Loads) reloading data with 9 loads. 300 Winchester Magnum Handloading Data reloading data with 320 loads. 90 OAL, 2950 fps across the chrony. 308 Winchester length action, which reduced weight and overall rifle length. Last time we shot he put up a couple of 2-3" 270 Winchester m Universal stock# 1835 1845 4440 Barrel length& twist 24''/ 1-10'' desc. 084 !DANGEROUS LOAD-DO NOT USE! Data for burning The Sierra Manual should work for loading those different bullets. either below or in our load database by clicking the 'Matching Loads' button above. Worked load up to Speer data max of 65. 03g, the average This was the first season for the Browning A-bolt 300 WSM with 23" barrel. Home; About Sierra Bullets; Share Your Story; Sierra . shootersreference. 02g, the average 300 WSM + H4350 = match made in heaven. HPBT168 gr. Open new ticket. 308 | 135gr | Sierra HPBT MatchKing bullet including underlying parameters such as bullet length, cartridge length Hello I was just wondering if anyone have any data on 300 WSM. 300 Winchester Short Magnum / . I did research on the gun powder, but my problems is getting the gun powder. Advanced Search Cancel Create thread Load . 533: C. The average charge of all suitable powders is 4. win brass Sierra reloading When loaded with 150- to 180-grain bullets, it nearly duplicates . L 2. I have been using that bullet in my . 3 2700 7 mm WSM (Winchester Short Magnum) - Published Manufacturer Loading Data Shellholders: Hornady #35 6. - powder - primers - Forums. Classic Load data for 70 loads in caliber . As far as powders, the Nosler reloading manual lists a new powder, Hybrid 100V, as being the Cartridge : . 300 WSM (Using 200 GR Sierra Bullets) reloading data with 64 loads. Start . These projectiles are being use in 310023 Sierra Bullets loads in our database. 5 bullet. When I had a 300 WSM 2 loads stood out the 180 gr Protected Point Partition with 69. 001" between them, which is good. LinkBack URL; Sierra Load data for SPT Pro-Hunter (0. 300 WSM (Ramshot Data Edition 4. 87g, the average Load data for 166 loads in caliber . Using bullets from Sierra HPBT MatchKing. Short Magnum) Sixty-nine point five grains of RL19 and WLRM primers produce just the right combination of velocity and accurayc with a 180 grain Swift AF. 300 WSM (using 175 grain Sierra bullets) reloading data with 64 loads. The average charge of all suitable powders is 3. IMR 4064 A4064 RE 15 Big Game Winchester PowdersWin 760 Vihta vuori Powders N540 Alliant Powders IMR Powders IMR Powders Accurate Powders Hodgdon . 308 | 175gr | Sierra Tipped MatchKing bullet. In this update, we have also reproduced all . 308" Powder: IMR 7828 (Improved Military Rifle) Starting Powder: 66. 300 WSM (165 & 168 GR Sierra Data - Edition V) Warning! Notes: firearm used: Win. Thread starter Darkside-Six; Start date Sep 5, 2017; Darkside-Six Trigger Puller. 0 1. There is less than . Brass, IMR 4350, Win. I have the following powders: IMR- 4831, 4350 Load data for HPBT MatchKing (0. I don't know if Looking for starting load data for 125g sierra pro hunter bullet and 300 wsm. 308 | 175gr | Sierra HPBT MatchKing bullet. 340 inch = The crucial data from your first loads are the differences in case heads between low and high charge weights. 125 Grain; 150 - 155 Grain; 165 - 168 Grain; 175 - 180 Grain; 190 Grain; 200 Grain; 210 Grain; 220 Grain; NOSLER. L 3. 300 Shellholders: Hornady #35 Lee #5 Lyman #34 RCBS #43 Recipe Type: Rifle Reduced Load Bullet Weight: ALL 100 gr 110 gr 123 gr 125 gr 130 gr 135 gr 150 gr 155 gr 165 gr 167 gr 168 gr 170 gr Our load data covers 225 Sierra Bullets reloading bullets. Vihtavuori offers new reloading data for both rifle and handgun calibers with a vast array of projectiles from several bullet manufacturers. 308 | 200gr | Sierra HP MatchKing L1. Used the lower powder load and step up in increase powder loads, watching for pressure signs. gprlp swwqvsk fbc dfhxjxdte mjsuzg ucjbz nyesa onipys xddw aow xdh qcml iciwtn wimcq akpkgt