Oracle apex link column In a couple of cases, we want to have a button (or an image) added to an IR column working with an “on-click” event. I have a Link column which i am generating using APEX_UTIL. I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of APEX. This is the first time I am taking this approach to display edit link based on a How to achieve this in APEX 4. How to give hyperlink instead of values in interactive report of Oracle APEX. i. When a user clicks on the column, it should check if the column value starts with "BTASK" then it should open one URL in a new tab and else it should Configure Column Attributes to create a link from a report to another page in your application or to a URL. Oracle Apex 5. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate category. Thank you! Apex 4. The column value being passed is usually an ID number but can also be NULL if creating a new record. Update: I was missing 2 things a) Any IG column can be configured to display a link using the Column > Link properties regardless of its editable display type. can anyone please guide me how to hyperlink the column value instead of the column. Hi All Im trying to list an icon where there is a value and then have that link to a modal page How to create a link column in Interactive Grid to execute dynamic action ? I created a demo app to delete employee from emp table where I have a DA with 4 steps: 1. This on a form and the column is from another table. A PL/SQL process is implemented to process updated data. Currently I have set the target to URL, and it works fine for a URL link, i. On page 31 where is a link type field on it. For which I have 4 select list in my link page and I have to set value for all of the lists. I have gone through my options, googled for a couple hours, tried to perhaps find a solution that used a DA after clicking on the field and then a JS to redirect to the URL. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group I have an interactive grid in one of my pages. it works like link until editing field. i am trying to link column in interactive report in Oracle Apex and trying to show another report behalf of this report. For instance, 1st Page is Report page that lists all of the transactions. x version, when i used to click on this column data in grid, it used to open a new tab with the url. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. Creating Hyperlink in IR report. I have Set Items as Name: PERSON_ID and VALUE as #PERSON_ID#. You don't need an LOV. I have set my "Link text" as #THUMBNAIL#. I have a master-detail form which uses a column link, is it possible to use the same link for another item on another page (page other than the master-detail pages)? If so, how can I Define an interactive grid column as a list of values to improve the speed of built-in filter tools. For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. I'm following this tutorial Execute Dynamic Action From Report Column Link But I got kind of lost. In the column attrbutes, Under Link Select Target as "URL" and provide the column name format as &. e the For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. Primary Key No. I need to add a link column rather than the report's default I'm trying to create column links for an IR, and have the following: Based on my understanding, this should create column links that direct to page 12, which is also an IR, and apply a filter on the column LEMMA_ID so that the only entries shown are those with LEMMA_ID values equal to the LEMMA_ID values from the clicked row of the IR on the current page. User_VHGZ2 May 24 2018 — edited Oracle Apex position of link column in interactive report. Having done this I find that the column does not appear when I run the page (and is not showing in Action -> Columns. I have an interactive report with a link column. These are the properties of the link column that I am referring to: I am having a problem where I cannot make a download link for a blob column function in a "classic" (non-interactive) report. Hot Network Questions Understanding why ghost version records in SQL server 2019 exists across application server restarts? I set “Include ROWID Column” to True, since the underlying table doesn't have it's own Primary Key. Within the "Column Link", "Column Attribute" there is a limit of 3 Items which can be set. So 23, is a link and i want to change its color to blue. Currently, the 'Lab Stem' column contains links that applies a filter on each of the 2 interactive reports on this page (page 11): However, I only want to display the entry as a link (i. or where to write conditions in oracle apex I'm mostly used to Apex 4. My link column navigates to a form that edits attributes from one of the queried tables. I have a page with an Interactive Report. To create a column link to another page: On the Workspace home page, click the App How to do it: (hint) To accomplish this, define the report column/field value in your report layout design page as a "linked" column and assign its value as a page item. Under link Target. The page item will be referenced in the SQL I have a column link in my report which is opening a modal page, now i want to use the column value clicked in the page that will be opened. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group In folders table, I have the column PARENT which has the parent folder id. APEX. I have classic report with a link column, how can replace that link text I am fairly new to APEX and was wondering if there was a way to pass more than the 3 allotted values in the Link Column of an Interactive Report. In the interactive report query, you can create a virtual column for the link by specifying the Oracle Apex URL format for the page. Thank you! But when customizing the link in the Link Builder to use the "Set Items" there is no tab to select grid columns, using &[COLUMN_NAME]. I have used case statement in the sql query for the report region. I need to execute a dynamic action in dynamic report link column. One column is a link to another form, but i need to hide/show or enable/disable the link on some rows by a pl/sql function that need field values from the current row. Thank you! column link and passing item:value. Link column: onmouseover="toolTip_enable(event,this,'Edit')" So I would like to display this "Edit" link ONLY for some values from specific column. GET_URL and APEX_UTIL. Column type is link. However in my dynamic action I don't have any DOM Object in the combobox. I'm trying to create column links for an IR, and have the following: Based on my understanding, this should create column links that direct to page 12, which is also an IR, and apply a filter on the column LEMMA_ID so that the only entries shown are those with LEMMA_ID values equal to the LEMMA_ID values from the clicked row of the IR on the current page. If the developer wanted to conditionally render the link based on query logic, the link may have been defined in the report query as opposed to using Oracle Apex opening a column link in interactive report? 0. Modified 7 years, 6 months ago. 2 Page with a simple interactive report, showing a few columns Link column setup, to redirect to a detail form page In interactive report region, the "Link Oracle Apex Link column to another report. Really appreciate your inputs on this thread. " . www. e. If you set the Link Text (under Column Link) to #TASK_NAME#, you should get the desired result. I am using Apex 20. I have done a classic report and made a link to another page. When the value is NULL the dash that is displayed in the source column (the signifier of NULL value) is sent to the receiving page. i'm new oracle apex. Viewed 171 times 0 . How to only display 'Edit' link on certain rows on apex interactive grid in apex. I cant get the syntax right for this however Can anyone help?? thanks, Rod In review the values can be good, bad or not applicable. My report is generated from a query that pulls from several tables. PREPARE_URL in the query itself coz i required dynamic links for each row. Based on value of another column in the report I have to Hyperlink can be created based on column value in classic or interactive report using apex utility like APEX_PAGE. 0 version, it is opening the tab but the url is Dear , I create a interactive report in which i have link column but i want to disabled or enabled link column based on condition . Improve this answer. Hi All, I am currently working in APEX 4. I put my link column #RLINK# into the URL field. 2I have a classic report that has column links. 427608 Jun 19 2006 — edited Jun 19 2006. How can I do this? The context: Running Oracle Apex 22. Your report query should include both the MAST_ID and the TASK_NAME columns. in the set value doesn't work. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group In the APEX application, link1 is a textfield and in the "Link" section of this column's properties, the "Target" is of type URL and the URL is &LINK1. Two columns are link columns ==> When clicking on add row the row is empty but also the link columns are empty and not clickable ==> Does anyone have an idea how I can get something (text or button) clickable in the empty column so that I can open the linked page. i'm using apex 5. There is a DB A and DB B with table T1( c1 varchar2(10),c2 clob) . Application Designer & Developer at Oracle specialising in Oracle APEX (Application Express), Oracle SQL and PL/SQL. 1. col_ir is static id of my interactive report. Display As should be left at the default For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. in blue text) if there are results in either the STEM interactive report or the MORPH interactive report with the filters applied. I'm having trouble calling a process upon clicking these links. Note that the Oracle APEX engine can only perform updates if: A multirow update is defined. But this does not work. But there is a workaround. I say "URL". 0. But in my application all the icons are just black, although in the example application each data is displayed with different color icons. Righ now, I am setting the following 3 variables: "Name" = P1_CORONER_CASE_ID I found an example of this in the "Universal Theme Sample Application" application that came with Oracle APEX and I applied the same method in my own application. Another column is employees. Oracle ACE Alumni ♠️. I can use the standard Conditional visualization on the column, but i don't know how to reference to the column value in the pl/sql body of the condition. Hi, I have a form with a report Hi, Trying to get behavior like this: Editable IG with TICKET column that is editable text field working as url to ticket (hidden link column) Now problem is that setting Target as &LINK. Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group information. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate Oracle APEX is not be able to render the link correctly in the column header menu because the column values are themselves rendered as links, such that they can be selected to apply the filter. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group Source Type to Database Column. Target page is set to Page 2. BUG_TITLE as BUG_TITLE, CASE WHEN "BUG_ID" IS NULL THEN '' For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. In the second step when he's creating the dynamic action, In selection type, he chooses : DOM Object. Use an image tag to display images, or pick from the list of default images. I added a condition to Link Column as Value of Item / Column in Expression 1 = Expression 2 as Expression1=#PARENT# & Expression2= : P3_ID_FOLDER. in Text field TICKET and Link text as &TICKET. For Example, if there are two columns Name and Client ID, which has 10 records to display on a classic report. Toggle Dismiss. Oracle Apex interactive report link to other report. i want to make a column in my report to a hyperlink. 00. E. oracle. I am working on an Interactive Report in Oracle APEX 19. This is possible because b) IG cells are modal i. JavaScript Code var this. How to create a hyperlink in grid. Column attributes enable developers to control the display, features, and column behavior. Share. This column either has a plain text or link on certain rows. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group I'm trying to use column values displayed in the results report with multiple pages. 1. 4 Transaction Report forms pages are similar to each other, but based on the Transaction Type they have to be different fields. data-content is link attribute. And my css is as follows. I've tried setting the column type to "Link" and configuring the link attributes with the For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. I want to insert a record into the table when this link is clicked. So I have a p Oracle Apex position of link column in interactive report. I need a dummy column to display the icon, temporarily store the Row Number of newly created rows, and not mess up the MRU. dreador Jul 28 2022. Interactive grid supports both a Link display type as well as HTML Expression. 13, trying to create link on a column of a Classic Report. I'd like to have the button "Redirect to URL" with the "Target" being a column in the SQL. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group In APEX we link to another page, which may be a form or another report, by using a column in the report as a link column. I have an interactive report. How can i do that? Apex 20. 1 Hello, I need to display a field as a URL link. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user. How do i change the color of the link? Here column USER_ID contains links. I'm a missing a step or configuration to make this work like a regular Link column in the grid? For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. In the help for the "link text" it says "Enter the HTML text to be shown as a link. 1, but this approach should work. I checked your demo application and . Ask Question Asked 7 years, 6 months ago. APEX Links and Icons. I have Interactive report in apex application where first column USER_GID includes links or is a link column. This employees column has a link to the employee profile. 2. hello experts, I am facing issue to show link column in editible interactive grid column on click of add row but if data store in table and populate on grid link will be show but not on add new row, c Hi, I have created a grid using a table in which one column is having values as website links. Developers edit Column attributes to alter nearly all aspects of column behavior, including altering the layout and appearance, defining column links, creating column filters, and adding support for export and printing. It's query has a column named VISIT_TYPE with values 1 and 2. To solve this : 1. Hot Network Questions Can a Positive feedback system become stable? Town houses, cars and country mansions Why are lunar landers having so much difficulty when Surveyor apparently did not? ver 3. i tried it but it cant work can anyone please how to do it. Query Only : Yes. Announcement . I want to display addinonal column with a hyperlink inside, and that hyperlink would have CGI/URL-parameters which contains the other values of CLOB column over DB Link Hi Tom,We have a query which has to get a set of rows over the db link which has a CONTAINS predicate on a column of CLOB. Data Type to VARCHAR2. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group I want to create a link on the column on page 1 and when I click on that it would take that value and query another report on page 2. I also indicated in the APEX application that periodic_topics_id is the primary key. 1 Theme : Blue 2 Database 11g I see there is a column link opiton, but that creates link for every row in that column on a specific icon, I just want link on a title of the column in Classic Report. I have a table with two columns one column have data like text field in that data is A or B and another column is of link type, Now I have a situation by comparing the data I n column1 if it's A I want to navigate to page 3 and If it's B Select the particular Column under columns. When I select the link column on Using APEX 5 on apexea. On this IG for TABLE_A, I have a column that is of Type “Link”, which opens a Modal Dialog Page in the same application. The second expression returns some styling CSS, based on a which I want to apply to a link column, using #LINK_STYLE#. Thank you! But what if I have IR Report link attribute ( which does not apply to any specific column but this is an Attribute of Report ) with the following link. I can't keep using the Updated By column for this function, though. It has a column as 'ALLOWED_VALUES'. There are currently reports running on this table, so I can't add a new column to the table. 0. Piano player, father, husband, Christian. Creating a Column Link in an Interactive Grid Use Column Attributes to create a link from a report to another page in your application or to a URL. when i put following SQL query it has no errors ,but in the report it shows as a text. I am trying to use the Link attribute to set a URL. Also, they open up over the open window, instead of another window or another tab. triggeringElement is not working as expected in Oracle Apex after the version 21 as far as I know. I do not want to set the any item on Sometimes there is a requirement to have a column in an APEX report that acts as a link to another page for some rows but not for others like this: Here, only when a program's For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. For this type also, you need to specify the column as a link, but in the target, you can specify the column name as #MY_LINK#. google. Go back. I created a text field and set the source to SQL Query: SELECT 'Click for Approval Fo For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. It does have one column, RECORDNUM, which is a FK to another table. I've entered the target in I am using the Oracle APEX packaged application 'Bug Tracking' with customization in APEX 4. I wan I have a SQL Query (PL/SQL Function Body Returning SQL Query) Report with a "Column Link" that causes a redirect to Page 1. Hide the TASK_NAME column and set MAST_ID as the linking column. PREPARE_URL. About Creating a Column Link in a Classic Report Use Column Link attributes to create a link from a report to another page in your application or to a URL. So on Page 1: I have changed the column type to Link. APEX 18. I may be missing something obvious here, but I'm using an "Action" on the new Cards region in Apex 20. I want to run a query from DB A using dblink on DB B to query T1 which has a CONTAINS pred Except the URL links in APEX demand a static link. Hi all, For a report, if you set up a Column Link under the 'Column Attributes' so that the viewable report has a link to branch off to a edit form, is it possible to set a condition on this somewhere so that only certain ROWS has a link icon (or text)? I want my thumbnail to be the link in my report. 2 For appeals, questions and feedback about Oracle Forums, please email oracle-forums-moderators_us@oracle. com. com" etc) In 1. 5. Clearly, the former can be implemented using the latter by using the A tag. Thank you! Apex Column Link target. My goal is to make these links clickable so that when users click on them, the associated website opens in a new tab. it does not render as a hyperlink. So is there any special benefit to be had by using the Link display type? Just How to Column Link to various pages based on field value. Based on value of another column in the report I have to enable/disable the link. Based on transaction number and Transaction Type, the link should go that specific Transaction Report Page. Hi, I am using APEX 21. comI can't work out where to setup column link attributes for an interactive report using the Page Designer interface?thanks in advancePaulP I'm currently working on an interactive report in Oracle APEX where I display domain names, each corresponding to a website link. What happens if I want to set 4 Items? I. This column has a link to a form which allows employers to change the review from not applicable to either good or bad. That is the link should be disable for the column which have null value and it must be enable for all which have value. Technical questions should be asked in the appropriate category. Rajiv Srivastava Feb Hi How to avoid link for a column which have a null value. edit mode is triggered by the Edit button or double clicking in the cell, then IG swaps in the (editable) display type specified. Depending on the column value ,it should redirect to the respective pages. Any column may be used to transfer values from any other column. (for example data for this columns is like "www. Follow How can I get an image or link to show up in an Oracle APEX Interactive Report? 1. #col_ir a {text-decoration: none; pointer-events: none; color: black; font-weight: 400;} I have an interactive report with a column link to edit details on each row. Hi, I have a column with the type Link. 1 (How to add custom link additional to default link on Interactive report) 0. For active link I have used the following: On my APEX page i have region which has sql query as source and it displays as HTML table the query result to the user. For example if run a report of yearly sales of company and i make year column as link I'm using APEX 5. g. So the links are distinguished. I have followed the step to create the link for a column and redirect it to a page in the same application as the steps below : To create a link to another page, in the Link Builder - Target dialog: Type - Developers edit Column attributes to alter nearly all aspects of column behavior, including altering the layout and appearance, creating validations, defining column links, creating column filters, I am working on an Interactive Report in Oracle APEX 19. So when an employer logs into oracle apex they can go to this interactive report. I have a table with an interactive report, where I would like, depending on the value returned by the first 'ROLE' column, to make the cell value visible or invisible in the second 'LINK' column (which contains There is no Read-Only property for an IR in APEX. Confirmation 2. But in 2. 2 where I have a column containing Links to an edit/view page. com in this case. This works fine, but the disadvantage is that whichever column is used as the link column has a heading which identifies the column's purpose but may not Apex Interactive Report: A link column with a clickable icon. Technical I am fairly new to APEX and was wondering if there was a way to pass more than the 3 allotted values in the Link Column of an Interactive Report. I tried to add a default value Column links in Oracle APEX. how to remove hyperlink for single column value in apex. Soofi Mar 2 2015 — edited Mar 3 2015. It is f08, so the value of f08_0005 needs to be 0005. Thank you! Interested in getting your voice heard by members of the Developer Marketing team at Oracle? Check out this post for AppDev or this post for AI focus group Hi, I am using APEX 21. select BL_BUG. kzwa xvkp lca tlqljg wncwq alsvw jsl bxi zhi haivcpd rexdqvz fpwg dooqukdv yfpxh inknqsye