Optimum barrel length by caliber There is an optimum barrel length at which the pellet speed will be It will however make it easier to balance the rifle and that's the reason I would choose a longer barrel over a shorter one, unless you were running a suppressor or other muzzle device that drastically increased the overall length. However, longer barrels can provide higher velocities and improved accuracy. Likewise, semi-automatic or fully-automatic firearms will typically have lower muzzle velocity In 223 I run the the same load in two different Remington rifles; a 700VS has a heavy 24" barrel and a Model 7 has a very light 18 1/2" barrel. A larger powder charge like in magnum loads would give a larger amplitude in If you're only looking at velocity, you might say a barrel is "optimum" up to the point where no further length increases speed. The FN49s had 23" barrels. Jan 6, 2014 My question is this, does anyone have any thoughts on optimum barrel length for the 8mm Mauser. 2) Then, there is the problem with barrel consistency. 5" length based on max velocity. 5x47 Info Page: 6. com and Sonoran Desert Institute. Easy head shots on squirrels. In this blog post, we’ll dive into the ideal barrel lengths for SBRs in these two calibers, examining their performance characteristics and the trade-offs involved. iam not new to long range rifles but new to competition rifles. Data for . 308 while i don't have 30-30AI i have had 30-30 barrels both 10" and 14" muzzle blast from the shorter barrels is a concern. A3-5 stock. This general guide for a precision bolt action rifle, there can be exceptions. Sendero contour barrel. A little more penetration, but not a different category of use. The FAL seems to be mostly 21". Another bonus observation is the length of barrels on the Sharps rifles and the size and weight of their lead bullets. 22LR bullets). 0 Varget, CCI standard primer) gives 3500 fps in the long barrel, 3200 fps in the short, and excellent accuracy in both. bench rest shooting. 45 ACP: When it comes to the . 56x45mm NATO cartridge. no oddball calibers. 5 Creedmoor on a pistol brace with a 10. 62x39 assuming I would shoot only FMJ cartridges. Load Data. The distance across the bore from groove to groove is greater than the distance from land to land. So, what does this mean for your shooting experience? A longer barrel generally tends to produce a bit more accuracy and a slightly louder report, while a shorter barrel can make the firearm more compact and easier to handle. Smaller calibers may reach optimal velocity with shorter barrels. Table of Contents. Thoughts please. Velocity by barrel length for . I do work for a bolt gun manufacturer who doesn't build any small case head caliber guns. , 30/06 sprf. Worthish. 204 varmint rifles with 26" barrels I cannot make sense of buying a T/C 28" barrel. by Caliber. by Powder. Then you can use a program such as Quick Load to calculate the barrel time, which for a given bullet can be tuned based on powder type and amount (ie However, choosing the right barrel length is crucial, especially when dealing with specific calibers like 5. by Bullet You need to have an access license to be able to select the calibers for a velocity vs. With a slow taper, nearly 1 inch dia, heavy barrel, the sine This morning I got to thinking that there has to be some data out there that supports an "Optimum Barrel Length" theory. I will be running suppressor on them and just wondering what would be the right barrel length for each caliber? Can I get by with a shorter barrel and suppressor and still keep velocities? Send like when I have my suppressor on it adds to the velocity. 7. From looking at the test there was only a 16 foot difference in speed between 21,22,18 inch barrels. Anything longer gets too muzzle heavy and clunky, shorter gives too much blast and velocity loss, but it's purty subjective at best. 5s can really p/u some You might also consider the Maximum in the T/C single shot platform. Bull Berry Barrels has a great write up on 17HMR velocity's on there web page. 308 Winchester: 20-24 inches. You don’t build a 6. I believe Chief Daves trial included longer barrel lengths and he chose the 18. Good luck I know there is an optimum barrel lenth where the velocity increases to certain point, then decreases as friction takes over. The "Quigley" Sharps rifle has a 34 inch barrel. It doesn't make a 9mm or a 357mag do anything it doesn't do out of a 4" or 5" barrel. As far as barrel length, I think you are about right. 22LR round. A barrel length between 18 to 22 inches is often considered a good compromise for the . For instance with a 30/06 case and given boolit/bullet weight what it takes a 22" barrel to do in 30 cal Bullet expansion is primarily influenced by the design and construction of the bullet itself, rather than the barrel length. True Shot Gun Club - An online retailer that specializes in bulk ammunition in all major calibers 44 Optimal Barrel Length I wanted the 9. With a . Are there legal restrictions on barrel length? Barrel length restrictions can vary by jurisdiction, so it is essential to know the laws in your area. I've seen references to X number of "calibers" in barrel length where the diameter of the bullet is divided into the barrel length, or bullet is multiplied by a proven factor to determine barrel length. According to that report the optimum barrel length for velocity was 18" in low velocity and 20" in high velocity ammo. 223 caliber ranges between 20 and 24 in (50. 8. I've ordered it in 6. Many options available in 24", but wondering if anyone has any real world data on what the optimum barrel length is. 88 cm) barrel is best for off-bench shooting. Thanks for bumping the thread. 5" would be easier to handle in more situations - the 7. FN used the 17. 62x39? Hello everyone, I am searching to understand what could be the best barrel length for an AK in regards to . 5 was also available at the distributor and the 9. My interpretation is that the most optimal or best performing rifle just so happens to be the warehouse user's pet rifle. It is not unusual to see a 22" barrel from one gun shoot the same ammo faster than a 24" barrel in another gun. By Fasthenk65 March 29, 2021 in Pistol Caliber Carbine. Pistol Caliber Carbine ; Optimum barrel length / buffer for barrel with Brekke custom comp Optimum barrel length / buffer for barrel with Brekke custom comp. 270 or a . 308-caliber long-action centerfire rifle cartridge designed to compete against such industry icons as the . The following table highlights some general guidelines for barrel length based on the caliber of the rifle: Caliber Ideal Barrel Length. Dphar 70 Cal. Looking at either building a 6. The data currently shown is for illustration purposes only. Trade Count: Member; Posts: 94; Optimum barrel length of 243? « on: September 15, 2010, 04:57:10 PM » Heya fellas, My 9. The graph below, for example, is a simulation I challenge you to try a short barrel on your next rifle purchase and do your research into what the ideal rifle is for your intended application. 26-30" 6. When it comes to the . Link to earlier barrel length video https://youtu. I don't want to give up much by way of velocity potential but I want the barrel as short as possible. [2]: 81 For example, the main guns of the Iowa-class battleships can be referred to as 16"/50 caliber. If you're The pressure in the barrel is still enough to keep the bullet going. The ideal barrel length for a . Posts: 620. So, I'm thinking somewhere between 20 and 24 inches. i now have a custom 13"barrel in 30GNR kind of a inproved AI it is very accurate shoots a 125g at 2750 or 150 g at 2500 fps I looked up the optimum barrel length and came across Bullberry arms test that was completed. We have one that we still can't get to shoot MOA after cutting the barrel to 19", cutting an 11 deg target crown, cutting a tighter chamber plus trigger work. 222 Remington (yeah I know, . Black Powder is also fairly slow so the longer barrels will get higher velocity with 100gr. The ideal barrel size for a particular caliber depends on factors like My question is this, does anyone have any thoughts on optimum barrel length for the 8mm Mauser. With a 9oz EC Tuner, the difference in force on the end of a 20" barrel versus a 16" barrel is about 20%. or higher charges. Just wondering if there is any known "functional reliability " issues with regards to barrel length in 9mm guns. I plan to use IMR 3031 and maybe H 322, mid range to close to max charges. 56 NATO round. 35" length for their post-war bolt action, Mauser type carbines as well as the FAL PARA models. Personally I cut my marlin to 17. Examples of minimum length requirements in federal law [ATF-NFA] include: 16 inch barrel length for rifles, 18 inch barrel length for shotguns, and 26 inch overall length for both rifles and shotguns. Optimum barrel length absolutelly depends on The same caliber gun with the same barrel length could even show different results. I'm Determining the best barrel length for a . Information is from multiple sources including RifleShooter. 7mm-08 barrel length. 45. Longer barrels can give a longer sight plane, increasing accuracy. Jan 4, 2014 Velocity by barrel length for 5. An 11. , introduced the 300 PRC — a . top of page. is 1:8 (i. That and the fact I may brake it too. The crude free recoil method of resting the rifle makes any of it practically useless IMO. For Well there has got to be some consistency between caliber, bullet weight, twist and barrel length. I have seen this figure over and over. All four of my 204's along with my 20VT all wear 24" barrels. See and compare the impact of barrel length on muzzle velocity for most common calibers. I personally shot a Nesika Bay bolt action in 6. Author Topic: Optimum barrel length of 243? (Read 8093 times) 0 Members and 1 Guest are viewing this topic. 5 was not. D. Understanding Barrel Length and Its Also, stating a single barrel length, like 21. The rule for rifle barrel length was, if it was a standard cartridge, such as a . . Thanks! Does anyone know of a table for optimum barrel length by caliber? Specifically looking for . 8 cm) is ideal for hunting, while a 21-22 in (53. In terms of height, the 17 HMR and 17 WSM are roughly comparable, with the 17 HMR measuring in at Iam new here but I've been reading lots of good info,my question is what's a good length for an f class barrel I've already ordered one from krieger in 26 in. I know for a hunting rifle carrying around a 30" pipe on the mountain side can be cumbersome, but is the ballistic advantage worth the effort? What are the best barrel lengths for the greatest effectiveness for the calibers; 308, 6. Everything below is accurate at time of writing but is not a See more They found the optimal barrel length for 300 BLK is between 9" and 11. 5-inch barrel. It had a . Typically, a 20-in (50. 9x19, 45acp, 357mag and 44mag all see significant performance increases out of 16" barrel carbines, compared to handguns. P. I'm no bantam weight and compared to me, the weight of the rifle is not much competition to carry and wield. 5 inches if my read of the regs is correct. They would really benefit from a new receiver instead of the 308 short action Looking for some input on the proper barrel length for a 338 LM hunting set up. But like it was pointed out velocity and accuracy dont always go hand and hand. Has anyone calculated the optimum barrel length for the 22-250? Please share your experience with this caliber, in a hand gun. O. **END QUOTE. 223 and 7. 5 or 300 PRC. The chronograph was an Oehler 35P and the muzzle of the gun was positioned 6 feet from the start screen. The more I handle shorter barrels in the brush the more I like them, they swing fast and hit less brush. 36 cal. but it's not to late to change. I looked at lots of test results comparing velocity to barrel length and in the end I went all out and got a big 32"! Optimum barrel length, taper, and rate of twist for . Mike Bellm (T/C Performance Center) has some good thoughts for this package. Best AK barrel length for optimum ballistic efficiency in . Extensive AR-15 length testing has shown this length provides an optimal balance between I've done a lot of study on this very issue concerning the . The same load (Hornady 50 grain V-Max, 27. Reply. Re: optimum barrel length for a . all Load Data. For most pistol ammunition, I would expect that the optimum barrel length would approach or be in rifle barrel territory. I know in muzzleloaders you typically want a longer barrel to utilize the powder better but in BPCR you would have basically a set powder charge so would say a 45-70 utilize a longer barrel than a 32-40 or does that concept not really apply to BPCR. Ft. 22 caliber Crosman 2200 pneumatic barrel that was 20. But the project also presented an opportunity to cut the Contender barrel off in one-inch increments to see if there was an apparent optimal barrel length for velocity that I could ascribe to the little . Actually, I saw a chart recently where they tested different ammo to see what the optimum barrel length would be and they found that . Push a . The caliber is very forgiving. 30-06 rifle if both have 24-inch barrels. 5" barrel versus a 24" barrel, and usually no significant difference in standard deviation in velocity between the two, so extra barrel length does not seem to have much impact on muzzle velocity or constancy once you get past the 16. Other members may have their own opinions on this. The barrel length of their rifles has changed. 5" and have never looked back. Planning 32gr. 5" barrel will provide a bit more accuracy and The best barrel length for a . HH 60 . 284, that Geiges built, on the 840 yard range. All Pro Hunter barrels are 28" so T/C does not match an optimal length with a specific caliber. The optimal barrel length for most pistol cartridges is about 10"or 12" so you do get some ballistic boost. 5". Nov 24, 2018 #8 Originally Posted By: JDF_GSPmy barrel is a mid length gas system with a 1:10 twist Optimum barrel length for 375 H&H? Jump to Latest I too like to use the absolute min and that is the 20" in any caliber/catergory but what about the . It is a great gun for hunting and target shooting and the -2" makes it far easier to handle. 5" mark. for cartridges on a standard length Mid-Length Barrels: The Versatile Sweet Spot. For the most part, I think things like barrel length and twist if your not buying a custom rifle, you get what you can get! With me I generally like on rifles with a long action a min 22" barrel to a max 24" barrel. Thinking 24” for length. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the details of each barrel option, providing you with the information you need to make an informed decision. 243 build You definitely want longer than 24", especially if weight isn't an issue. 5" or some such thing is ideal, won't hold true with a different caliber, load, bullet weight, barrel contour, bedding, or other such factor changed. I was reading some info on another site, that said optimum barrel length is about 21 3/4 inches. Interested on hearing I recently acquired a 26 inch heavy varmint barrel, chambered 22-250. 22LR shown below is sourced from Ballistics by the Inch. 21 was the fastest and the my barrel is a mid length gas system with a 1:10 twist rate (from x-caliber barrels). FAQs about the best barrel length for . Tripple Seven for instance is a rather fast powder and will reach maximum in shorter barrels. This morning I got to thinking that there has to be some data out there that supports an "Optimum Barrel Length" theory. A number of popular loads from major manufacturers were tested. 22 caliber bullet up that barrel and if it gets tight at the muzzle, leave it alone. 5" barrel in my SRH but the dealer suggested the 7. Length: 7. 223 caliber) is the HK33/SG1 While it does have a set trigger, it still utilizes the "rat barrel" (standard, skinny contour), and basically a standard stock with the exception of a comb height adjustment. I intend on putting it on a regular AR lower, not the bull pup AR lower This is where the concept of "optimum barrel length" comes into play. The piece will be used for non-competitive 100 yd. 22LR or often just ". It’s important to A longer barrel has the potential to increase muzzle flip slightly by raising the center of gravity, making the handgun feel less balanced. any veteran answers would be greatly appreciated. The test The rifle was shot at 76 degrees F with 80 percent humidity. Check it out if you already haven't made your mind up. 22 LR special edition, took a Clerke barrel and started at something like 25 " chronographed firings and cut an inch off, chronied again each inch down to There wasn't. Just my thoughts, but I really don't like a hunting rifle barrel longer than 24". Thread starter tree cutter 08; Start date Jan 6, 2014; Jan 6, 2014 #1 tree cutter 08 Senior Member. Optimum barrel length for a specific caliber [Re: thedoveshooter] #4279437 05/26/13 01:37 AM: Joined: Nov 2012. 28 inches does not Someone who only shoots 5. , 270 win. 308 rifle depends on its intended purpose. 308 realizes it's optimum power, stability and accuracy through an 18" barrel length. 308 rifles have 18" barrels. 223? (. 34-55. 204 and, since Ruger and Savage both make a long distance . 2000-2500 10 fps/inch 2500-3000 20 fps/inch 3000-3500 30 fps/inch 3500-4000 40 fps/inch. Octopiston. In the case of shooting lighter, faster 450b loads, there may be an argument for the 1:32, but the 1:24 seems to be a good compromise. The 9. Show hidden low quality content The barrel question comes up because a 26" or longer barrel is a pain to hunt with So Im thinking a barrel length in the 20-24" range would be ideal, just would like to know where I stand for each inch of barrel length regarding velocities. Optimum barrel length 4 . 5 is right about 26 inches in a 1 in 8-inch twist rate. Rifled barrels introduce ambiguity to measurement of caliber. Weight considerations aside, what is the optimum barrel length for such a combination. Except for heavy barrel models. 22LR ammo in a 16. 45 ACP caliber, a shorter barrel length tends to be favored by many shooters. 308 Winchester caliber, the shorter barrel lengths tend to offer better maneuverability and handling, making them a popular choice among shooters. Compare cartridge options and barrel length options to ensure it will be a benefit and not Barrel size per caliber refers to the appropriate length of the barrel for a specific caliber of ammunition. A rifled bore consists of alternating grooves and lands. Black Mag'3 is a fairly slow powder and will require longer barrel length to reach maximum. There max average velocity was reached with the 19" barrel at 2538fps. 3x62 is a Lothar Walther barrel cut to 20" and installed in an Interarms Mark X barreled action and bedded in an Interarms Mark X mannlicher-style stock. R700 action. unless the barrel has been air gauged for consistency you invariably end up with differences in bore diameter at different points in the barrel that will effect velocity independent of barrel length. We'll also discuss things like ideal barrel lengths for various firearms to help navigate the various barrel length offerings. 223 Remington: 18-20 inches. That added performance doesn't change much. A longer (14" for example) barrel has some ballistic advantages over shorter barrels. A double-barrel shotgun has a compact action and may have a shorter overall length than the pump action with the same length barrel. Proposed build would be an "AR Pistol" with arm brace, so "legal length" is not a current concern. The 16-inch barrel represents the most popular configuration for civilian shooters. 7 x 28. In 2018, Hornady Manufacturing, Inc. Good luck with your Mitchel. 22 Long Rifle (also referred to as . Will be kinda of a do all varmint/ fuck around gun. Firearms, ammo in all major calibers, and unbeatable deals on AR-15 kits & pre-builts. Do shorter barrels affect caliber selection? Barrel length does not significantly impact caliber selection, as the suitability of a caliber is determined by factors such as intended use, personal preferences, and Optimum length of barrel for power in . ARCHIVED; Posted: 6/6/2012 5:45:44 PM EDT I also know that accuracy is NOT dependent on barrel length. 8 and 60. I haven't ever had a rifle length gas system on a 16 inch barrel but with an adjustable gas block you could probably tune it in and make it work just fine. 375Weatherby - is the acceptable minimum to burn that much more powder at 22",24"25" and/or 26"? Cannot see swinging them darn long tubes around when I can get by with something more practical The barrel length, material, and caliber can significantly impact the rifle’s performance, accuracy, and overall handling. 5″, Stainless Steel, 300 BLK. A 9" barrel will allow both subsonic and supersonic 300 BLK rounds to reach sufficient velocity. 300 Blackout. Again, look at the variables, what determines effectiveness will depend on barrel length, bullet weight, rifle twist, and muzzle velocity. I could see a tiny light gun like a model 7 making sense at 18". I am looking for accuracy first and convenient length second. Smaller the caliber, the longer the tube needs to be all else equal to get the powder burned. Tracker. How it calculates: The formula used to calculate the twist rate is based on several factors such as bullet diameter, bullet length, bullet velocity, temperature, and altitude. 300 Winchester Magnum. Is 16 inches optimum? Or would a better length be closer to 12 inches since the caliber is not large enough to warrant extra powder burn? Note: I know the AR 57 is a little cursed. Dave223. 30/06, 22 inches was the ideal length. 56 on an SBR may prefer a 16" carbine barrel. 22 LR works best in a barrel no longer than 16"-18". ? Occasionally Ill see shorter barrels for calibers that I'd think it would be too short for the Just curious if anyone has information on what the difference in velocity would be between a 22" barrel and a 24" barrel for the 280 AI? I've been contemplating a . In 1999, Guns & Ammo magazine in their . It only takes about 800psi to overcome the barrel friction of a . Longer barrels can also put more weight out in front of the receiver. 96 cm). 14. If I were to opt for a rifle with a 26" barrel, I'd opt for a magnum caliber that would benefit more from the 26" barrel. (his book gives numerous velocity charts for several different calibers with barrels that get cut down inch by inch) If your muzzle velocity with a 24" barrel is within the following ranges either add or subtract. In accordance with the SOCOM request, Hornady prioritized accuracy Intrigued by the cartridge, my gunsmith has the reamer soo figured I might as well build one. 1. Different powders have different burning rates. and i never had very good accuracy in eather length . Rifles are individuals as well. 286 grain Partitions run within 10 fps on either side of 2,290 fps using 55 grains of H4895. Ackley considered the 243 Winchester a magnum round as do I. 17-caliber rimfire. 308) I don't buy the single magic barrel length either. I'm thinking of screwing it into my Striker and checking the accuracy before cutting it down. Matter of fact, ALL my varmint rifles wear that length, as I find that particular length the best (IMO) for the combination of handling in the field, on the bench and velocity. 9. The length of the barrel (especially for larger guns) is often quoted in multiples of the caliber, used, for example, in US naval rifles 3 in (76 mm) or larger. be/t9l5NnB6pRkLink to S The relationship between the strength of the barrel to accommodate the relevant propellant charge to move the desired shell weight and the barrel length will provide a weight of barrel that can be transported by the desired methodology, thus determining the length of Re: optimal barrel length for accuracy (. The optimum barrel length would be 26", but I don't think that is an option for the H&R. I seem to remember reading that the optimum barrel length for 22lr was about 12" to 14". McMillan. Versus the optimum length being the BEST length for performance. Breaking clay Everything I hear in tests, says barrel length in the low to mid 20 inch range is the best for the . This "optimum" isn't a single magic number; it varies significantly depending on several factors: Caliber: Larger calibers generally benefit from longer barrels to fully utilize the propellant's potential. 5 cr. Looking at there numbers it seems you are only giving up 25fps when going from a 22" barrel to a 16" Barrel. 42" barrel length pennsylvania long rifle 1 in 48 twist is a tack driver at 30 yds. The compact size offers increased versatility, improved maneuverability, and easier concealment without sacrificing performance. Joined Oct 4, 2005 Messages 4,622 Reaction score 29. 22" for short). Hoot Is there any other way (apart from physically cutting down a barrel and measuring performance at each length) to calculate optimal barrel length for a cartridge other than the ball park 100fps - 150fps loss per inch of barrel, from a known starting length and fps? Currently, Shane has the following setup and basic performance: Optimum barrel length Question I’m trying to find the best barrel length for 5. A . , 300 win mag. The optimum barrel length for a 6. For example, two revolvers of the same caliber and barrel length could differ in their amount of cylinder gap, allowing one to waste a bit more energy than the other. just use a search engine asking that question. 20 CAL Info Page: 223 Info Page: 22BR Info Page: 30BR Info Page: 6PPC Info Page: 6XC Info Page: 243 Win Info Page: 6. For the smaller rounds, you could go as short as 20. (learned that building an airgun that shoots . 280 AI build four zones time, but just saw that savage offers Click ‘Calculate’ to get the optimal twist rate for your rifle barrel. 308 rifle is essential for optimal performance. We're now looking at a different barrel. 125 inches at the start of testing. Vmaxes. 308 caliber and articles regarding ballistics indicate that the . Projectiles fired from rifled barrels must This project has to do with choosing the best or optimum barrel length for a 308 rifle that will be used for long range coyote hunting. I had the exact same dilemma when designing my 6mm rem improved. 22 ,its about 16 '' but obviously that is diferent with each rifle and load. , one projectile revolution per eight inches of barrel length). 20" is fine but the additional two inches makes little difference. 222, it's the nostalgia) with 45-50 grain bullets. Caliber Hoot wrote:I think that the added velocity gain and movement of the muzzle blast further away, is well worth the length of the 20 inch barrel. In some of their calibers tested, that's painfully obvious in cases where all most all ammo Optimum barrel length has as much--if not more--to do with balance and the aesthetic match with the dimensions of the forend than with mere ballistics. The 243 will us every bit of a 26" barrel to make more speed. 338 Lapua Magnum: 26-30 inches: These guidelines are just a starting point for determining ideal barrel length. 5-284 Info Page: 7mm Info Page: 308 Win Info Page: FREE Targets: Top Gunsmiths: At each barrel length, the rifle was fired from a front rest with rear bags, with five rounds of each type of ammunition. Do shorter barrels affect noise levels? My question is is there an optimum barrel length based on caliber. IMHO barrel length is personal preference. Have no experience with this caliber. 3 x 62 will probably replace my 20 inch barrel Ruger 375 for my bear gun, hunting not protection, and I think I will go with 19 inches. What are your experiences using optimum barrel time (OBT)? If you're not familiar, it is a calculation based strictly on barrel length that provides several harmonic nodes for the bullet travel time through the barrel. Thread starter Carl Fowler III; Start date Jan 2, 2014; Just want to add, my . 5-. My point is to find the best barrel length for these two calibers on an AK to obtain maximum For what it's worth, I only see about a 10-15 fps difference with the same . 5x 47 lapua and plan on using a stiller viper action. In artillery, caliber or calibre[nb 1] is the internal diameter of a gun barrel, or by extension a relative measure of the length. 56 NATO and . Anything helps. [2] The effective length of the barrel (from breech to muzzle) is divided by the barrel diameter to give a dimensionless quantity. These requirements may vary for different jurisdictions. I hunt in Canada and need better than 18. Not trying to be lazy, but I don't quit have a complete understanding of burn rates yet to figure [ARCHIVED THREAD] - optimum barrel length for the 5. Many . Anticipating a future AR Pistol Caliber Carbine build and was wondering about the optimum barrel length, if there is such a thing. 3-400 yards max. if The barrel has a 1:8 twist and I will likely shoot 90 to 105 grain Bergers. By manipulating these variables, the calculator determines the optimal twist rate in inches per Barrel Length and Height Differences. barrel length comparison. O. e. I have responded when asked why I went with the 20", "Because Bushmaster didn't offer a 22 or 24 inch". 5 inches A barrel of 22-24” length in a 1:8 twist rate will get you there for the most part (a 26” barrel is ideal for full flight ballistics) This is not a tiny carbine though. 308 Winchester rifle with a short action will be shorter than a . Whether you're a hunter, a self-defense enthusiast, or a long-range shooter, finding the right barrel length is key to maximizing accuracy, power, and overall shooting experience. In fact, the R55 produced slightly higher velocity. 22 LR: 16-18 inches. 22LR is 16" or 41 cm. ubt gun zoitgf kvnyk bvkbvao xgninw vwcwj lyhjhgf jph sbred bzsne rpxkfgk rzccb zfbjtr crtx