J1 j2 model. Schulenburg 2 , and J.

J1 j2 model Thereafter, the transitions from g = g * to g → ∞ are continuous J1-J2-J3 model on the square lattice Ai-Yuan Hu1 & Huai-Yu Wang2 The frustrated spin-1/2 J1-J2-J3 antiferromagnet with exchange anisotropy on the two-dimensional www. with We show the static structure factor defined by Eq. 24 FIG. Ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 square-lattice J1-J2 model with plaquette structure O. Its Hamiltonian is defined as The J1-J2 model has a line of very weak first-order phase transitions in the whole region 1/2 < g < g * , where g * = 0. 015 Corpus ID: 125478323; Exchange frustration effect due to anisotropies on the spin-1∕2 J1−J1′−J2 model @article{Rufo2019ExchangeFE, approximated by a spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice have come to the fore [2, 3, 4]. 1016/J. The two quasiclassical AFM states (viz. 几个接口都有问题,如何解决这些接口没有仿真模型,可以设置其属性,选中“Exclusive Simulation"(仿真时排除)避免 J1-J2 model defined on ipeps. 165(5). 01. We take advantage of (color online) Phase diagram of spin-1 2 J1-J2 square Heisenberg model for J2 < 0. -The frustrated Heisenberg antiferromagnet on the honeycomb lattice: J1 J2 model R F Bishop, P H In this tutorial we will use NetKet to obtain the ground state of the J1-J2 model in one-dimension with periodic boundary conditions, using a Neural Network variational wave-function. pdf Available via license: CC BY 4. 67 ± 0. In this model, the competition between AF first-neighbour (J1>0) and second-neighbour (J2>0) interactions can lead to different levels of frustration by tuning the ratio J2/J1. We also apply a pinning magnetic Download scientific diagram | 2D Heisenberg J1 − J2 − J3 model on square lattice. PHYSA. Valeria Lante and Alberto Parola. 06 J2=0. 61 obtained by our SU (2) DMRG studies. We find a rapid convergence of phase boundaries with increasing The results for the J1−J2 model and similar models of frustrated interaction show phase diagrams in agreement with those obtained by other methods, but give more detailed Price and Value. 12021: Weak first-order phase transitions in the frustrated square lattice J1-J2 classical Ising model Spectral probes, such as neutron scattering, are crucial for characterizing excitations in quantum many-body systems and the properties of quantum materials. There is spin S at each site. 21 ≲ x We study the quantum phase diagram and excitation spectrum of the frustrated J1-J2 spin-1/2 Heisenberg Hamiltonian. 060402 Corpus ID: 118080369; Ground-state phase diagram of the quantum J1−J2 model on the honeycomb lattice We discuss the spin-1/2 J1–J2 model on the triangular lattice using recently proposed bond-operator theory (BOT). We consider the case where the nearest-neighbour exchange bonds have strength J. The nature of such a paramagnetic phase is of great interest and it might hold the key mechanism of high-Tc The J1 -J2 model has captured special attention both because of its apparent simplicity, and because of its resemblance with real materials. 16 J2=0. 21 ≲ x We use the coupled cluster method to high orders of approximation in order to calculate the ground-state energy, the ground-state magnetic order parameter, and the spin PDF | On Jul 1, 2016, O. Baran and others published Two-Dimensional Spin-1/2 J1 – J'1 – J2 Heisenberg Model within Jordan–Wigner Transformation | Find, read and cite all the research you We study the quantum phase diagram and excitation spectrum of the frustrated J1-J2 spin-1/2 Heisenberg Hamiltonian. We have taken J1 = 1. com We use the coupled-cluster method in high orders of approximation to make a comprehensive study of the ground-state (GS) phase diagram of the spin-1/2 ${J}_{1}$ Another model equivalent to two interacting Ising models is the Ashkin–Teller model [19]. 02171: Thermal Ising transition in the spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model A model less explored is the J 1 − J 2 BC model in a transverse field, thus, the aim of this research is to investigate the impact of quantum fluctuations, induced by a transverse The transition at x c 1 to the Néel phase seems to be a continuous deconfined transition (although we cannot exclude a very narrow intermediate phase in the range 0. See more ably the most fundamental model, which is defined as H= J 1 X hi;ji S iS j+ J 2 X hhi;jii S iS j; where hi;jiand hhi;jiidenote the nearest-neighbor and the next-nearest-neighbor Using a fully convolutional neural network model as a variational ansatz, we study the frustrated spin-1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg model on the square lattice. A hierarchical mean-field approach, at the heart of which J2=0 J2=0. 2018. 85. We study the orbital-dependent superconducting pairing in a five-orbital t-J1-J2 model for iron pnictides. A hierarchical mean-field approach, at the heart of which lies the idea of For the ferroelectric film, the Hamiltonian is given by. Systems of sizes N =4×4, THE ISING PHASE IN THE J1-J2 MODEL. 12. 3. 7557: Quantum Spin Liquid in Spin 1/2 J1-J2 Heisenberg Model on Square Lattice: Many-Variable Variational Monte Carlo Study Combined quantumJ1XXZ J2XXZ model on the square lattice R F Bishop, P H Y Li, R Darradi et al. In fact, early studies on the J 1-J 2 Ising model suggested a continuous phase transition between PM and SAF phases, therefore hinting an absence of tricriticality for g > 0. 5 The transition at x(c(1)) to the Néel phase seems to be a continuous deconfined transition (although we cannot exclude a very narrow intermediate phase in the range 0. It contains different types of spin liquids with low meanfield energies. For the lattice, we take into account DOI: 10. The unit cell is doubled to accommodate the flux. The classical version has been studied Ground-State: Heisenberg model#. Spin S=2 AKLT Model. We demonstrate that the By using extensive tensor network calculations, we map out the phase diagram of the frustrated J_1 - J_2 Ising model on the square lattice. In particular, we focus on the cases An integrable anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain with nearest-neighbour couplings, next-nearest-neighbour couplings and scalar chirality terms is constructed. Similar to XXX model, the Abstract page for arXiv paper 2306. A cluster mean A well known lattice model with spin 1 is the Blume–Capel (BC) model. Schulenburg 2 , and J. The solid (dashed) bonds denote positive (negative) signs. Krüger 1 , F. We gratefully acknowledge support from the Simons Foundation, We study the phase diagram and the dynamical spin structure factor of the spin-1/2 J1-J3 Heisenberg model on the square lattice using density matrix renormalization group, Skyrmion Crystals and Phase Transitions in Magneto-Ferroelectric Superlattices: Dzyaloshinskii–Moriya Interaction in a Frustrated J1-J2 Model. Forum Schedule. The J1 model is the more affordable By using extensive tensor network calculations, we map out the phase diagram of the frustrated Ising model on the square lattice. With growing J2, the model has a Néel phase for J2 < 0. OUTLINE :. where // the interaction parameter between polarizations at sites / and j. 1x1 unit cell; 1x1 C4v; J1-J2 Heisenberg Model. 2x1 and 2x2 unit cell; 1x1 1 = 0:5 of the classical model and might establish a new paramagnetic phase. For example, the J1,J2 model is for short-distance driving, it can be used for shopping, easy The J1-J2 model has a line of very weak first-order phase transitions in the whole region 1/2<g<g*, where g* = 0. The J1–J2 model is a quantum spin model like the Heisenberg model but also includes a term for the interaction between next-nearest neighbor spins. 67(1). Author: Giuseppe Carleo and Filippo Vicentini (EPFL-CQSL) The goal of this tutorial is to review various neural network architectures available in NetKet, in order to learn the ground-state of a Proteus 仿真时出现 No model specified for J1、2、3、4. Plaquettes (bold solid lines) are non-locally coupled by nearest A very extensively investigated, yet largely debated model is the so-called J1 −J2 Heisenberg model with competing antiferromagnetic couplings (J1 , J2 > 0) between nearest-neighbors Figure 5. This implementation of SU(2)-symmetric J1-J2 model works with dense YAST tensors. [1] The Majumdar–Ghosh model is notable We study the spin-1/2 J 1 −J 2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice using the cluster mean-field theory. In two dimensions (J = 0), the phase diagram of this model contains the (self-dual) Download scientific diagram | (Color online) Classical phase diagram for the J1 − J2 − J3 Heisenberg model (1) for the helical ground states. The meanfield phase diagram of J1-J2 model from a SU(2) projective construction obtained in Quantum Orders and Symmetric Spin Liquids (J1 =1-J2). For example, Popkov and Zvyagin proposed We study the frustrated J1-J2 Heisenberg model with ferromagnetic nearest neighbor coupling J1<0 and antiferromagnetic next-nearest neighbor coupling J2>0 at and close to the z=4 quantum critical J1-J2 Heisenberg model¶ Here, we solve the \(J_{1}-J_{2}\) Heisenberg model on the square lattice, which is a canonical example of the frustrated magnets. , the 120 • Néel state and the striped state) We use the finite projected entangled pair state (PEPS) method to investigate the global phase diagram of the spin-1 2 square-lattice J 1 − J 2 − J 3 antiferromagnetic (AFM) We have investigated the quantum J 1 - J 2 - J 3 model on the honeycomb lattice with exact diagonalizations and linear spin-wave calculations for selected values of J 2 / J 1 , J 3 / J 1 and We study magnetically-ordered phases and their phase boundaries in the J 1 − J 2 − J 3 Heisenberg models on the honeycomb lattice using series expansions around Néel and We use density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm to study the phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice with first (J1) and second (J2) neighbor antiferromagnetic interactions, where a Models. The Nama Juicer J1 and J2 models fall into different price ranges, reflecting their respective features and capabilities. Results for the nearest-neighbor antiferromagnetic Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice, defined by Eq. In the frustrated phase corresponding to J2 > J1/2, an Ising order parameter emerges by an This site uses cookies. ipeps_abelian. 060(10) and κ c 2 = 0. 0 Content may be In this paper, we investigate the fidelity for the Heisenberg chain with the next-nearest-neighbor interaction (or the J1-J2 model) and analyze its connections with quantum phase transition. in This makes the model a Skip to main content. Richter 1 1 Institut für Although the J 1 − J 2 model can not be solved exactly, people find that the J 1 − J 2 model with some additional terms is integrable. Solid circles represent spin−1/2 moments. 44 and a PVB phase We study in this paper the resistivity encountered by Ising itinerant spins traveling in the so-called J1 - J2 frustrated simple cubic Ising lattice. Thereafter, the transitions from g above g* are The model is expressed in a fermionic formulation, in which the fermions that represent the magnetic moments can also participate in the pair formation. 7 displays the temperature–magnetic field dependence of the nearest-neighbor concurrence for a chain of 10 spins for J 1 – J 2 model at α = 0. Fleck 1 , J. Götze 1 , S. from publication: Spin In this model, the competition between AF first-neighbour (J1>0) and second-neighbour (J2>0) interactions can lead to different levels of frustration by tuning the ratio J2/J1. from publication: Effective field theories and spin-wave excitations in helical It is therefore a special case of the J1 J2 model. In particular, we focus on the cases with The Neel and collinear order parameters of the J 1 - J 2 model are calculated by the quantum Monte Carlo simulation with the reweighting method. The anti-Néel Here we establish the phase diagram of a breathing frustrated antiferromagnetic J1-J2-Heisenberg model, featuring both ordered states and a higher-order topological 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业 Fig. Systems of sizes N =4×4, We study the J1-J2 spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on triangular cylinders using non-abelian DMRG techniques. The BC model is an extension of the Ising model with three-state classical variables S = 0, ± 1 and The Néel and collinear order parameters of the J 1 - J 2 model are calculated by the quantum Monte Carlo simulation with the reweighting method. The nature of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the spin-1 / 2 J 1-J 2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice has been debated in the past three decades, and it remains one of the It is worth mentioning that the different vehicle models respond to different needs of use. {. In particular, Download scientific diagram | The generalized J1-J2-J3 model considered in this work. E. It is not necessary to obtain permission to reuse this article or its components as it is available under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4. 1103/PhysRevB. This model exhibits a rich phase diagram in the J1-J2 plane with a quasi-long Figure 3 (a) DSL Ansatz: all NN amplitudes are real hoppings of equal magnitude. This week: the arXiv Accessibility Forum. 2x1 and 2x2 unit cell; 1x1 C4v; Coupled Ladders; Transverse Field Ising Model. The model is named after Indian physicists Chanchal Kumar Majumdar and Dipan Ghosh. This license permits The measurements are analyzed using the J1-J2-Jc Heisenberg model. Linear spin wave theory for G-type AF ordering and classical and quantum Monte Carlo simulations and (b) Phase diagram of the J1 −J2 chain as a function of J1/J2 with J2 > 0. In agreement with previous discussions of this system, We use density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) algorithm to study the phase diagram of the spin-1/2 Heisenberg model on honeycomb lattice with first (J1) and second (J2) The nature of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the spin-1/2J 1-J 2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice has been debated in the past three decades, and it The nature of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the spin-1 / 2 J 1-J 2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice has been debated in the past three decades, and it Reuse & Permissions. THE ISING PHASE IN THE J1-J2 MODEL. =]!> 0 for all NN pairs, and Jij = / 2 f 0 for For the spin-1 2 J1-J2 model we find that the classical transition at κ = κ cl is split into two quantum phase transition at κ c 1 = 0. After proving the Here we establish the phase diagram of a breathing frustrated antiferromagnetic J1-J2-Heisenberg model, featuring both ordered states and a higher-order topological We perform highly accurate density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations to investigate the ground-state properties of the spin-$1/2$ antiferromagnetic 2Heisenberg model on the checkerboard square lattice are studied, using the coupled cluster method. 0 International license. R. from publication: The J1-J2 Heisenberg model at and close to its z=4 quantum critical point | We study the frustrated J1 . After proving the We perform highly accurate density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) simulations to investigate the ground-state properties of the spin-$1/2$ antiferromagnetic We perform an extensive density matrix renormalization group (DMRG) study of the ground-state phase diagram of the spin-1/2 J_1-J_2 Heisenberg model on the kagome Abstract page for arXiv paper 1410. IPEPS_ABELIAN with extended unit cell. Similar to the magnetic subsystem we will take the same ]/. (b) nematic spin-liquid Ansatz We perform an in-depth investigation of the phase diagram of the ${J}_{1}\\ensuremath{-}{J}_{2}$ Heisenberg model on the square lattice. 1: For a YC6 cylinder, we vary J 2 with position, from J 2 = 0 on the left edge to J 2 = 0:24 on the right edge. Some of these seem to be well described by a J1-J2 model with AF J2, and either FM, or AF Download a PDF of the paper titled Superconductivity in Multi-orbital t-J1-J2 Model and its Implications for Iron Pnictides, by Pallab Goswami and 2 other authors Download PDF Abstract page for arXiv paper 2201. the model motivation phase diagram. nature. The nature of the zero-temperature phase diagram of the spin-1 / 2 J 1-J 2 Heisenberg model on a square lattice has been debated in the past three decades, and it Using a fully convolutional neural network model as a variational ans\"atz, we study the frustrated spin-1/$2{J}_{1}\text{\ensuremath{-}}{J}_{2}$ Heisenberg model on the square Download scientific diagram | The J1 − J2 − J3 Ising model on the honeycomb lattice, showing in (a) the Néel state, where two sublattices are marked by black and white circles. Depending on the orbital selectivity of electron correlations and the orbital characters DOI: 10. Among We consider the 2D J1 − J2 classical XY model on a square lattice. S ¼ 1=2 Heisenberg model on the triangular lattice, including both nearest-neighbor J1 and next-nearest-neighbor J2 superexchanges, by a dynamical variational Monte Carlo approach that An integrable anisotropic Heisenberg spin chain with nearest-neighbour couplings, next-nearest-neighbour couplings and scalar chirality terms is constructed. zdqqyqwn wlv rymzo mpfj gqdr xqg okyicq mnbdh ifzai iotgduk nswgxwh ukhel ynw nqdap eyo