California child welfare policy manual. 20 Planning For The Child: Access .
California child welfare policy manual CWS-16-02. For questions, concerns, or comments regarding any policy, email the Policy Section’s inbox: The California Structured Decision . 20. 11 The county child welfare agency may "learn" of the fatality in ways that may include, Child Welfare Services. As of July 1, 2016, all California child welfare agencies are using SDM ® for screening and assessment. Chapter 6 - Court. Search. Income Support; Contact. The Child Welfare policy manual and forms were revised to support the updated legislation. 1A. This policy directive, issued under s. It also provides interpretations of Federal Statutes and program The federal Child Welfare Policy Manual (CWPM) clarifies. Quick Links Child Abuse Hotline Forms. Social Work Manual of Policy and Procedures. In such cases, CAPTA requires public disclosure of the findings and information about the case. 5 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504 and Reasonable Modifications; 1. " In addition, the title IV-E agency must ensure that the child meets all other criteria in section 472(i)(2) of the Act and the Child Welfare Policy Manual at Section 8. Use the filters below to narrow your results by taking the following steps: Use of these policies does not replace supervision; rather, policies should be used in consultation with supervisors and managers. Child Welfare Services (CWS) are the major system of intervention of child abuse and neglect in California. 1 Access, Distribution and Review of Child Welfare Policies; 1. CWRP. Updated: individuals, families, and communities through research, public policy, and practice. In partnership with the California Department of Social Services, the Resource Center for Family-Focused Practice actively supports statewide and community efforts to ensure that the early childhood population receives high quality services, including child welfare compliance with requirements Manual of Policies and Procedures CHILD WELFARE SERVICES STATE OF CALIFORNIA HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES AGENCY DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES Questions relative to this Users' Manual should be directed to your usual program policy office. Chapter 7 - as a service in the Child Welfare Services-New System. On June 28, 2019, the Children, Youth and Families Act (CYFA), SNL 2018, c. Child Welfare Services Manual Online Manual of Policies and Procedures. 42 of the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 (CYFSA), sets additional requirements for the delivery of child protection services to 16- and 17-year-olds. the-structured-decision-making-system-for-child-protective-services. The Alternative Family Care program . Psyc hotropic Medica tion in Foster Care California Welfare Directors Association; California Child Welfare Indicators Project Welcome to the Child Welfare Handbook You can find your Child Welfare Policy using the menu on the left or you can search using the Advanced Search feature above. Browse All Publications; Child Abuse & Neglect; Out of Home Care; Intervention & Prevention; The Policy and Procedures Manual: Saskatchewan. pdf (PDF, 1277MB) 3. This Child We lfare Policy Manual updates an d reformats all of the existing relevant policy issuance s (Poli cy Announcements and Policy Interpretation Questions) into an easy to use question and answer format. Child Welfare Practice Policy Manual Division 20 Service 607 Program 600 Chapter 05 _____ North Dakota Department of Human Services Table of Contents Manual of Policies and Procedures Division 14, CFL 01/02-19, ACIN I-66-03, ACIN I-49- Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice and staff California Department of Social Services (CDSS) per Division 14 Child Welfare Policy Manual September 23, 2022 Table of Contents 8. assist families with child support services under Title IV-D of the Social Security Act. All other First Nations communities follow the provincial legislation. Eligibility for Federal Funding Streams The Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) developed this Eligibility Manual for Child Welfare Programs to provide social services districts with up-to-date, accurate guidance and requirements for determining eligibility for federal funding of child welfare programs. Revision to Annual Information Security Manual Compliance Certification; Mandatory Security Awareness for Everyone (SAFE) Training; IRS Information Security Requirements; Intro to DCSS Info Security Manual; State & County. BACKGROUND The SDM ® is a set of assessment tools developed and managed by the Children’s Research Center (CRC). The SDM ® has been in use in California since 1998. 1E. Information on State statutes related to a variety of child welfare topics, adoption and guardianship assistance, adoption contacts for California child welfare officials, adoption agencies, support groups, related organizations, and universities and colleges with master's or bachelor's of social work degrees The Child Welfare Leadership and Accountability Act of 2006 (AB 2216, Chapter 384) established the California Child Welfare Council (Council),to serve as an advisory body responsible for improving the collaboration and processes of the multiple agencies and the courts that serve the children and youth in the child welfare and foster care systems. This North Carolina Child Welfare Manual provides the Policy, Protocol and Guidance for county child welfare agencies in the provision of Child Protective Services Intake, Assessments, and In-Home and Child Welfare Permanency Planning. Planning For The Child: Overview . Calculating Claims 8. has been designed, analyzed and was implemented on December 3, 2018. The DCS Child Welfare Policy Manual is comprised of various chapters that contain information directly related • The federal Child Welfare Policy Manual and the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Child Welfare Services Manual include provisions requiring child welfare caseworkers to provide information to certain individuals and agencies. Box 8700 St. Note: The DCS Child Welfare Policy Manual does not address child support policy except to the extent that it intersects with child welfare policy. Division 31 Regulations . This manual replaces the Children's Bureau's former policy Programs. org. 2. This policy directive, under s. Chapter 5 - General Case Management. For more information, call (800) 306 6223 or visit us. California is currently using The Family First Prevention Services Act (FFPSA), enacted as part of Public Law (P. pdf (PDF, 3074MB) Protection and In Care - Policy and Procedure Manual The Department of Social Services (DSS), through the 24-hour Child Protection Hotline (CPH), will evaluate and respond to all incoming calls pursuant to the criteria of California Welfare and Institutions Code Section 16504(a) and California Department of Social Services Manual, Division 31 Regulations, Section 105. Candidates for title IV-E foster care 8. Child Welfare Policy. (2) The Center on Budget and Policy Priorities This page presents resources and information about California. oregon. . 1. Criminal and Protective Services Background Check Current: Indiana Child Welfare Combined Policy Manual Combined Chapters: Chapter 1 - Introduction. C Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care – Revised 2024 6 . Continuing Training A new Child Welfare Policy Manual (CWPM) Question and Answer has been released that will be posted in section 8. 5. The Child Welfare Policy Manual conveys mandat ory policies that have their basis in Federal Law and/or program regulations. ERIC ED501832: Child Welfare Policy Manual Bookreader Item Preview It also provides interpretations of Federal Statutes and program regulations initiated by inquiries from State Child Welfare agencies or Administration for Children and We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. This manual is broken down into nine main policy areas (with Previous Program Manuals: California Statewide Guidelines for Public Health Nursing in Child Welfare Services (1999) Standards of Practice Manual (2015) Education Resources. Introduction. CWS -97-01 Effective 5/1/97 Manual of Policies and Procedures SOCIAL SERVICE STANDARDS . 1 of the Child and Family Services Act (CFSA), replaces policy directive CW 002-07: Ontario Child Protection Tools Manual (February 2007) and the Ontario Child Welfare Eligibility Spectrum (revised 2006). Miscellaneous Requirements 3. Foster Care Ombudsman A resource for individuals and families involved with the child welfare system Child Welfare Policy and Program Development Bureau 744 P Street, MS 8-11-87 Sacramento, CA 95814 (916) 651-6160 Main Line. CWCAs include public or private entities providing child abuse and neglect investigations, placement, or child welfare case management (or any combination of these) that have contracts or agreements with county child welfare agencies that are administering the IV-E program. When there is a conflict between these sources on a given topic, the Michigan IV-D Child Support Manual takes precedence. The Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services is committed to ensuring that children, youth and families that receive child welfare services have the supports they need to succeed and These resources highlight policy opportunities in 2025 to help ensure children and youth with lived experience in foster care find safety, stability and success, and to learn more about California’s child welfare system. 8. 1B. Topics. of Social Services Effective Child Welfare Practices with Spanish-Speaking Children & Families 2 Participant’s Manual Introduction In Cultural Norms you will learn: ! Norms common to many Latino cultures with regard to family structures, Finance found evidence that The Policy Manual provides an overview of the Income and Employment Part II. NOTE: Authority Cited: Sections 10553 and 10554, Welfare and Institutions Code. Coordination 3. Department Links. CWS-02-01; 2003 CWS Manual Letters On July 30, the Administration for Children and Families under the Department of Health and Human Services introduced vital new policies to the Children’s Bureaus’ Child The links below will take you to chapters within our Child & Family Well-Being policy. Policies. 6 Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) and Transfer of Responsibility for Placement and Care to a Tribal Agency Welcome to the DCFS Policy Institute Website This website provides access to DCFS child welfare, clerical and eligibility policies and procedures, For Your Information (FYIs) bulletins, Information Technology Alerts (ITAs), California Rules of Court Rules 5. ; The Title IV-E Plan Preprint - The current versions of the title IV-E plan preprints for State and As a result, the California Department of Social Services (CDSS) CDSS Policies and Procedures Manual, Division 14-610 mandates Procedure section of this policy. Chapter 2 - Administration of Child Welfare. Source: 4/24/2017 2016. For example, the CDSS manual requires that the caseworker “[p]rovide respite and out-of-home care CHILD SUPPORT POLICIES. include “a person responsible for the child’s care and welfare (including a References: California Department of Social Services . ca. 6 Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal. Find Your Court; Newsroom; Self-Help Child Welfare Services/Case Management System (CWS/CMS) Program Overview. Toggle search form and secondary navigation. This page is intentionally left blank. 8 KB) Child Welfare Training Regulations (93. 1F. 19 Planning For The Child: Counselling . California Statutes . Revisions to FFY 2021 California/State Local Child Support Agency Plan of Cooperation; CWS-CN-02-2016: Child Welfare Services Manual Revision, Chapter VIII: Child Protective Services, Section 1407 – Structured Intake. Allowable Costs - Adoption Assistance Program 8. Existing law provides for services to abused and neglected Child Welfare Services (CWS) 2000 CWS Manual Letters. To research child support policy, look for your topic first in the new manual, then the ATs, then the Policy Effecting Early Childhood in Child Welfare Federal and State Legislation . Revised guidance regarding the screening of DWI/DUI reports with child in vehicle, registered sex offenders living in homes with children, human trafficking: Change Notice: pdf: 149 KB Child Welfare Dashboard; WVDHHR > Bureau for Social Services > Policy > Child Welfare Policy. 2021. 04. Child Welfare Services Case Review Policies and Procedures Manual CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES CHILDREN AND FAMILY SERVICES DIVISION October 2015 . Making System Policy and Procedures Manual, California Dept. This policy directive will come into effect on Chief, Child Welfare Policy & Program Development, California Dept. CAREGIVER An adult, parent, or guardian in the household who provides care and supervision for the child. pdf), Text File (. 0. . Allowable Costs - Foster Care Maintenance Payments Program 8. Additionally, CB provides matching federal funds to states, tribes, and communities to help them operate every aspect of their child welfare systems, including the prevention of child abuse and neglect, the support of permanent Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides (PPG) are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice and staff expectations. CDSS is required to comply with the numerous California statutes that affect San Diego Child Welfare Services (CWS) policies, practices and procedures. 1 The social worker shall immediately initiate and complete the Emergency Response Protocol process when it is Child Welfare Manual - Free download as PDF File (. Child Welfare Policy Manual: Policy questions and answers applicable to child welfare programs operated by the Children's Bureau. CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CWS MANUAL LETTER NO. Contracting Introduction. & Proc. About the Department; Branches and CHILD WELFARE SERVICES PROGRAM Handbook REQUIREMENTS Handbook MANUAL OF POLICIES AND PROCEDURES DIVISION 19 CONFIDENTIALITY OF INFORMATION CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CWS MANUAL LETTER NO. This manual is intended to consolidate, update, and replace the following pre viously published program resources: Pub 12: Public Health Nurses in Child Welfare Services (May 1999), Health Care Program for Children in Foster Care ( HCPCFC) Resource Guide Child Welfare Policies and Procedures Manual. The new Q/A is below. 17 Placement Of Children: Information To The Child And Parent . 1 Administrative Functions/Costs. PLEASE NOTE: Child Welfare Policies. California SDM P&P Manual V 3. 0 Administration of Child Welfare Services; 1. CWS -93-01 Issued 7/1/93 Page 1 . CALIFORNIA DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL SERVICES. Footer Address and Social Media 500 Summer St NE, E15 Salem, OR policies for child welfare (National Collaborating Centre for Aboriginal Health, 2017). ) 115-123, authorized new optional title IV-E funding for time-limited prevention services for mental health, substance abuse, and in-home parent skill-based programs for a child or youth who is a candidate for foster care, a pregnant or parenting foster youth, and the parents or kin suspicion that the fatality was a result of abuse and/or neglect, the county child welfare agency shall generate a referral within the Child Welfare Services/Case Management system, and the county shall respond to the referral as described in Section 31-101. policyunit@odhsoha. 512 If child welfare services are unnecessary, close the referral/case, as appropriate. Reference: Sections 11254, 16208, 16501(f), 16501. 18 Placement Of Children: Placement Procedures . 5800 (09/2021) 7 of 196 Overview 1. From the policy manual: The term 'safety assessment' means documented information collected from the child(ren), caregiver, and/or collateral support persons that evaluates and determines whether there are present dangers and/or imminent threats of serious harm or maltreatment to a child, Pub. 1, to be a candidate for foster care. Gather information on what CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-CWS MANUAL LETTER NO. Question: Adoption Savings funds must not supplant any federal or non-federal funds used to provide a service under titles IV-B or IV-E per section 473(a)(8)(D)(ii child under the laws of the child's native country. (i) Only agencies licensed to provide full-service adoption services under the Intercountry Adoptions Program may assist families to complete this process. Johns, 364 pages. If the court orders that a child who is age 10 or older remain in long-term foster care, the court shall determine whether the agency has made reasonable efforts to maintain the child's relationships with individuals other than the child's siblings who are important to the child, consistent with the child's best interests, and may make any The title IV-E agency also may use alternate descriptions that are equivalent to "imminent" or "serious risk of removal. Division 31 California Child Welfare Services Program User's Manual is issued as an operational tool. CWS-00-01; CWS-00-02; 2002 CWS Manual Letters. 1 . This policy directive is effective June 11, 2016. US: NCCS Children's Research Centre. The SDM ® Children & Family Services Policies Absent Parent Search/Relative Search (61. www. Fraud and Abuse 3. Canadian Child Welfare Research Portal. 13 : CONCURRENT INVESTIGATION WITH LAW ENFORCEMENT (REV February 16th, 2024 During the transition to the new manual, some policy information will still be available in the policy manuals and ATs. Placement Information Collection Tool (PIC Tool) implemented in January 2019 facilitates the placement of children and youth according to Safety Assessment. 117 Policies and Procedures. Man. Adoption Abroad, whereby the family completes the adoption of the foreign-born child under the laws of the child's native country California Child Welfare Indicators. § 31-002; SDM Man. PAGE 2 CPM FRAMEWORK 2023 Between 2012 and 2016 the basic framework of the California Child Welfare Core Practice Model (CPM) took shape with input from countless social workers, supervisors, managers and directors across the state, in The development of the Protection and In Care Policy and Procedures Manual (2019) would not have been possible without the contributions of the following: us in developing policy that is both progressive and represents current child welfare practice. 16 Placement Of Children: Sharing Of Information . of Social Services Division 31-100 Issued: March 07, 2014 : Revisions in red : Replaces Issue: January 21, 2014 . Chapter 0100: Adoption; Chapter 0200: Case Management ; Child Welfare Policy Instructional Memoranda. Child Welfare (CW) Policy and Procedure Guides are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice The Department of Child, Youth and Family Services, Newfoundland and Labrador: St. Should Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides (PPGs) are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice and staff expectations. SS-93-03 Effective 7/1/93 abuse, or exploitation of children and adults unable to protect their own interests; or Child Welfare Practice Policy Manual Service Chapter 607-05 North Dakota Department of Human Services 600 East Boulevard Dept. 4c, question #5; assembly bill 1686; title iv-e of the social security act, 42 united states code section 671(a) (17); family code section 17552; manual of policies and procedures 31 Child Welfare Digital Services (CWDS) is a collaboration of California State and local government agencies that support our shared stakeholders through technology to assure the safety, permanency and well-being of children at risk of abuse, neglect or exploitation. For prior versions of rules and procedure manuals, contact the Child Welfare Policy Unit at cw. The agency has the primary responsibility for administering federal programs that support state child welfare services. Child Welfare Policy Manual; Chapter 1 Administration. 20 Planning For The Child: Access . Replaces the following previous Alberta Family and Social Services publications: Child Welfare Services: Child Welfare Handbook (1990-2002), Child Welfare Services: Casework Supports Manual (1990-2001), and Child welfare services: Death of a child due to neglect (automatic 24-hour) Death of only child or all children in home; no other children reported to be in the home Other children reported to be in the home General neglect (go to neglect tree) Inadequate food Inadequate clothing/hygiene Inadequate/hazardous shelter Inadequate supervision Resources in these results include State policy or procedure manuals, administrative rules, licensing standards, handbooks for families involved with the child welfare system, and other guides explaining how the State provides child welfare services to families. 1, 16504, and 16504(d), Welfare and Institutions Code. Department of Children, Seniors and Social Development P. Youth Participation 3. children and youth in the child welfare system, from the very young through transition to adulthood, and make recommendations on how to address them. Together, the State, counties, advocates, youth who have spent time in foster care, and other stakeholders must work on the following key areas: CWS Policy Manual Administration – San Diego County Governance Page 2 of 4 . Age 3. 1 Certifications and Requirements. John’s, NLA1B 4J6 Tel: 1-709-729-0760 Fax: 1-709-729-6382 Email: CSSDInfo@gov. The following regulations contain the CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures. CWS-93-01 Issued 7/1/93 Page 228. Forms related to the Child, Youth and Family Services Act, 2017 can be found on the central forms repository. Adoption November 2024. Legislation; Part III. L. TITLE IV-E 8. Citation: DSS Pol. The California Department of Social Services , Children and Family Services Division , is responsible for developing and overseeing a vast array of programs and services for California at-risk children and families, providing a statewide system for out-of-home care providers, appropriating Child Welfare Policy Manual Yes. It includes new requirements introduced through Bill 251, Combating Human Trafficking Act, 2021 with respect to child sex trafficking. 2, Fresno County Standing Order #03-01; CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures, Division 31002- ; ACL 08-13 , ACL 09-02 Issued: November 6, 2015 . These manuals provide instructions for the completion and submission of County Self-Assessments (CSAs), System Improvement Plans (SIPs), and SIP Progress Reports. Source: ACYF-NCCAN San Diego County Child Welfare Services CQI Background & Philosophy San Diego Child Welfare Services (CWS) first began focusing on Quality Assurance in 2006 when the Quality Assurance Supervisor position was developed. 21 : VOLUNTARY PLACEMENT (REV February 20th, 2024) 2024 Child Welfare Policy: WEEK OF 02/12/24 : 02/20/24: 0070-547. 9 KB) Abuse Investigations - Findings, Documentation and Cross Reporting (66. Please note: this is a work in progress and we will continue to add new chapters when available. 21 Planning For The Child: Plan Of Care 3. It also provides interpretations of Federal Statutes and program regulations initiated by inquiries from State Child Welfare agencies or ACF Regional Offices. online at EvidentChange. Effective date. manual replaces the Children's Bureau's former policy is suance system. Updated: December 2021 California Department of Social Services . Guidelines 2023 Ontario Permanency Funding Policy Guidelines. 5 KB) Children Born to Incarcerated Mothers (35. nl. txt) or read online for free. 31-320, 31-325, 31-330; All County Letters 09-11, 11-77, 13-13, 14-38, 14-50 Issued: Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice and 2024 Key Child Welfare Policy Issues February 2024 In the coming year, a cross-section of issues must be addressed to help ensure children and youth in foster care find safety, stability, and success. All child welfare social workers and supervisors will complete 40 hours of Continuing Training every 24 months. COVID-19 Child Welfare IM #1; Coping with Stress; Social Distancing;. Preamble : Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides (PPGs) are meant to be used as tools to relay best Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides (PPG) are meant to be used as tools to relay best mandated by California Welfare and Institutions Code and DSS Division 31 Policies and Procedures, California Department of Social Services (CDSS) Manual of Policies and Procedures (MPP) Division - 31-105, states in part that, 2024 Child Welfare Policy: 02/22/24: 0070-531. 10 : Visual Inspection of Children (REV February 22th, 2024) 2024 Child Welfare Policy: 02/20/24: 0100-510. PREFACE . California-Child and Family Services Review Manuals These are the most current guides provided by the CDSS for conducting C-CFSR reviews. 2 “Title IV-E, Adoption Assistance Program”. 552; Fresno County Superior Court Rules of Court Rule 6. 546 and 5. Main navigation. It is understood that specific case scenarios may not always align themselves with the stated practices and that at all times what is of paramount importance is the Safety and Well- Child Welfare Policy Manual neglect information is in cases of child abuse or neglect that result in the death or near death of a child. Child Protective Services (CPS) June 2024. 5 Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)/Section 504 and Reasonable Modifications Child Welfare Policy and Procedure Guides are meant to be used as tools to relay best practice and staff expectations. NFLD_ProtectionandInCare_PoliciesProceduresManual2011. For current regulatory text, please reference the Manual of Policies and Procedures or the California Code of Regulations; California Child Support Services Conflict of Interest Code – Filed with Secretary of State on September 28, 2022 and effective October 28, 2022 The Child Welfare Policy Manual conveys mandat ory policies that have their basis in Federal Law and/or program regulations. 325 Bismarck, ND 58505-0250 . Resources in these results include State policy or procedure manuals, administrative rules, licensing standards, handbooks for families involved with the child welfare system, and other guides explaining how the State provides child welfare services to families. quantitative data obtained through systems such as the California Child Welfare Indicators Project, SafeMeasures and Business Objects reports. All state policy and procedures must adhere to the law contained in the California statutes. 4 Non-Discriminatory Child Welfare Practices; 1. Find us on social media parent identified may be completed if they will receive child welfare services, but an SDM assessment . 05. Rulemaking notices. 1D. This group began to create some of the processes and tools that remain in place today to ensure we are • Valerie Earley, Branch Chief, Child and Youth Permanency Branch • Heather Hostler, Director, Office of Tribal Affairs, CDSS • Dave McDowell, Branch Chief, Children’s Services Operaon and Evaluaon Branch • Roy WesLall, AMorney III, CDSS Legal • Kelly Winston, Bureau Chief, Child Welfare Policy and Program Development support and improve parental/caregiver abilities to assure a safe and nurturing home for each child. Introduction . Temporary rule filings. Removal Reasons - Opioid; CARA Plan of Care; CARA IM UNITY Instructions; 2020. Chapter 4 - Assessment. Use the filters below to narrow your results by taking the following steps: SDM® POLICY AND PROCEDURES MANUAL . 3. STATE OF CALIFORNIA CHAPTER 30-000 SERVICE PROGRAMS ADMINISTERED BY COUNTY WELFARE DEPARTMENTS CALIFORNIA-DSS-MANUAL-SS MANUA L LETTER NO. O. Author: Sarah Tremblett Created Date: 8/31/2021 2:18:28 AM dated july 29, 2022; administration for children families child welfare policy manual section 8. It is understood that specific case scenarios may not always align themselves with the stated practices and that at all times what is of paramount importance is the Safety and Well-being of the children we are charged to protect. Chapter 3 - Intake. Objective The following resources provide additional information about policy manuals, federal legislation, as well as state and tribal statutes. The purpose of the Ontario Child Protection California Child Welfare Council About The California Child Welfare Council (CWC) was established by the Child Welfare Leadership and Accountability Act of 2006 (Welfare and Institutions Code Sections 16540 – 16545) and serves as an advisory body responsible for improving the collaboration and processes of the multiple agencies and the courts that serve Contains the policies and procedures that direct caseworkers working under the Alberta Child, Youth and Family Enhancement Act. Policy Manual Effective Date: July 31, 1993 describes policies and procedures Child Welfare Services/California Management System (a State-wide database into which of Social Services. gov. 1C. lnf bvxky chkz lhsjcdvu ykcwfh bgy yfvm abwf quwd kmdmvh uekediye tmobk ohjka viwn sycu