Best severitus fic recs Now complete. Recs Wanted Basically what the title says. Snape as mentor/parent fics. Request Archived post. Founder: GonnaBeFamous - Stories: 13 - Followers: 132 - Staff: 5 - id: 17452 For all stories which Severitus Fics Recs Wanted Bonus if he doesn't treat Harry well at first and both are always at odds but slowly understand each other mix. I was a little bit put off by the wrong boy/girl who lived (quite often fics have them at such each odds it's basically a They are quite intense and Harry, Ginny, Hermione arent always shown in a good light. Mentor Snape, Harry (Severitus) A House on Stilts - Every summer, Snape takes Harry to the ocean. 186k words and I read it all in Sorry I'm so late lol, but here are some works that fit your preferences Chrysalis by starcrossedgirl - Snarry, ~85k, AMAZING fic, but mind the warnings in the opening author's note if you have Was also going to rec this. I've read a year like none other, which Original Severitus Fics. If you like the authors writing, their marvel crossover lightning scars and metal hearts is also excellent and updated regularly Do you like reverse severitus too? LF abused!harry fics with Severitus . Severitus fic recs . This is my absolute favorite Severitus. Vernon loses it after Dobby drops the cake and he discovers Harry isn't supposed to do magic at home. Top 2% Rank by size . . The longer the better. Some of my favorites Draco Malfoy Fic Recs . org/works/24102232/chapters/58018174 and Petunia Dursley has trouble: she's lost her family, she's going crazy, she can do magic (but not always), her suitors are a mixed bag (operative word) & people keep trying to take her children Best Severitus Fics Slash or Gen . Really good ability to write Most of the Snupin fics I read are Severitus, so let me recommend those. I’m really loving the series so far, it’s that perfect rare pair energy They are both supporting characters and they get together Year 3 of this massive fic. Looking for Mentor!Snape/Severitus fics Top posts of February 17, It reminded me of everything I loved about them in canon and what drew me to the ship in the first place. it's got less attachment than the previous two fics you've mentioned, but it's probably decent enough Best Of Severitus. More posts you may like r/HPfanfiction. James Potter, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Peter Pettigrew, (pause for I have a fic that’s neither; not recently updated, nor completed, but it is something that will consume you until there’s nothing left. Draco/Hermione and others are good too! Help is very much appreciated! Thanks in advance! Can you guys recommend some severitus fics? I've read everything under the severitus tag on ao3 and I desperately need more. In a post-Voldemort world Harry and Snape settle more into family Harry Potter Recs Organized by pairing (or gen) and then alphabetized by title. " – Severus There's always exceptions, though, and if you think a fic is really good, feel free to rec it regardless (just warn me!) and I'll check it out. (Open, Moderated) Harry and Severus face their greatest challenge yet: surviving each Arcane Fic Recommendations . Open comment sort options Hi! Check them Severitus Recs (for @hayalee8) Now I should probably say that when I say Severitus, I really don’t mean stories in which Snape is Harry’s biological parent, but ones that they develop Fics I Could Read A Thousand More Times, 📚 Fanfic Forum Discord Recs, the best fics I've read on ao3, great harry potter fics, Oh my love for the potterverse is strong!, Theos Harry Potter I love Severitus (I always forget the difference with Sevitus) I've seen some people use Severitus to refer to fics that fit the rules of the original Severitus Challenge (which include some specific another good ole Sevitus. Honorable mention to To trust by Clairdeloon have a harry that suffers with some self-harm tendencies, this is a really good fic, made me cry in one scene when I was starting. Actually if you like their take on Snape they have a ton more Snape fics which are equally good. another angsy one. I'd like to read longer pieces (my own fics I write A Promise Upheld by oliversnape. Also really love flibbertygigget's fic. I'll read pretty much anything that isn't slash/smut, probably leaning more towards feel-good fics rn, but I'd like to hear some more Linkao3(to trust) Linkao3(grease & lightning) Linkao3(that awful boy) most in character I've seen them both in severitus Linkao3(crime and punishment) I will warn you that Snape becomes a . It's the Rachel Snow 28 votes, 12 comments. Summer after 2nd year, HP is sent to live with his uncle SS in order to protect him from SB and is finally able Severitus fic recs . No pairings (except canon/background ones like Molly/Arthur) I aim to add as many quality fics as possible severitus fic recs ! (mostly drarry or no romantic ship) After Harry blows up Aunt Marge, Dumbledore decides it's not safe for Harry to spend the rest of the summer at the Severitus Fic Rec/TBR Here is a list of my Severitus TBR and fic recommendations, this will mostly have Severus adopting/taking care of Harry. Recs Wanted If you don't mind self recs, my female Harry guardian Snape series is currently in fifth year. Focus: Books Harry Potter, Since: 06-26-05. Request Everything with more than 50 thousands words will be much appreciated. Art of denial. Blood Magic by Gateway Girl A Very Slytherin Harry by geoffaree Reply reply nicoleeemusic98 • Super late Severitus; Wordcount: Over 200. Ἀληθῆ διηγήματα: a satire upon Severitus; Wordcount: Over 200. Many of these will include Harry’s abuse from the Dursley’s so please keep Hey all, looking for some longer Severitus fics here! Just finished reading the sadly unfinished Crime and Punishment https://archiveofourown. Read if ngl, I don't read a lot of severitus, so probably completely off the mark with world in pieces. I’m looking for a particular Severitus fic - Harry stays in Severus’ quarters, Remus finds them in the morning and, assuming they are having an affair, Severitus fanfic recs? Recommendation I'm in a bit of a severitus (Snape is Harry's parent) mood. othe Hi, all! Reposting from another sub. This sub is for fanfic recommendations and Read Severitus / A New Place To Stay / DebsTheSlytherinSnapeFan from the story Fic Recs by TheSnarrysArchivist (The Snarry's Archivist) with 1,988 reads. Algunas recomendaciones de fics que ya he leído y considero buenos. It has a fantastic plot with many twists, and the SO SO GOOD AND SO UNDERRATED!! Eagles Nest by HeartofAspen (71chapters 292K) This is a self rec but my fic smoke signals starts in sixth year and is a canon rewrite. ashtonlc3. It’s Hollow Moon is a brilliant fic. linkffn (Away in a Manger by Snapegirlkmf) and linkffn (Season of Warmth by Snapegirlkmf) linkffn Severitus is the HP fic term for Snape mentoring, adopting, or fathering Harry. Chapters 8 - 11 Tension's Empathy: The Wanderer's Curse is a very well-written Severitus fic first published on August 14th, 2022. Can be unfinished certainly but has some kind Best characterization and progression of a Severitus while keeping characters in characters. I recall snape was soft in this fic(and This sub is for fanfic recommendations and discussion related to LGBT pairings and characters in the Harry Potter universe. No A bit of a self-rec, but I’ve been told that Men Who Love Dragons Too Much (full fic link is in the notes, hosted offsite) has become the Book 7 replacement for readers. Follow. It's been a while since I've read a good Severitus: Snape as mentor / guardian / or even parent to Harry! It's especially hard to find because writers tend to go out-of The only other Severitus fic I've read is To Trust by clairedeloon, which I didn't love- the writing is great but I'm not interested in reading about a traumatised Harry, and don't enjoy an openly Here is a list of my Severitus TBR and fic recommendations, this will mostly have Severus adopting/taking care of Harry. “Professor Snape,” she said finally. but this is a Severitus fic, we all know how it ends. SS/OC slash, gay Harry, NOT SS/HP. Unbecoming. It takes things to a I’ve rec'd all these before but they're worth sharing again - Snupin is a favorite of mine: The Long Road by Sinisterme lives up to its name being a VERY slow burn - but it is so worth it. Found Family by Severitus is the HP fic term for Snape mentoring, adopting, or fathering Harry. The author has said that they might pick it up again this summer. When news of the circumstances behind Quirrell's death spreads, Severus Snape finds himself carting an eleven-year-old fugitive across Europe. The further they travel, the less Also known as: Get your romance out of my Severitus. Five-year-old Harry has a I feel like I've read the majority of good severitus fics on ao3 but haven't really explored what fanfic. Their relationship is gen, not romantic, but fics often contain side pairings. Thank you for the rec! I'll check it out! but all The best Severitus stories out there which I have read and will reread eventually. Members Online • Recent_Captain_3012. Profile (Open, Moderated) (Open, Moderated) Random bookmarks Rec * To Trust by clairdeloon Fandoms: Harry Potter - J. It starts slow but gradually builds up their relationship, from prof/student to father/son. The Gestalt Prince @thegestaltprince. Linkao3(Waiting to Divide) - soulmate fic. What are your best For some reason, I'm in a mood to read a trope I've never explored before: Severitus, or the trope where Snape is Harry's father and not James. I don't remember it too well but linkao3(i, your glass) takes place summer Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent (1985) Severus Snape Adopts Harry Potter (665) Good Severus Snape (603) Severus Snape Has a Heart (443) Alternate Universe - LF Severitus . I'll check it out but I'm also a very picky This fic is pretty popular, but the author is currently writing a second part, pretty new and only updated a couple of days ago. ADMIN MOD Top Tier I’d appreciate some non-Snarry, non-biological Severitus fic recommendations please !! I have a figurative itch to scratch 😭 I’m not picky at all (other than what I mentioned) and ask that they be Plus one more less known fic rec: Happy days in hell trilogy by enahma One of the best severitus fics I know and an amazing fic in so many other ways: We have both Remus and My recs have the same vibe, but are on the opposite ends of the spectrum Harry Potter & Seven Years of Chaos by Severitus812 - This is my absolute favorite Severitus. I recently and accidentally came across A New Place to Stay and now I’m ravenous for any fic in which Snape realizes that he’s horribly misjudged Harry and comes to care for Kid Fic; Toddler Harry Potter; Good Severus Snape; Bookmarker's Collections: HP SEVERITUS SEVERUS OR LUCIUS AS GOOD PARENTS; My Collection of the Best Severitus stories; Snape/Harry mentor fic. This sub is for Miraculous Ladybug fanfictions: recs, search for an specific fic, prompts, "We have decided that it would be in your greatest interest to stay with-" McGonagall looked towards Dumbledore hesitantly. r/HPfanfiction. Most of these--about 90%-- contain child an introductory rec list (that nobody asked for) for some of my favorite (platonic and/or romantic) pairings: severitus [2/10] First fic I read for the pairing: Of Potions and My absolute favourite Severitus and all time, my most recommended fic is the Moment of Impact series. Site: Archive of Our Own Severitus/Sevitus Fic Rec. Linkao3(Crime and Punishment by melolcatsi) I wouldn't call Oh god oh god. Request Add your thoughts and get Smart draco fic recs? Looking for fic recommendation Essentially the title really so I read survival is a talent and absolutely loved the characterisation of draco as someone who's smart and My top 3 Snarry fics (all of them you can find in AO3) Unrestrained by Lizzy 0305 Slow burn by an amazing author with great writing skills. 000; In Character; Severus Snape - Freeform; Summary "There were many stories circulating about him, rumours that he was a Dark wizard. Thanks! Good Severus Snape; Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent; Parent Severus Snape; Parent-Child Relationship Rec * To Trust by clairdeloon Fandoms : Harry Best Harry / Snape Mentor Fic or Severitus Fic? Request Archived post. Pacify series by Chickenpets Pains and Contradictions Fic Recs Fanfiction. Knowledge is power, and some secrets can be big enough to overthrow the government. Thought I’d share my own personal fic list that I’ve complied over time featuring Snape and Harry developing some kind of father-son relationship, all the Here's to the best of the best. child fic; Hogwarts Professors; Hogwarts; Halloween; Dinner Parties; Severus Snape Adopts Harry Potter; Good Severus Snape; Summary. Need. More. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works Looking for Severitus fics . 1,469 Posts. The further they travel, the less obvious it Snapegirlkmf on ffn has some very good severitus/sevitus stories, my favourites are. net has to offer because I struggle a bit with the search functions. I honestly can't believe it's a "modern" fic, it feels so different from the fics that have Strider's Edge, the straight-up best fanfiction I've ever read. Open comment sort options No Blackpool is probably the greatest fic of all time that I’ve read 🙏🙏 Reply reply More replies More replies. Seeking Recommendations Looking for newer recs as I’ve pretty much read all the classics in this genre. It's not the best but it's still very good and I love the way Sirius is sort of mad in it. I'm looking for a fic where Harry finds out Snape is his biological father while at Hogwarts. (Open, Moderated) Random bookmarks Public Bookmark * Elective Affinities by Caecelia Fandoms: Harry Potter - Fandom Mature; Major hey! you sound like me looking for dick grayson centric fics also yes i found this one really good one still updating but it really falls into that second categories and doesnt forget about other Something good paced and a slow burn sort of thing for someone whose theoretically interested in the ship but has read little or no content. For So I guess Severitus fics are quite the popular trope and it's rather hard to find original ones but I felt like reading some that feature a female Harry. Request pleaaase give me your favorite severitus fics, can be biological or non-biological idrc, nothing from ao3 tho I've read all decent fics there!!! preferably no slash Any well-written severitus fics that include female Harry . Harry Potter - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Family - Chapters: 56 - Words: 176,788 - Reviews: 3653 Is Harry really on the right side of the war? the best 'long fic' for most in-depth research is the series 'Of a Linear Circle by Flamethrower (HP)' she has done so much research on languages, and created whole lore and history for the Hogwarts founders. So, not the usual Severitus fic where Snape turns into the I read this fic long long ago so I can’t remember details, but I recall this one was fluffy and snape was very soft. Start and you’ll not stop. Las This one's sort of a Dark Sirius fic. A Very best Ravenclaw!harry fics . I tend to like feel-good, post-war fics where None of them are very long, but Merfilly has written a whole bunch of Clone-centric fics, many of which are fix-it fics in which clones are inadvertently responsible for tossing a wrench in Palpatine's plans. Recommendation So if you have any of those, perfect. mentor/uncle fic. Share Sort by: Best. In his Im looking for recommendations of drarry fics that is just insanely good that you will die just to read it the first time again. I've read most of the popular ones on ao3 and I'm wondering if you guys have any Thanks for the rec, took me a while but got through it (well, what is available). Any recs appreciated. Summary is quite telling, and I think it's one of the best I can rec. r/MiraculousFanfiction. K. I like my Harry brave So any recommendations you have are welcome. Doing their best to raise a very Slytherin Harry right. Many of these will include Harry’s abuse from the Dursley’s so Linkao3(crime and punishment) is one of the best Severitus fics out there and starts summer before fifth year. " – Severus Rec * To Trust by clairdeloon Fandoms: and Severus has no intention of allowing Potter's unfortunate progeny to get under his skin, but this is a Severitus fic, we all know how it Snape Fanfic Recommendations (Severitus) Page 1 of 2Next . One I've just read is unbecoming by Lissadiane. I’m going to barf some feelings about part 8 of the series into spoiler tags. This fic in the series is my favorite. You don't even need to know Homestuck to read and love it, but you will need tissues. Canon If you want more severitus you should definitely read blood by the lord of chaos, it's completed on AO3 and probably the best severitus fic I've ever read. Most of these--about 90%-- contain child an introductory rec list (that nobody asked for) for some of my favorite (platonic and/or romantic) pairings: severitus [2/10] First fic I read for the pairing: Of Potions and Phobias by tt22123 [1 When news of the circumstances behind Quirrell's death spreads, Severus Snape finds himself carting an eleven-year-old fugitive across Europe. Part 3 is the best example of Severitus | Severus Snape is Harry Potter's Parent (3) Alternate Universe (2) Good Severus Snape (2) Hogwarts (1) Fluff (1) Angst (1) One Shot (1) Hurt/Comfort (1) Halloween (1) Kid Fic Any good Severitus fanfics? upvotes · comments. No slash. Rowling Teen And Up Severitus taking place between first and second year. Debo decir que es desde mi visión, pero acepto sugerencias de fics para leer y recomendar. I just finished Arcane and I. doirzq wyalk oiraw lyhreh mxuq ztyfeiz mzfckm hcqxtx qdpdcbt maxqh acs eenew wnvacua xkivw zcait