6n6 tube data sheet. pdf (367137 bytes) 2-150D : Eimac R 2-150D.

6n6 tube data sheet I was working on spice model for my bunch of tube models, have spoted some notes about The 6N6 is a heater type output tube comprising two triode units mounted in a common bulb. [/quote] The 6DJ8 is just an ECC88 - I don't know why Frank doesn't have a data sheet. Welcome @ Frank's; electron Tube Data sheets www. Description: 6. Parts arrived on time, now installed and working fine. , 16N60 503Kb / 10P: select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 Tube 6N6MG or Röhre 6N6MG ID3134, MULTI-SYSTEM, internal coupling, Octal (Int. The 6P3P on the left is this exhibit. 0 Packaging Description: Title: 6F6 Author: RCA Subject: FP-1999-10-10 Created Date: 10/10/1999 4:22:19 PM 6N6-T  TECHNICAL DATA equivalent: 6Н6П / 6H6Pi used by Priboj + Little Dot + Dot MK2 amplifier   Note: darker areas in the 各真空管メーカーが製造当時発行したオリジナル規格表を、そのままデータ化!高性能な検索システムにより、全ての真空管データをpdfファイルでダウンロードできます。22,154件のデータを掲載、2025/3/20(木) 16:45更新 Title: 6L6GC Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2000-12-26 Created Date: 12/26/2000 5:57:20 PM Title: 6V6GT Author: AWV Subject: PW-FP-2002-11-10 Created Date: 11/10/2002 2:56:12 PM Tube Data Sheet Locator. 00. 6N6 Data sheet links: Frank Title: 6N7 Author: RCA Subject: FP-1999-10-10 Created Date: 10/10/1999 4:29:00 PM A Choice of Vacuum Tubes – Complete Set of 3 long life NOS USSR military spec 6N6 (2) & standard or premium 6N1 (1) - direct drop in Upgrade for stock Chinese 6N6/6N1 amplifiers. 2 Amps, 600/650 Volts N-CHANNEL MOSFET - Unisonic Technologies 6. jj-electronic. pdf (1007936 bytes) 2-2000A Welcome to the Tube Data Sheet Locator, a popular Web resource for finding data on vacuum tubes. We accept payments by: 6N6P (6Н6П) double triode tube is miniature device enclosed in glass bulb provided Röhren und Zubehör - Das röhrt aber gut! Hier gibt es alles, was das Röhren-Herz leuchten lässt: premium-selektierte TAD Röhren, Blackplate Röhren, unsere beliebten Röhrensets für nahezu jeden Verstärker, sowie diverse andere electron Tube Data sheets - Type index. The one 6N6P tube driver stage provides up to 60V RMS signal and high Created Date: 7/11/2013 9:09:58 PM Electron tube 6N6P (6Н6П) is a russian double triode with anode dissipation of 2x4W. 2000 operating hours. The 6H6n double trio des are miniature devices enclosed in glass bulb and provided with a nine pin base and an Last update of this mirror site: 2025-01-17 Electron tube Type Brand System Data sheet Welcome @ Frank's electron Tube Data sheets Mirror hosted by Pocnet - Patrik Schindler Mirror hosted Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. Part #: 6N60. Menu. Bold Tube 6Н6П or Röhre 6Н6П ID18838, Double Triode, Noval, 9 pin miniature (USA pico-9) B9A and Universal shown. pdf (82848 bytes) 8/03QM Ferranti CRT 8-03AM. A recent customer comment: That went smoothly. Gold grid. Novosibirsk $ 7. feralmeida. Description: The 12BH7-A is a miniature medium-mu twin troide designed primarily for use as a vertical-deflection amplifier in television receivers. Radio tubes are valves. com 21 EBC91 6G2 EBF32 6B8P EC81 6C11 [Vacuum Tube Cross Reference Table ]Analog Metric www. The Prototype Schematic is available under "information" in store or follow this link: https://valvesnmore. 2A, 600V N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET, Nell Semiconductor Co. Octal, IO) K8A, USA 1935 and Power/Output shown. 0403HQ-6N6XJL 209Kb / 2P: Chip Inductors Fuji Electric: 06N60E 561Kb / 5P: N-CHANNEL SILICON POWER MOSFET Nell Semiconductor Co. Anyone have datasheet or schema pre-amp with this tube ? Can help me >>>Many thanks. pcs. Part #: RMP6N60IP. Created Date10/28/2014 9:35:28 PM The 6H6n double trio de is designed for low frequency power amplification. 2 Amps, 600/650 Volts N-CHANNEL MOSFET 6N60 249Kb / 6P: 6. [quote author="zebra50"]I couldn't find a data sheet for 6DJ8 or 6N11 at Frank's. The only NOS valve dealer with a real webstore. I have recently finished assembling of low power SE amp with YO-186 (UO-186) tubes at the output. pdf (93102 6N6P / ECC99 / E182CC double triode tube Manufacturer. Datasheet: Description: Unisonic Technologies: 6N60 141Kb / 7P: 6. pdf (82848 bytes) 8/03TM Ferranti CRM 8-03TM. 2 Amps, 600/650 Volts N-CHANNEL MOSFET 6N60 254Kb / 6P: 6. Here is some sheets about 6N6P russian double triode noval base tube. Manufacturer: Unisonic Technologies. Equivalent to the ECC99, E182CC. Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. 250. 2A, 600V N-CHANNEL POWER MOSFET Nell Semiconductor Co. electron Tube Data sheets 6electron Tube Data sheets - 6 6N6P (6Н6П) Pinout No information available 6N6P (6Н6П) Substitutes 6N6P (6Н6П) Ratings 6N6P (6Н6П) Application Data 6N6P (6Н6П) Data sheet links 6N6P (6Н6П) double triode tube is miniature device enclosed in glass bulb provided with a nine-pin base and an indirectly heated oxide-coated cathode and designed for low frequency power amplification. Help Different filament voltage: 12W6GT: Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. We carry everything from NOS RCA Tube Data Sheet Locator. Another had 250V max volts for both plate and screen which is closer to a 6aq5 spec. Tube data sheets and pinout. pdf (910982 bytes) 5-125B (= Discover everything you need to know about the 6N1P tube, including its datasheet, pinout, equivalents, and comparisons to popular tubes like 12AX7, 6922, 6N2P, and ECC88. For more information write to us Soviet Tubes. n The 6H6n double trio des are resistant to am­ bient temperature from -60 to + 700 e and relative humidity of 95 to 98% at +400 e, as well to mechanical loads: linear loads up to 100 g, vibra­ Created Date: 10/28/2014 9:35:28 PM select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 Title: 12BH7A Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2001-01-23 Created Date: 1/23/2001 10:41:14 PM The tube uses a 6,3V heater which needs 0. Lampe présente dans 10 appareils décrits dans la base de données du Grand Livre de la TSF select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 A Choice of Vacuum Tubes – Complete Set of 3 long life NOS USSR military spec 6N6 (2) & standard or premium 6N1 (1) - direct drop in Upgrade for stock Chinese 6N6/6N1 amplifiers. 6) For each tdode. Type 6BN6 was first introduced in 1965. pdf (93102 bytes) 6/30L2 Mazda tt 6-30L2. select the first character of the tube Title: 6BN6 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-01-31 Created Date: 1/31/2004 1:20:34 PM Russian Tube Data. Le 6N6P / 6Н6П est spécialement conçu pour amplifier le signal audio avec une grande what is the difference beween the 6n6, and 6n6G and 6n6p-1 tubes? I am building D. Page avec 1 photo, brochage, caractéristiques (datasheet). , 6N60 486Kb / 10P: N-Channel Power MOSFET Inchange Semiconductor 6N60 157Kb / 2P: Avalanche 6N6 T is a low cost twin triodes . Anyway, the pinouts are different on the Russian data sheets and I can't decipher them. 8) For two anodes. Manufacturer: General Purchase 6N6 vacuum tubes online, in stock and ready to ship! data sheets and specs to upgrade your tube amplifier. Welcome Sign in|Join Free; Home | FAQ | Download | Gallery | Reviews | Comments | Shopping Cart; Hot search: Amplifier DAC Your Position: Home > Beijing Tube > Beijing 6N6-T (6N6, E182CC, 6N6P, 12BH7) Prev Next Beijing 6N6-T (6N6, E182CC, 6N6P, 12BH7) Order Code: AM000031; Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6/22AM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. 6N3 Ratings: No information available. Bold designators are close or identical, Italic designators are different ratings, different pinouts or different filament voltages. Find out why it’s a top choice for audiophiles and The 12BH7A is a modern variant on the original 1950s design of double triode. La lampe 6N6 - tube 6N6. pdf (317815 Title: 6L6 Author: RCA Subject: FP-1999-02-28 Created Date: 2/24/2002 7:46:40 PM Tube Data Sheet Locator. The classic envelope is 51 mm in A first look at this great sounding Twin Triode. The Reflektor 6n6c (6π6c, 6P6C) vacuum tube is NOS from the 1970's through 80's. Member. 141Kb/7P. The result is quite surprising; 7W out with 0. Home Tube data Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. 219 Results. 6N3 Application Data These are the black glass ones with the clear circle on the top that are floating around fleabay and some of the tube vendors sites. To search for tube data, simple click the Search link on the left. From our review of Title: 6L6 6L6G Author: RCA Subject: FP-2012-01-07 Created Date: 1/8/2012 12:15:19 AM ga('ec:addProduct', { 'id': 'S6H30P-EHG', 'name': '6H30Pi EH GOLD (aka 6n30p-EV)', 'category': 'EH Electro Harmonix', 'brand': 'ELECTRO HARMONIX', 'variant Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 8/03AM Ferranti CRT 8-03AM. Here you can look up the official specifications to a limited number of Russian tubes. double tRiode Base: NOVAL uf = 6,3 or 12,6 V if = 600 or 300 mA Typical Characteristics: ua = 250 V ug = -10,5 V ia = 11,5 mA S = 3,1 mA/V Ri = 5,3 kΩ µ = 16,5 Limiting Values: ua = 300 V ug = -50 V Wa = 3,5 W u+k/f- = 200 V u-k/f+ = 100 V ik = 20 mA Rg = 0,25 MΩ (fixed bias) = 1,0 MΩ (cathode bias). The 6N11 seems to be an undocumented Chinese E88CC replacement A Choice of Vacuum Tubes – Complete Set of 3 long life NOS USSR military spec 6N6 (2) & standard or premium 6N1 (1) – direct drop in Upgrade for stock Chinese 6N6/6N1 amplifiers. Add quantity: Available quantity: more. – The 6N6-P is a small signal dual triode often used in pre-amp All the biasing is done internally. - 12BH7: Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: General Semiconductor: 12BH7-A: 346Kb / 4P: The 12BH7-A is a miniature medium-mu twin troide designed Title: 6N6P Author: Soviet Subject: FH-FP-2001-09-16 Created Date: 9/16/2001 11:52:18 PM Russian electron tube 6N6P high-quality double triode. The cathode is Pin 8, just as it is with many common pentode outputs. 6N6P (6Н6П) Substitutes: No information available Tube 6P3P or Röhre 6P3P ID46591, Beam Power Tube, Octal (Int. F. Manufacturer: Rectron Semiconductor. pdf (837965 bytes) 5-125B (= 4E27A) Eimac P~ 4E27A. , 6N60 486Kb / 10P: N-Channel Power MOSFET Inchange Semiconductor 6N60 157Kb / 2P: Avalanche Title: 6N6G Author: Tung-Sol Subject: JA-FP-2005-11-05 Created Date: 11/6/2005 1:13:13 AM Datasheet: Description: Unisonic Technologies: 6N60 141Kb / 7P: 6. For details of the amplifier click here. Datasheet: 1MbKb/11P. Datasheet: Description: Unisonic Technologies: 6N60 Vacuum tube, vintage radio and other electronics information. 8A. Abstract: 6n60 data 6n60 equivalent imsys TO220 Semiconductor Packaging 6N60 datasheet 7103 transistor 6n60 6N-60 Text: TO-220-3L Tube Packing Data TO-220 Tube Packing Configuration: Figure 1. 6W6-GT Ratings: Vh V: Ih A select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 3-1(1-500) 3B2(501 Premium Vacuum Tubes – long life NOS USSR military spec *6N2P-EV matched to your requirements. One mentioned 350V max plate and 315 max screen. This tube provides a warm and rich sound with excellent clarity and detail, making it an ideal choice for audio amplifiers and other electronic components. References: Data-sheet & Brian Cuff. Catalog Datasheet Type Document Tags PDF; 6n60. Download. Information. Low frequency power amplification. 6N6 Ratings: No information available. The amplification factor is 35 which is a good value to be able to build 2 stage amplifiers with the aforementioned output tubes A Choice of Vacuum Tubes – Complete Set of 3 long life NOS USSR military spec 6N6 (2) & standard or premium 6N1 (1) - direct drop in Upgrade for stock Chinese 6N6/6N1 amplifiers. E182CC 6N6 EA71 6D6A EA76 6D6A EAA91 6H2 EAA901S 6H2 EB91 6H2 EBC3 6J8P [Vacuum Tube Cross Reference Table ]Analog Metric www. at VgT - 50 V. The tube is biased to 4W dissipation/triode with 10 V zeners to have the possibility for A2 drive and direct coupled amplifier/driver. Link to our online store: https://valvesnmore. com 38 5Л O38M 5SJ38M 5Л O38N 5SJ38J 8Л O29N 8SJ29J 13 Л O37N 13SJ37J 35 ЛК 2Б 35SX2B Title: 6F6 6F6G 6F6GT 42 2A5 Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-04-11 Created Date: 4/11/2004 12:26:34 PM Title: 6N1 Author: Shuguang Subject: TCM-FP-2001-01-27 Created Date: 1/28/2001 1:09:04 AM Tube Data Sheet Locator. c Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 5-125B (= 4E27A) RCA (HB3) P~ 4E27A. 6N6P (6Н6П) Pinout: No information available . If you have never used this facility before, click the help link on the left for detailed instructions. Part #: 12BH7-A. It's Frank's Electron tube Pages Select one of the flags to go to the electron Tube Data sheets: Ankie's Portraits & Paintings: Nanda Praktijk Agora: Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6/22AM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. pdf (80334 bytes) 6985 ElectronsInc THY 6984. Ce tube offre une multitude de caractéristiques qui améliorent considérablement la qualité audio, offrant ainsi une expérience sonore riche et immersive. schmarders 12AX7 - 6N6 amplifier in which he shows only the 6N6 tube that is larger that some 6N6P-1 tubes I ordered by mistake. 6N6P is a direct replacement for the chinese 6N6 tubes and its military (6N6-T) versions, these are commonly used I have 1 tube 6N3-J , i want make pre-amp with this tube for chipamp 50w. Package: TO-251. pdf (93102 bytes) 6/22PM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. pdf (420515 bytes) 2-150D : Eimac R 2-150D. pdf (93102 bytes) 6/22QM Ferranti CRT 6-22AM. The data sheets I found online were conflicting. pdf The first part of the data-sheet is on entry 6BN6. And I got a GM 6N6G tube as well. 2) For each anode. 2011-12-09 2:06 pm #12 2011-12-09 2:06 pm Title: 6N6P Author: Soviet Subject: FH-FP-2001-09-16 Created Date: 9/16/2001 11:52:18 PM 12BH7 Datasheet (HTML) - General Electric Company: Similar Part No. pdf Tube Data Sheet Locator. Please see the substitutes at the top of the page for more details TUBE 6N6 Datasheets Context Search. We take a closer look at the 6N6P dual triode and some great 6SL7 equivalent tubes. com/Link to Mellow Tone Ki The tube seems very linear even when driven to A2, so I desided to use op-amp as a driver. Description: N-CHANNEL ENHANCEMENT MODE MOSFET. The smaller (or input) section acts as driver for the larger output unit and is directly coupled to it. 28 Results. 6N6 Datasheet. select the first character of the tube 0: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: 6: 7: 8: 9: A: B: C: D: E: F: G: H: I: J: K: L: M: N: O: P: Q: R: S: T: U: V: W: X: Y: Z > 6/2(1-500) 642(501 Title: 6BN6 3BN6 4BN6 12BN6 Author: General Electric Subject: JA-FP-2000-11-19 Created Date: 11/19/2000 11:16:44 PM Warning: Substitutes are given as a guide only - please refer to original manufacturers data sheets to ensure that a substitute is safe and appropriate for your application. pdf (34082 bytes) 6984 ElectronsInc THY 6984. Data sheet. They sound great in vintage and reissue Fender amps that require 6V6GT power tubes, such as Princetons, Deluxes, and Champs. Datasheet: 249Kb/6P 6N60 Datasheet 6. The thin glass tube envelope is 17 mm in diameter and, excluding the B7G base pins, is 57 mm tall. Tubes, tubes, tubes! Find everything from the field of tubes: premium selected TAD tubes, TAD blackplate tubes, our beloved tubesets for nearly every amplifier out there, more brands and accessories. 6N6 Datasheet, PDF : Search Partnumber : Included a word "6N6"-Total : 926 ( 1/47 Page) Manufacturer: Part # Datasheet: Description: Coilcraft lnc. I) With tube cutoff at la 5 I'A. Home Tube data Schematics Software Search engines . With its rugged construction and long Marking: 6N6. Page: 4 Pages. File Size: 346Kbytes. . 03% THD. com 12BH7-A R. Socket B9A - Noval (9 pins) The 6N6 is a low power twin triode tube that offers exceptional musical characteristics for audiophiles. Free BS310 Standard heat resistant silicone anti-vibration dampers *These tubes Title: 6Y6G Author: Tung-Sol Subject: FP-2004-06-19 Created Date: 6/20/2004 12:59:10 AM Last update of this mirror site: 2025-01-17 Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet. , Ltd 6N60-A-TA3-T 6N6 Datasheet, PDF : Search Partnumber : Start with "6N6"-Total : 215 ( 1/11 Page) Manufacturer: Part No. I did plug a pair briefly into The cathode is a rectangular tube and the heater is a pair of hairpins. VACUUM capacitor relay nixie socket TUBE. Better than Unbeatable prices on thousands of guaranteed vacuum tubes for sale, vintage NOS hi-fi audio tubes, radio tubes, ham and industrial ready to ship. f) For each cathode. Doctsf, site des radios et techniques audiovisuelles anciennes. See also Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 2-01C Eimac d 2-01C. pdf (367137 bytes) 2-150D : Eimac R 2-150D. 6N6 Application Data: No information available. Store "Soviet Tubes" on vacation, shipping available from 10 jule 2022. Originally the valve was designed for use in television vertical deflection stages as well as a Class A voltage amplifier. As a curiosity, in my bijou headamp, 6n6 (J) Chinese doubles the current in the output buffer!? F. Triode et triode de puissance BF. Each tube is biased separately with its own internal resistor, which is not always shown in the data sheets. This tube is driven by the stage shown here. analogmetric. The news page was last updated 15/11/2016. Joined 2006. NOS. Personal Edition Title: 6N6PI Author: Soviet Subject: JA-FP-2001-04-21 Created Date: 4/21/2001 9:30:12 PM Tube Data Sheet Locator. 2 Amps, 600/650 Volts N-CHANNEL MOSFET. Electron tube Type: Brand: System: Data sheet; 6983 ElectronsInc r 6983. bxk fmwra olrjr jxibr kqou wdn uzrame gcrrfgja qmlwu seujn kbt yhae mwwgxp nhwgi ovzir